I’ve long maintained that DeSantis’s landslide reelection in 2022 would blow The Truman Show off-track for good. I’ve repeated that since back when I first joined here, when people squarely told me I was nuts for holding that view. But the premise was always simple…
Back in 2020, we were operating in an information environment that called our governor “Death DeSantis”. Even the outlets that didn’t stoop that low uniformly painted the same picture. Ron was acting like a maverick for political purposes, it was the wrong decision, it went against The Science, and his arrogance was killing people. The Moral vs. The Monsters, and Ron was 2020’s Monster Second-in-Command. But see, us Floridians were living in an environment where we attended carnivals without masks and played games and rode rides while most of the nation was forced indoors, hiding from the world and afraid to allow their children on playdates. The American people were insane with fear, laser-focused and rabid about needles, while we were hosting Superbowls with 100s of thousands of people and nobody even cared about needles.
This stark contradiction between messaging and reality grew so wild that this clip here below was actually released as an attack ad against DeSantis. When it was first put out, people on this very platform circulated it around and gloated about it. Just think how crazy that came across to those of us in Florida who were thrilled about Ron’s policies and the freedom and economic protection it gave us, were out and about living life barely with masks and with no discussion of vaccines at all, and knew for certain that we didn’t have frozen morgue trucks outside of our hospitals like those broken from COVID Compulsion had been led to believe. On top of that, we were well-aware that your favorite mask-loving, vax mandate-loving politician was vacationing (see: escaping) down here… with no mask on.
Watching that ad now is like The Twilight Zone. Ron could run it as a campaign ad in 2022. And see, it was that batshit crazy to most of us here in Florida when the ad came out, because Ron’s policies had allowed us to live in reality instead of The Truman Show. The level to which this wedge has been driven down here is impossible to put into words. We have changed culturally down here as a people. Once the seal of lies was popped during COVID, our people began seeing all the other deception too. It wasn’t “LGBTQ+ rights!”, it was overt sexualization and leftist indoctrination of our children. It wasn’t “anti-racism” and “the teaching of history”, it is borderline psychotic dogma fueled by vengeance which serves leftist goals using our children as tools turning them into activists. Florida had its eyes opened en masse, and now Floridians have drawn a line. The Florida Line. The Florida DNC is about to get trounced! Blown off the map.
And the more The Truman Show remained on their one-note activist-driven messaging, the more this wedge was driven and the gap grew. I mean, we had NYC paying to run billboards down here with “GAY!” plastered all over them, when that ridiculous “Don’t Say Gay” messaging had lost the Florida people ages ago. In fact, it never had the Florida people. We always knew that’s not what DeSantis’s law is about. Anyone who has read the bills knows that. That was national messaging not Florida messaging, from the very beginning. That was stupid activist-stuff for the parts of the nation that are sadly beholden to that stupid activist-stuff. We mocked this all openly in Florida, while every MSM outlet we have presented it like it was The Truth and the only people opposed were ignorant white nationalists and MAGA terrorists. Nope.
And that’s where this simple premise comes in. When ALLLLLLL the messaging has been about how horrible and evil Ron DeSantis is, how he killed his own people for selfish gain and wants to bring white nationalism and fascism back to Florida to crush its people with his Red Army, and then us Floridians reelect him in record-setting numbers, the propaganda is done. It’s fallen flat and been unplugged. What are you going to do next, say that us voting Ron DeSantis into office in a message-sending landslide is “The fall of democracy”? Sadly, we live in The Twilight Zone now, and yes, that’s precisely what they’ll do. In fact, they’ve already begun laying that foundation because they’re well-aware of the public faceplant they’re about to take…
It is the realm of the bizarre, truly. Us Floridians reelecting our governor because he did such an extraordinary job looking out for our interests in the face of this out of control and coercive federal apparatus (completely consumed by leftist activism, having given radicals the keys in full, and obviously owned by Big Pharma and operating solely on its behalf on the COVID front) is the very definition of “democracy”. Literally. This propaganda is so empty it has become deranged. And yet even Biden keeps pumping it more and more, culminating in his insane speech in front of the fiery red wall with fists pumped looking like tyrants of times’ past. See, they have to double-down on it, they cannot cede this front. Why? I explain that in detail in this thread below…
The Florida Line is as critical to them as it is to us. It’s truly become everything.
And once you’ve read that thread above, cast that mental framework over to what I was writing about this morning regarding events across the pond. Notice any common threads? You sure should! It’s the exact same tension, because it’s the exact same struggle…
The clown train carrying the meat-puppet president is immense. Amazing how they (progressives) continue to cry out in pain even as they attack. Leftists find themselves in control of almost all facets in Media, Academia, and Gov't, yet they proclaim that half the country are existential threats.
Imagine where we are at right now as a country compared to only two decades ago. It's clown 🤡 world on steroids. Only 20 years ago, one could have reasonable debate and discourse on the issues the country faced. Now? Forget it. We actually have people who lived under USSR that compare it to how America is today. Censorship, hyperdriven by technology has nothing on the old Soviet guard.
Yet, it will fail eventually. No system that attempts the oppression of millions can last. Sadly, it will have to get alot worse before it gets better.
Please come to Texas and run for office. We need you in other states to cancel the Truman Show.