I’ve spent a lot of time discussing the notion of “Repressive Tolerance”. This engine runs everywhere! It makes one side’s agenda become something we all must champion or we’re abhorrent, while making the other side’s agenda inherently abhorrent. But I want to shift the focus here slightly. Let’s talk about what exactly this social-engineering machine is working to achieve. Well, in this case, what it is working to whittle. What is this design and who is it serving?
I want to talk about guns. Let me give you my very brief personal position on firearms. I’ll do it in bulletpoint-form:
Guns are an essential cog of freedom.
Guns protect the individual from tyranny.
America was founded on gunpowder.
Americans are the most heavily-armed populace the world has ever seen, and it’s not even close.
America as a nation is uninvadable because of this armed populace. I’m not sure there is a military on Earth that could take and hold just Florida or Texas.
The Second Amendment was built to ensure this protective foundation remained.
Militia meant civilians armed as opposed to firearms controlled by the state.
It meant all of us having weapons inside and then having civilian guard units.
The very essence of the 2A is this web of the armed individual. At mass scale it is unlike anything in history.
This protective shield also applies against our own government domestically. In fact, based on the time period and recent events, this was THE primary thrust of the 2A.
Our Patriots understood this well because they had just fought for and gained our freedom down the barrel of firearms.
They first and foremost wanted to ensure no monarchy could ever capture, coerce, and control our people again.
Well, not First, that was the right to say whatever the hell we want. They made it the Second in case that First one fails.
You’ll note The Same camps pressing down on speech try and push gun control. If they had their way, we would be under confiscation.
Without guns, your society will become bitched. Look at Europe and Australia.
I am the son of a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army. I was born on a base. The first sound I remember is that of cadence floating through an open window at sunrise.
I only ever understood a world where guns are not bad, but needed, omnipresent, and good.
Guns are not to be hated, they are to be understood and utterly respected.
You cannot respect guns without having been exposed to them.
People who respect firearms rarely commit crimes with them and have few accidents.
Criminals don’t do either and they don’t follow gun laws.
Only law-abiding citizens follow laws. That’s what makes them law-abiding.
The best solution for an armed bad guy is an armed good guy. Our Patriots all understood this. Most of America understood this until… well, we’ll get there.
My father exposed me to guns at a very young age. I shot a .22 and a .38 as a boy. The .22 barely kicked and reminded me of a BB gun (I also played with those; GI Joes too!); the .38 Special was a damn hand cannon and scared the shit out of me the first time I fired it.
I wasn’t very impressed by either gun. I wasn’t too eager to fire guns again. But I respected them. I was taught to. I had jumped in the pool and so I understood them. Imagine being in charge of swimming for all of society when you’ve never even had your head underwater.
I knew where my father’s guns were growing up. An olive-drab metal Army box held his ammo and his firearms were locked but not hidden.
I wasn’t interested in them because they held no mystique. I had fired them and had no need to try and tinker with them when he wasn’t around. See how different this is from modern-day ‘guns are bad’-phobia parenting? Those kids can’t wait to get at guns. It’s like the sheltered private academy kid who goes off to college and dives head-first into drugs because he had never even puffed a cigarette. Same engine.
I understand the importance of guns and will always maintain an armed household, but I am not a hobbyist. Many of my friends are gun enthusiasts, but I keep mine in little safes only I can get in and take them out only once or twice a year to make sure all is good.
I never carried but sometimes do now. It is what it is.
That’s me and guns. But this essay isn’t about me. It’s about all of us. More specifically, it’s about the how/why of who makes these calls for all of us. For society itself. Consider this evolution for a moment…
The gun is an item emoji no different than a rocket or a motorcycle. Why does the emoji for “gun” have to be a plastic squirt gun? That’s not a pistol; that’s a toy. Who made this absurd call for all of society as if we are Kindergarteners? It would be the equivalent of putting a bottle-rocket for “rocket” or a Big Wheel for a Harley. It isn’t referring to the same thing at all. So then how and why did we get there? They say it is for the children, but how dare you decide this warped and retarded way of raising children is best for all and will be mandated on all. It’s not. I think the people who feel the need to try and artificially NERF life in this manner are sheepish and deranged. The type of people I would never want to get behind when shit hit the fan. The type of citizens who could have never founded our great nation of individual freedom and are unable to defend it.
