Andy Slavitt has been one of the dirtiest players throughout this all
Receipts of him working with Facebook in government capacity to suppress information they knew (and acknowledged going in) was truthful
The level of corruption being revealed within our federal apparatus across various fronts is mind-blowing. The more rocks we turn over, the more we find. Mind you, this one is Facebook and not Twitter…
True to my title, Andy Slavitt has been a filthy figure in this all. If you’ve followed him on Twitter, you know well his revolting tweets that dripped with sanctimony. And shots. With Andy it is always more and more shots. If it were up to him, we all would have faced dire mandates. I threw a lot of barbs at Slavitt, deservingly so. He was the prototypical know everything/my shit doesn’t stink loudmouth. And see, the reason he is such a fraud is so many of the positions he stood on couldn't withstand scrutiny. But his positions never had to, they were our “expert” opinions that were Team Government blessed and anyone who disagreed was a scumbag right-winger who wanted people to die. But it wasn’t scumbags or just people on the right. Many people as qualified or more than Andy were speaking up, their works being spread around and discussed. And then those discussions would be suppressed and voices deboosted or silenced, while Andy and his ilk broadcast what we now know was propaganda from the highest mountaintops. And now we see exactly how that went down…

This is a staggering passage:
When they are “disproportionately promoting” the admittedly-true content, they will remove the Account.
Boom! Record-skip moment. That’s on command of the federal government, folks.
Andy, thanks for taking the time to connect on Friday. Per our discussion, I wanted to follow up with next steps:
It’s funny to hear the “private company” thrown around so loosely like it’s an absolver. Those people don’t understand “state action”. What you see above is quite possibly a First Amendment violation. What Twitter Files has revealed unquestionably is. They are silencing dissent, not disinformation. Millions of Americans still defend this as righteous, almost every one decked out in Team Blue.
The walls are closing in now. Irony being, Elon and his brilliantly-selected team of journos haven’t even finished going through the data yet. These holes will just dig deeper and deeper. That’s one thing I’ve always found really eerie about this all. There have always been receipts, glaring ones. On topics like natural immunity, threat to kids, transmission, masking, “with COVID” hospital numbers, etc, we have always had receipts. We just couldn’t get them out thanks to assholes like Andy Slavitt, their media and Cali lackeys, and whoever was directing them all. But they knew those receipts would eventually surface. They knew they would be caught. They had to have, the receipts were too clear and widespread. They couldn’t censor everyone forever. And that’s my point. They did know, they didn’t care. The gains then were worth the losses now. If you try and make that make sense in our world in your head, it can take the mind down some dark roads.
It's straight out of a sci-fi novel that…
Walensky is saying “our data shows vaxxed don’t carry”, that’s our CDC.
Maddow beams across the nation that it “stops at every vaccinated person”, Biden says “You will not get COVID if you have these vaccines!”, headlines everywhere such as “It’s official: Vaccinated people don’t transmit COVID-19”.
Fauci is saying 10x more deadly than flu while the CDC platforms RSV to build unwarranted fear in parents so they’ll give their children shots they never needed.
Studies from Germany, Sweden and even Johns Hopkins showing extremely low threat level to children go completely unreported and ignored.
Myocarditis risk is buried and people attacked for even sharing their own injury stories.
PopSci and a member of CDC's Vaccine Advisory Panel broadcast that vax-driven heart inflammation is “mild” goes away in a few days. Advised “We shouldn’t even call it myocarditis”.
Studies from around the globe on natural immunity including gold-standard ones from Israel buried or spun so Team Biden could continue commanding vaccine segregation using children.
Even Andy Slavitt himself broadcasting to 100s of thousands of panicked minds at the height of it all disgusting Fear Porn propaganda about a hospital going into combat-style triage mode and choosing who will vent and who will suffocate to death on the floor. Real-life, but it was all bullshit. It was a procedure discussed years before. Andy could have confirmed that in five minutes. But Andy didn’t want to. Andy wanted to scare you.
These are the type of federal employees who decided they had the right to suppress truthful information if it led to “vaccine hesitancy”. You mean an ambiguous standard that allows you to ban anything you want? “Our agenda”, you really mean. Like “our democracy”. The same people behind that list of lies above (I have a receipt for every one of those) are putting tape over our mouths, deboosting our voices, silencing legit experts as Twitter Files has revealed, and permanently eliminating thousands from the public discourse. And as those of us who were allowed to read and speak have always known, what many people now know, and what many more will soon, is that our officials and “experts” were largely wrong. It’s hard to believe this could all be our reality. But it is, it’s right before you.

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Two chilling posts from Alex Berenson: