The suppression machine strikes at Clint Russell and his Liberty Lockdown show
This Orwellian bullshit cannot continue
“Advocating violence”, “hateful conduct”, “harm”, “whatever I don’t want to hear because I’m a petulant brat with weak positions that can’t withstand scrutiny”. When do the masses stop this dangerous and coercive bullshit? How do we punch back? The rational remaining in society better figure that out, quickly.
I watched this with Clint, James and Josie the other day. There was no advocating violence; in fact, they were explicitly speaking against taking the bait on what they believe is a violent event being seeded on the other side. That was the very topic they were on! Their words were anti-violence… and yet in our Orwell-times, Clint's show gets sanctioned for “advocating violence”.

And being sanctioned on YouTube is a massive and material hit to the livelihood of on in this industry. Of course, this isn’t new and it isn’t limited to Clint, James and Josie. Benjamin Boyce spoke to me of YT biting at him when he steps out of ideological line. Another whose profession requires these channels. Below is the same machine wickedly attacking Colin Wright's ability to earn a living because of his WrongThink (which in this case simply means his unwillingness to replace biological reality with the leftist scriptute known as gender theory).
This is fine.