If you walked up to a coworker and asked them if they are sexually aroused by penises, vaginas or both, what would happen? Would this be considered an OK question to ask in your work environment?
Surely not! You’d be thought of as a pervert and a creep for the rest of the time you worked there, and that may be your final day as this would almost surely be considered sexual harassment in the workplace.
So then why are we ok with our school districts asking this same question of young children? Other people’s children! Why do educators need to know whether young kids are sexually aroused by boys, girls or both boys and girls? Why are our teachers talking about sexual arousal with other people’s young children in the first place? How does this serve public education? Are we really so tribal and blind as a people now that we can’t see the screaming open door this creates for ideologues to indoctrinate our children and perverts to prey on them?
The more this progresses without massive public pushback at the surface level, the more I lose faith in the American people.

Look where this leads…

What will it take exactly? What’s the tipping point?

End this madness, now!

And this framing is how we do it…

I shared this on Twitter. I now have a merit badge I’d previously not earned. Thanks, Theo! 😝