The Truman Show continues pouring on support for "Gender Queer" in schools
NPR is a leftist rag and a national disgrace. But it's far from just them!
Have you ever seen pages from this book “Gender Queer"? Man, I sure hope so as it reveals the scope of this problem, the depth of depravity. If not, here are just a few of them…
Yes, tragically, that is real. And horrifically this is what leftists and sadly much of the eatablishment left (including the entire Biden administration) are fighting to KEEP in our schools. They call it “inclusive”.
The story that headline really tells is that 2020 was the height of The Truman Show, where our society was being pummeled by leftist dogma and our institutions usurped by radical activists nationwide. It’s quite analogous to NHJ's ideological piece de resistance being awarded a Pulitzer. It is systematic social-engineering. That’s why “Gender Queer" had received multiple honors and was permeating our schools. 2022 is when enough Americans became aware of the truth and started pushing back. Of course, NPR wouldn’t like that headline as much.
Understand, this isn’t an NPR-thing, it’s a systematic Truman Show-thing. Here is Time Magazine trying to champion “eir” filth to the public as well:
Get this disgusting shit out of our schools! It is literally child porn, which these psycopaths sell as “human rights”. Isolate these ideologues away from our children. That’s what we're doing down here in Florida, and 2023 will be the year MANY more states follow suit.
I've written a ton on this topic over on the Bird. You can find much of it in the web of threads under this post…
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Just like I used to retweet lots of comments under my posts on Twitter when I felt they were important/interesting points that added to the discourse, I am going to start doing the same on here and pasting some contributions below articles.
I give NPR some of the credit for waking me. I would listen on weekend trips to Vermont. It's one of few stations that come in while driving through the mountains. I found it easy to listen to as most shows sounded like books on tape. I was already questioning many things reported by the media about Trump and found they went beyond simply exaggerating his comments. This was par for all media, including NPR. It wasn't until I heard a piece where they were defending the movie Cuties as some sort of coming of age story, that I realized just how warped they were. Once I saw them through that lens, I quickly saw the propaganda in all their messaging. It's embarrassing to admit I didn't always see it.
The American Library Association is a captured institution. The incoming president is a self proclaimed lesbian critical pedagogist. As a librarian of 23 years I can’t stress this enough---librarians are organized, adaptable, aggressive and dangerous. I attended the ALA conference in 2015 in SF and worked directly with the SFPL. Critical pedagogy was not being pushed. The Marxists in the libraries effectively took control in 7 years.