A goddess of The Identity Cult is angry Florida won't allow leftist indoctrination in our school-system
You don't say! What a surprise.
First, you need to understand the design and objectives of a devoted ideologue like Crenshaw. These brief passages do a pretty good job of that:

Intersectionality is based on a concept called "positionality." Here, Critical Race Theorist and creator of Intersectionality, Kimberlé Crenshaw, tells us the idea is rooted in the strategy of Antonio Gramsci, considered one of the fathers of Cultural Marxism.

Then read the sanctimonious plea…

What is happening in Florida, as reported by @propublica, is state-sponsored censorship and it is wrong. Our universities, students and national discourse benefit when we are free to teach and learn about racism and anti-racist ideas like CRT.

And lastly, scroll the comments from her disciples under that post above. These folks almost seem ready to book their one-way trip to Guyana!