These COVID shots are never eradicating SARS-CoV-2. We’ve actually known this since the very beginning (since SARS, really), but nowadays you don’t even hear the absurd other side presented. In addition, it’s crystal clear that they aren’t doing much at all for transmission. They never really have, but that’s a conversation for another day (and a topic high on my Substack to-do list). We know for certain at this point that their transmission shield is, at best, poor. We see more evidence of this every day, such as Walensky getting COVID this week after just touting and getting the new bivalent booster less than a month ago. We have double-vaxxed and boosted people getting COVID, taking Paxlovid, and getting COVID immediately again. It’s a shit show.
Knowing this, why is there still such pressure to get these shots? I mean that both from our government and its wholly-serving media, as well as from citizens themselves. It’s as if the “antivaxxer”-mania from 2021 has been frozen in time. Why is everything geared to serve Big Pharma? And that’s exactly the situation we are in, let’s not sugarcoat it. What do I mean by that? Well, the title of this rant was about a chilling effect, and that’s what I want to hone in on…
Even if there had been robust evidence supporting what they were telling us, I’m still not down with an information environment where everything The Machine wants is “science” and every ounce of dissent is tabbed “disinformation”. This is used to censor and silence voices, stifle all forms of inquiry and scrutiny. During this pandemic (and there will be more), the climate got so insane thanks to what I call the Temple of Sanctimony that half our nation became a rabid army of citizen soldiers to hammer down this mission. It’s fundamentally wrong and dangerous as hell. It’s a power we as a people can never grant, to anyone. At the end of that road lives Orwell and “single source of truth”. We must always have an information environment that is transparent, the right to question and logically analyze forever preserved. This remains true even when evidence is clear and strong.
But in this case, we had none of that. What they presented to support their case was rarely satisfactory and never strong. It required media assistance and massaging every step of the way. And yet, we were all to accept it as The Science, and EVERYTHING else was to be damned. Again, this is wrong to me fundamentally. But at least in the beginning you could see how people thought they were so right. You can’t even do that anymore. The science underlying this insane push for repeated needles in all without categorization is non-existent. It is ridiculous we have a single vaccine mandate, abhorrent to see these shots now on the schedule. It’s like mandating flu shots… though I think significantly worse when you factor in the new mRNA technology and how the entire global population is basically being used as one big safety trial.
And years in, the information environment has barely changed. To this day, I am still nervous when I post about vaccine injuries. I'm very careful with my phrasing and what I say and imply. I make sure I have a documented basis for what I’m saying in case I get called out. And I do get called out, all the time. But none of that exists on the other side. You can post Fear Porn with reckless abandon! Blast anything as crazy as you want as long as it helps push needles. There has never been sanction for that, and only somewhat recently any public/discourse pushback. In fact, you’ll praised and boosted!
Why? That’s what I want to know. Why is it this way? Who the hell are we serving? I use “we” because this pressure is largely self-created. Most of that is raw tribalism. The left is hunkered down because the DNC politicized COVID so badly and laid claim to the side of restriction measures and mandates. Worked in the beginning, but now it has them trapped. Our populace is so rabid that people are still wearing masks to not be associated as a right-winger, passionately defending science they know is dead. In doing so, they’re helping perpetuate the madness. But the higher-level stuff is what concerns me much more…
Why is Twitter, Facebook, alphabet networks, cable TV, newspapers, medical and science journals, sports and entertainment, EVERYTHING still geared for “Shots! Shots! Shots!”? Who is this serving? It ain’t us! And we still fully have the chilling effect in place. Instead of an environment of inquiry and scrutiny, it’s still one that commands blind fealty. How is anyone ok with that? I posted today about concerns of vax injuries. There is a lot of smoke now, folks! We have other serious concerns like Original Antigenic Sin and chasing variants with repeated doses over and over in short interval. We have college booster mandates for kids already three shots deep and who just had COVID. And NO ONE on the surface is having these discussions. At all. It’s still verboten.
When does this end? When does this mass-mania of blind government obedience draw down? We're damn near in 2023 now, and look around you. The COVID/vaccine situation is not in a good place. But is anyone that matters talking about it, or is it still only us “antivaxxers”?
Fantastic summarization. You are absolutely correct. I cannot believe *we* are called the conspiracy theorists. When did people become incapable of critical thinking? Not even rhetorical. So scary and just bizarre.
Thank you for starting this substack! I love your twitter content.