I was just suspended AGAIN on Twitter. This time for stating that a mental-health disorder which is literally in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (gender dysphoria) is, well, a mental-health disorder.
Just think about the application of this rule for a minute. If we cannot call a known mental-health disorder a mental-health disorder, what that means is we are no longer allowed to acknowledge the notion of gender dysphoria in our modern day public square. Put that another way, we are all required to either subscribe to gender theory or at least pretend we do. A human male like Lia Thomas? You must refer to Lia as a female human and not a man with gender dysphoria. Yes, you must dismiss reality itself in order to placate the demands and fragile emotions of ideologues.
I’ve written several threads on how critical it is for us to defend this line, to maintain the notion of gender dysphoria. What just happened to me is The Machine making it clear they won’t allow for that.

If this trajectory continues, American society as we’ve always known it is over. No hyperbole. This was always the design and long-term objective of The Truman Show. I cannot express enough how critical this front is. Gender theory has become the spearhead of leftist cultural takeover - a wrecking ball is more apt. If it can blow through the gates of objectivity (whether organically or not) then everything else will fit in behind.

When this batshit-crazy nonsense below is labeled “The Science" and we're all forced to acquiesce to the dogma even when it belongs in a Museum of Academic Insanity, we are being marched to a very dangerous place. And that's where we now are. That's where our cowardly people have allowed activists to herd us. You don’t have to bow down to this absurdity, this leftist scripture. Ask a coroner how many times they’ve had to consult some loon like Gorski or Turban to determine if it was a male or female cadaver in front of them. There is no scientific basis for gender theory whatsoever. It’s nothing but academic sophistry, and ideologues publishing to build foundation for other ideologues doesn’t change that at all. We are allowed to maintain reality.
I’m going to appeal the suspension. Based on many stories, I suspect that won’t go anywhere. If it doesn’t get lifted, I’m not sure I’m going to delete that tweet. Perhaps this was a sign that it’s time for me to change the angle of my approach.
It’s easy for me to say, since I don’t have your influence in twitterland but don’t give in. When we are forced to comply, to lie, we chip away a part of our soul, as James Lindsay discusses so eloquently in his podcast on surviving struggle sessions.
If you change your approach, I'd be curious to see what you do next. Because I'm starting to feel like the more time we all spend in this digital public square (and online in general), the more we're being conditioned to self censor. None of us should feel hesitation about saying certain things -- online or in the real world. So where do we go from here?