A copy/paste from Twitter…
All gender theory ever was, is the need of some to legitimatize their own variance off gender norms.
“I'm not an effeminate man, I'm actually a woman.”
No, you're actually not. You're just a guy who is feminine. And because that is off the norm, you are made to feel abnormal at times. Somehow you got the batshit crazy idea (and the required institutional power) to try and force-feed this line of thinking down all of our society's throat. Of course, this was never going to work. YOU are welcome to be whatever kind of man you want. But no, we aren't changing everything about the way we live and the way we raise our children and families so that you will feel better in your surroundings.
You see, these are your own issues and nothing these newfound plastic muscles from admin can bring to you. If what I'm saying here bothers you, you're either committed to the same cause I am describing, or else you have been intellectually neutered. If the latter, you should be ashamed. If the former, the answer is simply no. You are the cartoon at the top. And Joe America is done playing your games. I'm still stunned it got this far. Reveals something really really wrong with this country and how our influence and cultural power is grossly off-track from the mean of the vast majority of American citizens. Our duty in life is not to queer it all to make other people happy. It's weird so many people base their own happiness on the views of others in the first place. You need to figure out your own shit.
So, does "the right" take shots at super girly men or real butchy women? Yeah, they do. And you know what, you're going to have to fucking deal with it. Because it's not actually the right, it's just people. You can't artificially elevate and champion the fringe of every bell-curve and achieve this by villainizing the middle... unless you're just trying to dismantle the whole thing and invert power structures. Aha! "Queering"
But this is not who we are as a people. It's not who humans are as a species. Human beings have a very specific design. And no, we don't have to feel bad for speaking to it. WTF are we even talking about?!? A Jonestown-like crusade to make everyone feel normal. No, what childish petulant-brat nonsense. Normal is normal, and we have cultural standards and traditions and customs for a reason. They're built around these norms, many of which are ascribed by life itself. Yes, a man remains a man; a boy a boy; a girl a girl; or a woman a woman. No, it's not "normal" for two fathers to raise a child, or two mothers. Is it ok? That's what we've decided as a people, yes. That's what our law reflects. But this doesn't make it "normal". Our problem, our crisis, is that a critical-mass of our people were conditioned out of speaking to plain truths. It's truly insane! The Twilight Zone. And it's not good. OF COURSE you can speak to these normalities! The sky remains blue, even if that happens to hurt some fragile person's feelings. I'm not required to lie and say it's magenta. And yet, we were! That's how crazy this became; that's how deep we allowed the capture to run. Returning to the top...
Is it "wrong" for people to mock a feminine man or a masculine woman? I guess you could make a strong argument it is. But there are a lot of dynamics and social pressures in life that many could take an angle and make an argument are wrong. It's become quite clear to me that attempting to artificially remove every pressure and organic societal structure like this is an unfettered disaster. And that's because it seeks to dispose of the way of man. You can't do that! Ever. No matter how many NYU professors command men to cry more with their sons, or posters hang demoralizing boys in school, or artificial commands reign down in the form of plastic-ass entertainment and Big Tech world bullshit, it will never change reality. Most boys like to roll around in dirt and break stuff. We argue and rib each other relentlessly for no reason, and create meta-games from other games. No, we don't want to join you in the kitchen for Thanksgiving. We want to all throw five bucks and see who can hit that tree over there with a rock. And while YOU may need to sit down for this, most of the women in our families are very content doing what they're doing during Holidays. We don't want to do what Jill Filipovic thinks we should do. And yet, some ladies sip whiskey and drop a $5.
I didn't meant to go off on this rant. I'm not even going to proofread it. But what I just described has been the engine to this all along. And what is "this"? Gender theory? Not only. There are a lot of conversations we need to have in this country. And some are going to be very difficult. I am ready.
Nice article. Although, you are an honest intellectual looking for a conversation that will never take place. As I know you know.. this has never been about a conversation. These are declarations that have been given while they try to muster up support to have them enforced either socially, administratively or criminally. But this entire topic is just a means to another end isnt it though..
Well said! Dylan Mulvaney is a caricature mocking womanhood.... and one very creepy guy.