The Truman Show manufactured Russiagate, used and abused Russiagate, and now 6 years later admits it was all a fraud
Of course, the damage is already done, it served its function beautifully. "Fortification of democracy" complete!
They ran the same game four years later in 2020. They gloat about it in this piece below! But remember, these are “The Good Guys”. What they’re doing is the equivalent of saving the Earth from an asteroid, just ask Sam Harris.
And they will do the same thing again in 2024, if the masses allow it.
“Our democracy”
Remember this below? Welcome to The Truman Show.

You don't say.
Russiagate was - and is - one of the most deranged and unhinged conspiracy theories in modern times. It wasn't spread by QAnon or 4Chan users but the vast majority of media corporations, "scholars," think tank frauds, and NYT/NBC's "disinformation units":

craig newmark @craignewmark

The real threat to democracy is when the media and Big Tech collude with their preferred party to fabricate a threat to democracy while suppressing and silencing opposition.

Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres
. . .
Glenn Greenwald's take is that these outfits are trying to clean history. This will be the article that they'll point to years from now to deny their complicity.
It's the NYT/Walter Duranty trick again.