Breaking down propaganda: This needle-pushing operation is filthy!
Look at the amount of deception from Peter Hotez and a slew of media and "experts" in a single piece
I can’t believe this doesn’t infuriate every American whose brain still works. The same people repeating endlessly that they are of science, for public-health, trying to save lives, and portraying themselves as desperately trying to shut down the dangerous “antivaxxers” and disinformation peddlers, are actually the ones pushing overt deception and propaganda right in front of us. And it is day in and day out by our largest outlets and institutions. It has been for 2+ years now. Take a look at this piece from USA Today/Yahoo which is presented as blessed by the likes of Peter Hotez and the CDC. Below the link are some specific passages I want to point out. This is so dirty!
The number of severe infections and deaths remains relatively low, despite the high level of infections, she said, thanks to vaccinations – and probably – previous infections.
“and probably previous infections”? What?!? You mean “thanks to previous infections - and maybe - vaccinations”. Has Paula Cannon the virologist from USC never seen this CDC data?

Or The Holy Grail study from Israel in December of 2021. It was almost their entire vaccinated population, and they were the global vax frontrunner.
Or the other robust set from Israel all the way back in summer of 2021. They all showed the same thing. Conclusively.
Vast superiority of natural immunity to vaccine immunity with benefit of vax post-infection being de minimis. Of course Ms. Cannon is aware of these data sets. She is a virologist; she is shilling. Then you get one of the most robotic, Peter Hotez, off the top ropes:
Past infection provides some protection against severe disease, but that protection is "highly unreliable," Hotez said.
As if vaccine-driven is not. It’s both unreliable and inferior to begin with. But gotta get that “super immunity!” :-/
And when the vax is barely doing a thing for transmission, the data is struggling to substantiate even on severity, the vast majority of the population are post-infection and were mega low risk to begin with, what do you do? How do you get people to take these shots? You make shit up if you’re that commited, and they are. You encourage healthy people who are largely post-infection to take more and more shots to protect from corollary impact. Yep, real-life.
Vaccination reduces the risk of long COVID by 15% to 30%, according to a study he recently published. Another study he is working on shows Paxlovid reduces the risk by 26%.
Just think about that for a second. These are our own health agencies and science/medicine institutions, all of our media. It's crystal clear this is tailored to getting more shots out, not the cost/benefit and public or individual health. And that is simply indefensible.
I appreciated that they are finally owning up to previous waves of propaganda. They don't deserve any credit here though. The reality is just so overwhelming that they can’t blur and hide it anymore. First, that non-fitted masks (the type almost every mandate calls for including all school/children) are ineffective.
Second is wearing a mask. Good quality, well-fitting masks, like an N95 or KN95 can reduce the risk of infection.
It’s sad that such a simple and obvious statement would be a big deal. But it is a big deal to see it stated that way, that’s how sad our information environment has been.
Second, they acknowledge the data which shows Paxlovid only benefits those 60+ or the infirm/unwell. Meaning, for the majority of the population, it is worthless… and in fact, it is documented to give people “rebound COVID”.
For someone over 60 or with medical conditions like obesity that raise the risk for serious disease, the first step after a positive test should be a call to the doctor to get the antiviral Paxlovid, she and others said. The government has pre-bought millions of doses, so they are available for free.
But why is Beat Pharma Biden buying millions of doses and pushing it on everyone then? So does Pfizer in their commercials, which contain links on the bottom of the screen. “Just trying to save lives!”, right? Prepuechasing and deploying drugs we know are not necessary or even effective is not “saving lives”. It’s closer to criminal than noble. Yet it is sold as noble in our upside-down times.
Try and put these two passages together…
The newest COVID-19 variant is so contagious that even people who've avoided it so far are getting infected and the 80% of Americans who've already been infected are likely to catch it again, experts say. Essentially, everyone in the country is at risk for infection now, even if they're super careful, up to date on vaccines or have caught it before, said Paula Cannon, a virologist at the University of Southern California.
. . .
ll six experts interviewed by USA TODAY this week dismissed the idea that there is somehow an upside to getting infected: Vaccination provides better protection against future infection without the risk. "I'd be happy if I never got any virus again," Cannon said. "And I say this as a professional virologist."
These are virologists, they obviously know that most people are already post-infection. As in, almost everyone now. They acknowledge that even with the vax you are still going to get COVID. And yet it’s implied it’s a choice between the two? It’s disgusting to see this day after day from our “experts” and leaders. Trust in institutions is shattered.