What does it look like to see Joe Biden crumble? It looks like this video clip...
This man is done. Toast. And no, not because of those documents. This will simply be the straw that breaks the camel’s back… one that would have broken years ago if the entire Truman Show-machine wasn’t laying cover for him. Listen to the tone of his voice, look at his body mannerisms, watch him stumble over and over on reading a written script placed before him. There is no fire inside of him anymore. Barely even signs of life. They abused this man putting him through this all. They know he wasn’t up to it, knew he didn’t have the mental juice in the tank anymore. They knew this back in 2020; shit, anyone with eyes did! But the revolutionaries needed a suit, and so they did what needed to be done. Weekend at Bernie’s. The ends justify the means, right?
Mark my word, Joe Biden never recovers from this moment in January of 2023. The chart down-slopes from here on out.