As a practitioner of law myself, few fronts concern me more than the open usurpation occurring within our legal apparatus. It doesn’t take a legal background to understand the horrors that can flow from this. And we already have receipts: a family law judge severing a father’s parental rights over refusal to genuflect to gender ideology and support radical transition of his own child; a human-rights court ruling that a female weightlifting organization must allow men in woman face to compete. I use the term “front” because this is of course just one tentacle of that greater beast. But the legal takeover is truly The Holy Grail. If you can obtain control (or even influence) of judges while indoctrinating the future lawyers and those who will one day be on the bench, you can take over a nation entirely… and permanently. It’s not a coincidence that most of the prominent architects of this leftist cultural takeover are lawyers themselves. The godfathers of Critical Race Theory, such as Kimberle Crenshaw and Derrick Bell, not only practice law but openly spoke of the need to use the legal structure to drive transformation (revolution).
That’s Crenshaw’s paper. The second paragraph above tips the hand. The goal is to use race as a vehicle to invert the power structures. It’s the identical method of attack with gender and Queer+ activism. Use sexuality and gender-based identity categories (and the related emotion and societal-mania you can cultivate with narratives of oppression) to activate for completely unrelated political causes. Ultimately, it’s activation for nothing more than a power-grab. That’s what these revolutions always become, of course.
But what is happening within our legal framework is uniquely concerning, because it is uniquely dangerous. There are other glaring aspects of this such as the progressive DAs being so aggressively funded and the resulting chaos that obviously brings (and quite arguably is designed to), but I’m going to leave that out of this short piece and hone in solely on what’s happening within legal education. This speech at a law school commencement over the weekend is bone-chilling…
“The law is white supremacy”. Boy, that’s a hell of a line to hear coming out of the mouth of our future lawyers and judges! She speaks openly of leftist revolution. This is “critical consciousness”. Now, I’m not objecting to this young lady’s right to hold these positions, or even to espouse them at a law school graduation speech. She can do her. But this is glaring writing on the wall for the sane left among society. This is Evergreen-caliber shit. And I wouldn’t be so alarmed if this was new or spontaneous or isolated. But it’s not, at all…
That was at Stanford’s law school. A dean of the school (a DEI Dean, of course) came over not to put the radical idiots shouting down an invited judge in check, but to help put that federal judge himself in check for daring to speak words which strike against leftist gospel. Thankfully, Stanford had a rather stern reaction to this appalling scene. Thankfully, the Stanford student-body appears to be making moves to recapture some control from these idiots even outside of law. Those are good signs, but this crisis is so deeply rooted that we have a long long way to go. And we’re still perilously close to allowing long-term transformative power-plays that we may have a difficult time unwinding.
Did you listen to that clip in full? This is not only someone educated through law, but someone being paid to teach law to out future lawyers and judges at the most prestigious law school in America. These are the words of a rabid ideologue; a revolutionary foot solider. This one happens to be a man that dresses up as a woman every day and gets aggressive with anyone who won’t actually consider him a woman. Of course he does, because he is an absolute loon! A loon being paid top-dollar to teach our top legal students. Just chew on that for a minute. What is he actually teaching?!?
That ideologue teaches law at Berkeley. One so deep into ideology she can’t even use the word “mother”. She refuses to answer questions under oath in Congress, stating she is answering questions she finds more interesting instead. Real-life! Can you imagine how suppressive the environment is in her lecture hall?!? My god. And these are the people training our future legal professionals? Well, if your goal is leftist revolution and power usurpation, of course they are! And what is the end-result of this madness being driven from the top-down at a system-level? We now have those receipts all around us…
That was Yale’s law school. Not surprising to me at all, tragically. Both because I understand the level of institutional capture we are under, and because I visited the Yale campus in New Haven back in the summer of 2021. Know what I saw? An academic holy ground that now seemed like a leftist temple. The bookstore now had a downright museum display surrounding the registers dedicated to Racecraft, colonialism, gender and sexuality-mania, the usual cornucopia of leftist dogmatic insanity. This is your children’s baptism when they go to buy their books after you paid six-figures to send them off to be (re)educated. I couldn’t believe what I saw in that room. And yet the campus had flyers and graffiti all in the same vein, so it made perfect sense. So does the “ideology as reality” you see pouring out of their professors. The church adjacent to campus had messages about Black Lives Matter on its sign instead of words of Jesus. I guess they pray to leftism in there now. Capture is complete in New Haven. I assume that’s the case at dozens if not hundreds of campuses.
What do you think law school at Ohio State looks like with this amount of DEI Commissars?
Or Michigan…
Read this document. It’s from 1977.
Indeed, very concerning!
I studied at Harvard Law. I saw with my own eyes what was happening with CLS professors. One of them ran his seminars like cult meetings with various manipulation tactics and subtle abuses of students (comparing them to each other, triangulation, etc.). The seminar was packed with students from developing countries who thought that he's on their side (because he supposedly stands with the oppressed against oppression, and all that BS). He used this seminar to indoctrinate them into his theology. I couldn't survive the 3rd meeting and left the seminar in the middle of the semester.
The same professor also repeatedly ventured into various international projects and legal interventions in developing countries. At the time I was lamenting the fact that his students are probably going to have influence in their home countries, and the sadism involved in inflicting these damaging ideologies on them and the larger population there. I didn't imagine that it would take such a hold in the US.
By the way, Crenshaw makes various false statements about the law in her popular '89 article, in order to push her agenda:
People need to understand that these writings are not only highly manipulative, disordered, and damaging, they also don't have any basis in real legal research, or in simple facts, for that matter.
And a last note - the progressive DA movement is also deeply steeped in CRT:
Theo - a civil war is coming and it will be one based on the indoctrinated verses the non-indoctrinated. The indoctrinated are those we commonly refer to as woke where as everyone else, aka teh "normies" are the non-indoctrinated, those people for who the indoctrination efforts via the public educations system failed to take root and or are those who were home schooled and or attended private schools; those who were actually educated and not indoctrinated. I believe this will initially start out as competing/parallel systems. You will have companies that refuse DEI principles and who appeal to the normies. Because most of the powe3rful corporations are infested with DEI ideology it will take some time for that to cause self-destruction and the collapse of these companies as they discover that hiring based on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion was a self destructive path. The parallel economy will then gain the upper hand however that is when I fear the Federal government will act in a desperate attempt to regain control because we know those behind all of this are doing it so as to destroy society from within so that it can be reset allowing them to swoop in as the saviors and get the population to agree to anything for a return to normalcy. If parallel economies are allowed they will be a problem that the elite will have to address. I believe we will see states like FL,TX and AZ secede from the US To reform as a new Constitutionally based nation. The US military will be too weak (thanks to the Democrats' ideological purge) to effectively stop this but they will try and this is when I fear a kind of civil war will start. Possibly before these states successfully secede, possibly after. Those seeking to reset the US along with every other nation will use every measure at their dispose to prevent a successful parallel economy.