The cover-up propaganda for known heart complications from mRNA shots is just relentless! And it's despicable.
In this piece from Yahoo today, Dr. Rebecca Corey states that heart issues from mRNA shors are “theoretically possible” when we have known and documented cases. That’s no longer “theory”, so why would she package it that way? I don’t know, maybe she came off the same assembly-line as Sarah Long…

She joins the nationwide chorus of “our experts” repeating the new mandated memo of “you’re more likely to experience heart problems after contracting the coronavirus than after getting vaccinated”, even though this robust study came out of Israel recently showing the exact opposite.
A large-scale Israeli study of 196,992 unvaccinated adults after Covid infection showed that “Covid infection was not associated with either myocarditis or pericarditis.
It replaced this memo, of course…
But how could that new required-chant even make sense when the vast majority of our population is now post-infection? Everyone should take an injection we know can cause heart problems to protect themselves from potential heart problems if they get infected by a virus they already had? What?!? 😵💫 How can this make sense to anyone? And yet that statement is included in every single article on myocarditis, without exception. It’s a horror show, a trainwreck in slow-motion, one toying with our health.
Was Dr. Comey not aware of that new study? Does she have no knowledge of this either? 👇
She is a cardiologist from Stanford, so obvously she knows about that new Israeli study and the paper from the American Heart Association finding a link between floating spike proteins from the vax and myocarditis. She's just choosing to bury that information (that known reality) from her audience so that those who trust her as an expert will not be aware either and she can push them towards more shots. It’s the same trick another widely trusted “expert”, Nicholas Christakis, pulled last December on natural immunity, to further cultivate blind and rabid hatred at “antivaxxers” (dissent) and prop-up mandates:

Disgusting! And that dude has never owned up to it. Nick continues living that lie today, even after I exposed him and pulled his pants down. But I’m glad we've now seen behind so many masks, especially our ‘expert’ and Ivy League ones. They can keep huffing their sanctimony in a silo that will grow more and more lonely.

This broken and compromised cardiologist ends by telling everyone to inject themselves and all of their children some more. Necessity? Not relevant to them, only deployment. They have no data to establish it anyhow. Benefit for post-infection youth? I’d love to see data constituting that, as we are operating under mostly smoke-and-mirror shows. Risk of vax injury? Just like Dr. Long, Dr. Comey wants you to think the risk doesn’t even exist. “MORE SHOTS IN EVERYONE! 😵💫 Do you think Dr. Corey knows about this new study from Taiwan? 👇 Yeah, I do too. These people are crooks.
With all the bad info and lies it’s hard not to believe there is something sinister/planned behind COVID and behind the vaccines. If they want people to have conspiracy theories they certainly have given us the tools to build them.
Off subject. You bring up the The Truman Show quite a lot. Last night a viewed a show on HBO called The Rehearsal. The theme is if you rehearse something you can predict better how it may turn out. The crazy part is the rehearsals are all done with actors, scripts and manufactured sets. It’s crazy, funny and scary all at the same time, worth checking out.