The known but intentionally-buried risk of myocarditis
And the people claiming to be protecting our health have the audacity to call this "Just trying to save lives!"
Another excellent and important piece from Eugyppius. He has been one of the most prolific analyzers throughout this mess and is one of the many people who have now proven this line true: “What is the difference between reality and a conspiracy theory? About six months.”
Of course, he is also one painted as an evil “antivaxxer” that our society should ignore. What a surprise!
The problem isn’t that a memo when out from Science Headquarters instructing researchers to cover up the obvious fact that the vaccines are a bad deal for young men. It’s rather that science is subordinate to broader political, social and cultural forces, all of which incentivise research showing that the vaccines are safe and effective, and disincentivise research showing anything else. One kind of finding will get you promotion and grant funding, the other will – in the best case – simply be ignored. Cast in this light, the sheer paucity of studies looking at population-wide risks from vaccination in the first place begins to look deeply ominous. This is an entire area nobody wants to look into all that deeply, for fear of what they might find.
Just look at this chart. Look at how drastically the results can be doctored:
This is “The Science” that we were all commanded to STFU and obey or be attacked as abhorrent and have lives ruined for not blindly submitting. Many of the people who assisted in this evil crusade still think they are the good guys. Because our officials and media keep chanting the same. Mass Formation Psychosis.
If you are still stuck on “Just trying to save lives!”, I truly pity you. It’s proof-positive you have turned off critical thinking - and I really don’t give a shit at this point what your motivation there is. You’re all in the same bucket at this point. A bucket that history will not be kind to.
They went INTO this knowing mass-pediatric vaccination would cause significant heart inflammation in the aggregate, some of which would be fatal. Dr. Bostom had numbers early on showing the CDC’s own projections reflecting a higher risk of myocarditis from the jabs for young boys than the % decrease in hospitalization to that same demographic in multiple data sets. Then they silenced him.
Even though we had these numbers damn near at origin, all of those young boys and men were told they MUST take repeated injections for their own “safety”. Even the millions who were already post-infection. Our mandates had no form of categorization whatsoever. Nope, just more shots in everyone! … whether they needed them or not.
And this continues today, even with everything at the surface now, even with our news outlets talking every day about the new XBB variants that have busted the new bivalent booster. Consider this thread, it’s real-life, happening right now…
The amount of receipts one has to ignore in order to chalk this all up as “Just trying to save lives!” or “They were doing the best they could with the information they had at the time” is just staggering. And that so many of my countrymen are completely fortified there mentally is deeply troubling. We all remember when Joe “Beat Pharma” Biden tried to force these jabs on the majority of our 330mil
Osha hardhat spill, no NI treatment which is superior, was tailored to de0loy needles not PH. Ok can chalk up to