It’s time to fire up this Substack engine and take it for a spin!
I created this over a year ago when I felt some heat on my Twitter account and was worried I might get zapped. At the time, I only planned on using it as a fallback and email list, but I figured I’d probably write on it one day. I appreciate all of you who have signed up before I’ve written here. Your support on Twitter has just been incredible! It’s made everything worth it.
Why am I starting this? Well, as those who follow my ramblings on the Bird know, I spend a lot of time sharing thoughts about ongoing topics. It takes a lot of effort to work within the confines of tweets and threads, even though I love the ability to link around. So I’ve long thought about other ways to share thoughts. Substack has always been on the top of that list. One of my favorite Twitter peeps told me the other day he reads my page every morning. Like it’s his newspaper. I was floored at notion! Honored, really. It would be a dream come true for me to be able to spend this kind of effort being a daily eye. It’s all really clicked with me and fits my skill-set well, and has really lit a fire inside. So the combination of having a less-restrictive environment to ramble in, and the possibility of what I’m doing becoming something more tangible has tipped the scales in favor of me giving this medium a try. I haven’t previously because I don’t have time to do both. I spend far too much time on the Bird as is. So I’ve always viewed this as a replacement and not a supplement or addition. I’ll have to figure out a balance that works. If I could write in my own arena and enough of you were listening, I’d drawn down my time on Twitter in a heartbeat. That place is a toxic cesspool… but it’s important! It’s become central to communications, news, social, current events, politics, everything in our country. Those who ignore that are fools. That’s why I wade in those muddy waters so often. So I’ll surely still be posting over there too. Again, this is just taking this vehicle out for a ride. I don’t have any big plans or expectations.
On that note, I want to be clear that I’m not here to throw my hat in the ring with our Word Wizards. I’m not using this platform to show off my writing abilities or dazzle anyone with prose. I’m going to use it for the exact same reason I post so much on Twitter, to try and get a message out. To help there be another note out there sounding other than the same one we hear from every other direction. The goal has always been sharing information and analysis, spreading awareness, opening eyes, and then helping push something back I know people will join once they grasp what is actually happening in our nation.

The energy that has built behind me over the last 23 months has confirmed for me that this is what I’m meant to be doing. Sadly, it’s needed. And so that’s what I intend to do, communicate my message. Help share what’s not being shared, analyze the deceptive layers of what is. I don’t intend on altering my style here at all, in fact I was bummed to see we have no emojis. I even searched to see if I could backdoor some in. Lol I plan on cursing, dropping links, writing in slang or however I feel like it, you’ll probably catch some typos. I’m ok with that. I want ears and thoughts in return (I’ll check comments), not polished pieces to seek awards and praise.
I haven’t figured out yet if I’m going to try and keep things organized over here, or use it as another vehicle to scream in the wind. Probably the latter at first and then eventually the former. I do have some topics in my mind that I’d like to write on and can somewhat see an organization between. I’d like to do a few breakdowns of some of the most egregious deceptions around COVID and vaccines. Short and to the point with the receipts to support my words. Resources others can use to fortify their arguments, help expose what’s occurred and push back this tide. And then mostly, I’ll just transfer some of that endless write-long-threads energy I’ve been generating in my brain and do some of the same sharing and rambling here on a different canvas. If it sticks and seems to help the reach and point of this all, I’ll continue. If not, no worries.
I appreciate you all coming along for the ride.
I read you every day. When my twitter account was suspended it was your writing that I missed the most. I am still able to search on twitter so now I search you everyday to read your work. I’m so glad you are writing on substack.
You should run for office. We need your voice now more than ever. You have unwavering strength, honesty, conviction and the unique ability to deliver your message in a powerful way.
I followed you for a year on Twitter but was permanently suspended for criticizing the jabs three times.
I still occasionally check in on your Twitter using "incognito mode" which is read only. Just know there are Twitter ghosts who read you but cannot like or comment.
Keep the flame alive🔥