If you’ve never read the thread from Josh Daws linked below, you need to. It is one of the most extraordinary attempts I’ve come across at making sense of what otherwise seems insane. All of these various topics that should have nothing to do with each other (race, gender, sexuality, climate, globalism, etc) all get blended into what I refer to as “The Same Thing”-ideology. They go in one side of this ideological sausage-grinder as apples and oranges, but only one product comes out the other side. The same product, over and over and over. One of an identical mold fixated on identity and immutables, oppressive hierarchies, disruption and dismantling.

But why and how? How did “non-binary gender” become lumped together with “person of color”? How do the various ideological positions on this flyer (sent out to 5 and 6 year-olds at a public-school in the Denver area) have anything to do with “black lives” whatsoever?
“Black Lives Matter At School Week”, right? But what is the nexus between this list and black people:
Transgender affirming, “recognizing trans-antagonistic violence”
Queer affirming, “where heteronormative thinking no longer exists”
Black families, “free from patriarchal practices”
“disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics”
Black villages, “women-centered spaces free from sexism, misogyny and male-centeredness
Unapologetically black, “These principles do not include nor do they support sanitizing the ugliness and discomfort that comes with dealing with anti-racist issues”
What do you see there? What picture does the composite paint? Is it one of a movement designed to benefit black Americans, or something else? These are rhetorical questions, obviously. You’re looking at a material directly from leftist revolutionaries. Leftist radicals that desire to turn your children into ideological robots/dismantling activists that will spend their lives working towards “The Same Thing”-ideology and its visions of Utopia. Of course, it’s not Utopia at all, it’s simply destruction of the American system (note the constant anti-capitalism rhetoric from this sect) and a complete inversion of power structures. The “Anti-Bullying Campaign” in the 90s didn’t actually reduce bullying at all, it just inverted the power structure and made it so the blue-haired kid could use administrative authority to bully the jock. A microcosm of so much more.
“Black Lives Matter” was merely the wide net cast as to rope-in as many as possible. Who would be against black lives mattering? Thomas Sowell once spoke of ideologues wrapping unpopular ideology under platitudes that appeal to all, so if one criticizes the ideology or its proposed methods, they can attack them as being against the surface-level generic cause itself. There is no greater example of this than “Black Lives Matter” and “anti-racism”. What are you pro-racism?!? What do you see in this clip below? Mind you, this is being done to other people’s children. Is this activity truly designed to benefit black people, or is something else going on here/some other form of seeds being planted in these young minds?

For this revolution to succeed, they need our kids. It’s that simple.
That’s what this is all about. This is what “queering” now means. This is why Cartoon Network now commands our youngest children to “See color!”:

Why toxic filth like this is now in our schools:
And why Time Magazine defends it:

If you can look at these worksheets below from another public-school and not see the reality at play here, then you are completely lost. You’ve been brainwashed and blinded.
And in order to have our kids, they must first demoralize them and drive a wedge between them and their traditional moorings (parents, family, church, etc). That’s what this is all about. It’s time to read The Blueprint…

And then browse this web and start putting the puzzle together…

The thread from James Lindsay linked in this below is really good too:

You didn’t really think this was all organic, did you?

But hey, at least the black community got Tubman on the dub, right?
This started from Paulo Freire. This is the Marxification of education. Literally all this garbage is is different forms of Marxism.
CRT = race Marxism.
Queer theory = queer Marxism.
Gender theory = gender Marxism.
This is an attempted Maoist thought reform project writ large.
"You’re looking at a material directly from leftist revolutionaries."
Yep. The wolves are moving in. I wrote this, updating the old fable as a modern allegory.