You’ll note that when these first came out, even Big Tech had not been fully captured by all this weaponized empathy nonsense (Repressive Tolerance). Well, that’s probably not the winning theory. They had not yet been able to display it in full. Just walk down those years and look how it got whittled down. It’s the same pussification that happened to everything. The same way we could no longer call anything “retarded” even when it wasn’t directed at a mentally handicap person. Or ultimately, how we got to the point all of society had to call men “she” because this same densely siloed, increasingly rabid, and narrow-minded demographic said so. By 2018, the notion of a firearm didn’t exist on social-media anymore. The Orwell-like brainwashing was fully complete. Today, only X shows a gun as, well, actually a gun. The rest must display 2 and 2 as 5. And here is what the Repressive Tolerance crowd has to say about the one outlet describing reality accurately….
Why is Elon Musk a “scumbag” for making the emoji for a gun on his platform be a cartoon graphic of a gun instead of a strange green plastic squirt-gun? The emoji people are requesting when they type that (the words we as a free people are trying to say) is “gun” and not “plastic squirt-gun”. Why aren’t the “scumbags” the self-centered zealots who thought they had the right to mandate THEIR preferred (and fucking pathetic!) manner of speech onto all of society without our approval? I mean, just set that on the table by itself for a moment and think of the story it tells. Think of how intensely an upper-tier (Hunger Games) apparatus has to be constructed for it to operate, and how heinously demoralized a populace must be to accept it. This brings me back to my title of my piece. I think guns are good. Who made the decision for everyone (including me and my family) that guns are to be bad? I can answer that seemingly difficult to answer question. A very narrow (and narrowminded) stripe of way over (and artificially)-empowered zealots like Jill Filipovic. People who almost uniformly are siloed away from the Joe Americans who do all of the critical work and gritty functions that require guns. These are people who have spent their entire lives in the Ivory Towers of academia and think Americans who want to pack heat are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed. The ones who now believe men can become women and speech is “violence”. Can you imagine how repulsed our Founding citizens (in every town!) would be by an American with this mindset? And yet, they control all of media. They are our “culture writers”. This troop on the right giddy with childish glee because they are near what is functionally like a saint to them? That is the Capitol Press Corps. They are supposed to report on her and protect us from the powerful. Otherwise “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, amirite? Lol what a disgrace. I guarantee you there isn’t a single firearm within that entire troop. They have all been raised to think of guns like nuclear waste. Definitely not something they’d put in a fancy bag next to a little fluffy purse-dog.
Fire a gun in the presence of any person those in that photo and they would scamper away like puppies. They could obviously never exist around people in the military. Jill Filipovic has clearly never associated with a police officer outside of uniform in her entire life. She is proud of that! Read her post above again. They don’t need them in her lecture halls and editorial rooms; they don’t like them in her favorite Starbucks. This is the very essence of Repressive Tolerance. This is that Alinsky-style mechanism of societal capture and control in application. What is most important to grasp here is that I drilled down on just one tiny aspect of The Same Thing. We see this wicked engine running in Christianity vs. FrankenFemme; with Queer+ activism and gender spirits vs parents; with sanity vs anti-racism and Hatecraft; on every front related to immigration and the illegal invasion; lacing all of the “disinformation” complex and pleas for government censorship over our Constitutional rights in the name of “safety”; etc etc etc. And that’s because it is all the same people. That group above would support every one of those initiatives. Much Progress! The ones who despise guns. The item that created America. That’s anti-American reversion, not progress.
I don’t want my son to be anything like David Hogg. I don’t want my daughter to be anything like Jill Filipovic or Hillary Clinton. I surely am not going to raise disconnected brainwashed bitched children who think all guns should be plastic and green and those who carry the real metal ones are Bad Guys. Just like I’m not interested in brainwashing my children to believe those who work in the oil industry are Dirty Oil Guys and also wrong. The mantras of Progress and the Clinton-Obama sphere. Probably all bigots too, amirite? Did they change the oil emoji yet to ice cream or something? I noticed they don’t even have Army emojis or military at all. But they made sure this was available for all those people who think men can get pregnant. Who thinks this? The same warped women and broken men who want to paint guns as evil.
I was going to add a whole ‘nother component to this. One about how different life and the surrounding climate of it is when you’re in proximity to a military base. You know, when you’re not in an isolated pocket of mostly academics. But I think I’ve made my point.