The current leftist push is fueled almost entirely by emotion. The way it built the “will to obey” was by weaponizing that emotion. This is why it’s so tailor-made for our “bleeding hearts”. The vehicle for that became moralizing; a sense of self-righteousness on steroids. But I'm going to get into that all in a long piece I have bouncing around my mind. Here's where I'm going with this…
The engine that fueled our Moral Saints was allowed to accelerate until it ended up on a very perverse track. Setting leftist revolution aside (which is its own long tale), the dynamic behind this is quite simple. Take a sympathy or empathy and run it out to such extremes it begins to rub common sense or even reality itself. I like to explain this in the context of transgender, because it presents so clearly. You have sympathy for people with gender dysphoria. You empathize with the challenges they face in society as a result. You desire to help make their lives better, less disrupted, more accepted. The solution then becomes, for example, pushing gender theory in classrooms so that other children have exposure and that ‘trans child’ can feel more comfortable. But holy shit!, where did we just land? We're going to disrupt the gender binary for all children to placate the feelings of the tiny percentage with a mental-health disorder? Which is the same as seeding a mental-health disorder. It's the most batshit crazy notion I've ever encountered. Imagine if you did that for anorexia. And yet, if not for a grassroots pushback, it might be our law right now. If we don't fight hard, it may still yet be. The academic mind got so lost down this road it eventually ended up worshipping gender spirits.
The reality of life (an uncomfortable one for some) is that a society requires codes and standards for survival. There must be moorings for a civilization, a foundation for its people to build on. This is why we make murder illegal, why we have property law. And there are social standards too. These are not imposed by law but are cemented and carried forward by communities. They carry just as much significance.
We're in a revolutionary moment where the fringes are being elevated and empowered, while the middle of bell-curves is being vilified and dismantled. This ties back to the moralizing engine at the top. But I used perverse in the title for a reason. This movement has become very cult-like with a rabid and insatiable sense of self-righteousness. The zeal goes even beyond that, really. To a true sense of zealotry: vanquishers of racism, defenders of democracy, savers of the planet itself! And because it's all driven by this “human rights” engine or “The DEI God”, we've reached the point where the insane is being mandated as the righteous and required.
Look at the mainstreaming of transactivism (gender theory over gender dysphoria) and the catastrophic impacts of it on women. I am to think a penis in a girl's locker room is righteous? What?!? That a man should win female sports titles. That scientific and medical institutions should stop saying “mother” and refer to them only as a “person who bleeds”, or “person with a uterus”, or “egg carrier”. It's absolutely disgusting. It harkens me back to those words from Meloni.
“They attack national identity. The attack religious identity. They attack gender identity. They attack family identity. I can't define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No! I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2.”
How dare you think you have the right to tell me I am to genuflect to this madness or be labeled abhorrent! Not a chance in hell. And this brings me back to community standards. It's getting framed by the left (and sadly even the DNC and all of our media) as a struggle between human rights and Christianity. Bullshit. It's a straight-up cultural struggle for what the American people want and how we wish to live. Most importantly, what world we want to hand off to our children. Mine will not grow up in a world where they are told by teachers they can choose their gender and a girl can become a boy by thought. I won't accept books about butt plugs and dildos and blowjobs and sexual kinks in public-school. I don't want young children giving presentations on pansexual flags. And I'm extremely confident in telling you that the VAST majority of parents feel the same way.
This has nothing to do with religion. I'm an atheist myself and I couldn't be more rooted on the right currently. Not because of my fandom for the right, but because we must push back this force on the left. Because it's not righteous; it's a revolutionary movement of dismantling and disruption. It's ultimately a power play. And it's a long-term one if we let it take root much further. None of this means that individuals can't do what they please. Live the other sex if you want, but don't tell me or my family we have to participate. I'm all for gay Americans being able to live their lives to the fullest, but I don't want to “queer children”. What are we even talking about?!? It's ok to model and champion the nuclear family. A healthy society would do this. Ours wants to tell kids they can change genders and subordinate women's spaces, privacy, competition and safety to abortion.
We have the right to set community standards. Hell, we have a duty! If you care about that world you're handing off to your young. By definition, those standards aren't going to make everyone happy. But this goes back to that moralizing (social-engineering) engine. Why is your stance deemed inherently correct? Because you call it human rights or inclusion? GTFO And this is what has happened in Florida. As a people, we are standing up to the moralizing commands of the left - who dominate everything right now! And as we've shown down here, it is largely inorganic. It's a house of cards. Florida is going to be red for a long time. And no, abortion isn't going to swing it back. I promise you. Because the nonstop toxic sludge you see everywhere nationally does not represent us as a people. We're not doing this because we're mean or fascist. We're doing it because we don't want DEI in our institutions, don't want gender spirits in our schools. We surely aren't wrong for this. In fact, I'm quite certain we're on the right side of this one. And yes, you can say gay. Lol Florida made gay cool before that was a thing. No, the travel advisory for LGBTQ+ wasn't real. No, Dwayne Wade was never in danger. D Wade was castrated and turned into a puppet.
There are no superiors in America. No elite sect that has the right to tell me I'm wrong in how I'm raising my own. You see this tension increasingly massively as Team Biden drops more and more disturbing rhetoric in his push against parental rights. This is why local is so critical. You have to take control back of school boards, local offices, your governor is way more important than president. These apparatuses are ours, and The Truman Show has lost America. It's when, not if. Set the standard every day in who you are and what you model and champion in your community. Hard times create strong men, and my daughter's generation is going to pull us out of this nosedive. It would have been over long ago if not for the sheer scope and power of this propaganda/filtering/false consensus apparatus. But even that is failing as citizen journalism surges. I promise you the movement calling breastfeeding unnatural and allowing men in women's shelters will not be on the right side of history.
I'm with you, but here's a point you glossed and that we all often do. You say you're happy for gay people to live their lives. I think you'd allow that someone living as nonbinary isn't a huge issue? A problem with the LGBTQ... is that accepting "it" involves accepting all of those. And accepting means what here? If a person conceives of themselves as non-binary and decides they want to be a second grade teacher... Is that okay? Is it okay to explain their identity to the kids? Just which things are we normalizing? If a teacher is in a polygamous marriage, is that okay to discuss with the class?
We gloss this issue. We say, "gay is okay with me, you do you." But It never really stays separate.
Modern life is a many gendered thing, and we may never be the same again.
Sharing, sharing, sharing. Bravo.