Man, where to even begin. Twitter put tape over my mouth again today, so I haven’t been able to do my usual rantings. So much bouncing around the brain after Taibbi's two-pack of Twitter Files. It’s an endless cavern of brain fodder! I felt like sharing some thoughts, but I don’t at all feel like “writing a piece". So I'm just going to ramble here…
The thing that jumped out at me most was “collusion". There wasn’t a more important word during Trump's entire presidency. One attempt to disempower him after another, all involving tales of horrific “collusion", almost always Russian. But whereas Russiagate proved to largely be Clinton Propagandagate, what we saw under the hood today is profound, expansive, aggressive, systemwide, in-your-face collusion. The very definition of.
What do we talk about all the time? Propaganda 101. Accuse your opponent of that which you are doing. In this case, literally manufacturing it…
In September, 2017, after a cursory review, Twitter informed the Senate it suspended 22 possible Russian accounts, and 179 others with “possible links” to those accounts, amid a larger set of roughly 2700 suspects manually examined. Receiving these meager results, a furious Senator Mark Warner of Virginia – ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee – held an immediate press conference to denounce Twitter’s report as “frankly inadequate on every level.”
OCT 13 2017: “No evidence of a coordinated approach, all of the accounts found seem to be lone-wolf type activity (different timing, spend, targeting, <$10k in ad spend).”
OCT 23 2017: “Finished with investigation… 2500 full manual account reviews, we think this is exhaustive… 32 suspicious accounts and only 17 of those are connected with Russia, only 2 of those have significant spend one of which is Russia Today...remaining <$10k in spend.”
Twitter’s search finding “only 2” significant accounts, “one of which is Russia Today,” was based on the same data that later inspired panic headlines like “Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone”.

Think about this carefully. Bring in the context of Matt's previous installments detailing how Hunter Biden's laptop was systematically buried…

And then how the same people suppressing and silencing with a story how they’re keeping us “safe" from “Russian collusion" are working across our entire media, tech and federal security apparatus to curate and broadcast a faux-reality to sway an election and later brag about it…

These are all tentacles of the same beast. This is The Truman Show. We aren’t learning much new from this; we are having receipts laid on the table for what many have known was going on a long time. It is straight out of an Orwell novel. The government is telling us they are protecting us from the very thing they are doing against us. Chilling.
And yet, this isn’t round one, is it? Heavens no, it’s not even close. We've had “Russia Russia Russia!” for years on end now. It almost feels continuous at this point. No matter what the topic or target is (they did the same with COVID/vaccines), the left are the heroes of righteousness, science and truth, while the right is always not only wrong policy-wise, but morally abhorrent or facists or nazis or Russian agents if you want to dress the same thing up for the fancier cocktail parties. And it’s always been the same people behind the curtains throughout…

Ahhh, Ms. Clinton of Steele Dossier fame. Remember ALLLLL that recent noise about “End of democracy!”? Yeah, that was these same people.
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Another thing I was really struck by today was the continued ostriching of two camps: those shit-canned off sanctimony, and those fully trapped now in “The Moral vs. The Monsters"-posture and just blindly tribal. They simply will not accept that any of this is true. Or for those who still have some nuts screwed tight up there, that any of this has meaning/reveals even an issue at all. It is staggering to witness! I’m not talking about teenagers with anime profiles. It's media types, professors, users here with six-digit followers and reputable careers. I mean shit, I saw one today get ping-ponged down a logical chain trying to dodge and ultimately landed on “Yeah, and these were actions by a Trump administration”. What?!? Sure, you can have the technical point, but I’m offended if you think I’m that dumb. Our federal security apparatus (FBI, CIA, DHS, and their endless array of departments and agencies) has been not only openly serving but secretly colluding to favor the left since well before 2016. This is what Twitter Files has revealed.
This is all state action and so if you simply look, you’ll see they identify these webs openly. The problem is, no one in our entire legacy media sphere will report on this stuff. Why did it take Twitter Files for us to learn about this? Shouldn’t our once-fierce industry of investigative reporters have dug on this FOR US years ago? Yes, back when our media still had reporters serving the citizenship. They’re gone now, across the board. The Fourth Estate is dead.
Thanks to The Researcher for the link above, it came from this excellent thread:

This is the same apparatus that hunted Donald Trump before he ever set foot in the White House. This is the FBI with agents like Peter Strzok texting his fellow FBI agent/mistress he is banging that the agency won’t allow Trump to become president. “No, we will stop it.” he tells a panicked Page who is worried the American people may not elect their chosen candidate. Your mind has to be completely destroyed to think this apparatus was acting on Trump's interest in 2015-2020.
And yet, those WERE the agencies under his executive, weren’t they? The same ones actively working to sabotage and remove him from office throughout his entire term. Remember, all that Russia Russia Russia!‐bullshit led to a 3-year-long $50M+ investigation that consumed his entire presidency. And when that hand flopped like all of their others, they impeached him over Ukraine “collusion”… the same country Biden's trainwreck son is running around like a playboy banging hookers and coke on camera while getting paid millions to sit on their gas giant's board even though he has zero experience (all he had was an important dad). Real-life! I mean, this shit just hits layer after layer. That’s what I meant with the subtitle. This is the same gas giant by the way (Burisma) under corruption investigation until Joe Biden himself leveraged billions in US funding to have the prosecutor removed. He states this openly:

Isn't that almost identical to what they impeached Trump for after the Mueller investigation failed (Propaganda 101 again)? And none of our reporters ever dig on this? Why isn’t this shit on the nightly news instead of Trump's taxes? Not only does our entire mainstream ‘investigative reporting’ industry fail to investigate this stuff for us, they use compromised puppets like Ben Collins dressed up in “Disinformation Specialist”-costumes to try and prevent these stories from even coming out now. Our own reporters fighting against the truth of Twitter Files being known by our people. And this too has been the case consistently! The greatest threat to free speech now comes from our own journo sphere. Just think about that for a minute, and consider how dangerous it is for a nation's citizenship. Hell, the Hunter Biden suppression was so bad and so systemwide that his own business partner had to resort to a 1990s-looking hostage video to get his story out:

I bet some of you have still never heard his story, even though we're now in 2023. The two-wayness of this all is DEFCON5. They’re hiding that which they need suppressed, while broadcasting their own bullshit off mountaintops. And they do all of this while sold 24/7/365 down every single one of our cultural channels as The Moral, The Good Guys, the people we must give more power to so they can keep the rest of us “safe”. Goebbels would be proud. We're lucky we saw behind these curtains so fully during COVID. If the grassroots pushback had not occurred, they may have completed the transformation. May have put us all in a checkmate.
Look at this state of denial below, the sheer level of mental wall that has been built. Anything to avoid the reality directly before them. It’s staggering.

“Is this who you want the truth from?” Ho-ly shit! It shouldn't matter who TRUTH comes from. But then again, how many times have you seen someone refuse to process video footage presented to them because it was filmed on a Project Veritas camera? Respectable people too. “The Moral vs. The Monsters" cuts in many ways and has been highly effective. It’s what drives the notion (the terrifying weapon) of Mass Formation Psychosis.
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You have to read that above in full. It is so dirty. Remember years of “It’s a private company, they can do what they want!”? A repeated line that stopped its repetition once Twitter was owned by a Bad Billionaire, of course. What way too many people don’t understand is that involvement of the federal government can turn a private entity into state action. That’s what term “color of state action” is all about, and what we've seen in Twitter Files already goes well beyond that threshold. Twitter wasn’t just working with the government, with limited pushback Twitter WAS the government. But “government" isn’t actually the correct word here. Go back to Trump's time. If it was serving “government” it would have largely been aiding Trump too when he was president, right? Clearly it wasn’t; in fact, it’s a machine hellbent on taking him out. No, this is something far more dangerous and evil than that. I wonder if Sam Harris would still consider this all the equivalent of saving the Earth from an asteroid. He said that; he meant that. That's how people huffing sanctimony continue justifying this all to themselves. That’s their path to sleep at night.
Elon has pursued this all so brilliantly in the writers he chose and the way he's let it drip out. There have been so many cries for a bulk dump. Of course! Then it can blow over after one big spin. Nope. This trickle is making The Truman Show look really really bad. It’s making the minions below it look even worse. And, man, this party has barely gotten started…

Did you hear that story about Baker? How the FBI was still in the middle here and filtering even unbeknownst to the company's new owner and this crew of reporters working with the Twitter Files data? Talk about chilling. I suspect those last two tweets above go together. Yep, The Machine is fighting this every step of the way. Because even one chink in the armor sinks the whole propaganda ship. The Truman Show requires complete dominance to work. It’s horrific we ever allowed it to get there, but we did. That’s how 2020 happened. Thankfully, 2021 did too and now a critical-mass is attuned. The sleeping dragon is awakening.
You may very well do that one back-to-back, Mr. Musk. Elon didn’t buy Twitter to turn more profit. He took control so we could see under the hood, to reveal that chink, and we all owe him tremendous gratitude. I believe the end of The Truman Show draws near. The hull is fatally breached and this wicked creation is going to sink in dramatic fashion.
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Thanks for joining me on a late night ramble. I don’t have it in the tank to back and proofread or polish it up. Hopefully it was coherent. Just had some thoughts I wanted to share.
I’ll be writing here for a while, because I don’t think I'm going to delete that tweet that got me silenced again today. It was literally a statement of fact, and I can’t acquiesce to that. I wrote about it here earlier, titled “This can’t continue".