Good morning, my digital friends! There is a lot happening now, it seems. A sense of a lot of energies coming together at once. I’m real excited about what the future holds; both in terms of our people coming together to push commonly-understood madness back, and the rapid transformation of our media landscape as trust in the old outlets and institutions continues its collapse. You can’t commit ethical seppuku in front of everyone for selfish gain and expect to just walk away with a “My bad”. I don’t see legacy media ever recovering to the form it was before. What I do see is Bari and her TheFP team opening a new studio in LA; Taibbi’s subscriber base exploding as he reminds our citizenship of what actual reporting looks like and who journalism is supposed to protect and serve; Glenn Greenwald modernizing his media wing and showing us a glimpse of the future with his new TV studio; etc. Our alphabet networks and MSM made their choice and made it clearly, and now they’re going to pay the ultimate price. And from those ashes a new media phoenix shall rise. I love it!!
The era of indie media is here; the time of the citizen journalist. No longer do keen eyes and wise minds have to grovel to the gatekeepers to be heard, have to genuflect to mandated politics or dogma to be allowed in. We don’t want in your rooms anymore. We don’t want to sit at your table. “Build your own!”, right? Ok, we are. And you can keep all the Ben Collins and Mehdi’s of the world right where they are at yours. I’m excited to be along for this ride. It’s almost like the original IT boom, but in print instead of code. I hope to be part of this transformation, and turn my daily efforts on this information war-front into something more mine. And so on that note, I wanted to do a recap of some recent things I’ve been part of, and a look at some exciting new projects lying ahead…
I started branching out beyond my Twitter wails largely thanks to Benjamin Boyce. Benjamin kindly invited me on his podcast “Calmversations” a ways back, before I was ready to do anything more, but I doubt he could appreciate how honored I was by that invitation and how much it lit a spark. About a year later, he and I would link up again and I did my first ever appearance in voice on his show, which was such an incredible experience for me. Benjamin and I didn’t know each other that well but it felt like chatting with an old friend, demonstrating his gift. I will forever be thankful to Benjamin for that invitation and experience, for that nudge to do something more.
I was so geeked from that experience that I couldn’t wait to play around more with the medium! I ran a couple impromptu Spaces on Twitter that were a lot of fun, and did one a bit more formal on the deceptions and lies surrounding myocarditis from the COVID jabs.
I was then contacted by Jeffrey Kibler who runs The Furrowed Brow podcast. Jeffrey and I had been mutuals on the Bird for a while, but we actually knew each other less than Benjamin and I did when we recorded that first discussion on Calmversations. Jeffrey is building his show based on a format of long back-and-forth talks, a flow that suits him well as he has an eternally-fascinating mind. I was flattered Jeffrey would want to share his stage with me, and we ended up having an epic conversation and that stretched out over 4 hours until damn near the crack of dawn.
I enjoyed that evening so much! It truly felt like Jeffrey and I had been buddies for years. He and I have stayed in touch and I hope to do more with Jeffrey in the future. He pulled out a couple clips from our chat which I’ll link here since the whole talk is so lengthy.
The guy even got me talking to the world about my religious views (or lack thereof), which I hardly ever do! Not because I’m unwilling or think it’s somehow wrong, but because it “just doesn’t make for polite conversation, even amongst polite people”. But like Benjamin, Jeffrey has the gift of gab and I enjoyed that portion of our dialogue very much.
As you may have heard me talking a lot about, last weekend I hosted a panel discussion on the critical topic of the mainstreaming of gender ideology with Matt Osborne, Eva Kurilova, and Donovan Cleckley of
magazine run by Natasha Chart. The team at The Distance absolutely blew me away! And I had come in with a very high bar set. These are truly subject-matter experts. Matt and I began chatting a few months back and he is one of my favorite minds in this entire space. A brilliant man with a fascinating background and a lifetime of knowledge. I had been holding some Spaces on Twitter but usually impromptu and informal with open mics. I had come up with this idea of holding a series of panel discussions on this vital issue, and trying to formalize it a bit more in hopes it could truly help move this needle. I've long known this ideology only required spreading awareness to push back, as hardly anyone actually supports this madness inside, and most who claim to be don't even realize what they're backing. Matt seemed to be the dream fit for this project, and that was before I had any appreciation for the incredible work The Distance is doing in tracing this all back through a historical perspective through a publishing lens.“We, for various reasons, unite…”
That says it all! The energies began to crystalize quickly as it dawned on me this is truly a common uniter; this is a beast that threatens those across every camp, threatens civilization itself. And so it is a threat that is tearing down walls and building strong bridges not previously there. Matt and I began laying plans for this initial discussion, and I was both thrilled and honored when I heard Eva and Donovan has agreed to join. But I had no clue just how rich this talk would be!
We were joined by several other speakers that night, including some insight about events on the ground from Jennifer Thomas. It was unfortunate (though, sadly, not surprising) to hear that while the energy of opposition is strong in the discourse, the same energy isn’t showing up on the streets where people like Jennifer are working hard for tangibles. But these bridges forming quickly, this web strengthening vastly, is the silver lining. I have no doubt we’ll push this all back, it’s just a matter of when and at what cost. I hope you will listen to and share that important discussion above. It contains a wealth a knowledge! Keys to deciphering this puzzle.
Not to be corny, but the traction this thread below has received in the last 48hrs is a great sign! Over a million views in under 24hrs with support across ponds. You scroll the QTs to the top post of this thread and you can see the lava underlying this issue bigtime!
It’s downright surreal to hear the casting of the right conducting a “War on Women” across American media right now. Look, I’m not dismissing the valid emotion underlying the abortion topic, but the idea that issue alone constitutes a “War on Women” in the face of everything shown in that thread above is patently insane! This movement is literally erasing women and pissing all over their rights, privacy and spaces. Can that get anymore obvious than this headline below? A headline where the media STILL refers to this person as if they ARE a woman.
It’s going to be really interesting (and in my opinion, societal-revealing) to see how these tensions pull against each other in the next year and a half. The propaganda being lobbed across our media and cultural channels in the states is not sustainable. We are being pushed towards conflict, as much of the American left is herded further and further away from the reality now surrounding them. I shared some blunt thoughts in this vein the other night, with my first “Raw Thoughts” which I’m going to use to bring some of my thread-energy from Twitter over this way instead.
Last week I was thrilled to appear on the Dangerous Rhetoric podcast ( with two of my favorite Twitter peeps, @kopopoulous and @dandelafe.
We had a lot of fun chatting and covered a whole lot of ground! They will likely be posting the episode this week and I already look forward to doing it again sometime. My thanks again to these two gifted minds for inviting me on their show, and even more so, for all they are putting into this common cause.
This leftist cultural takeover truly has united so many good people. The Truman Show’s plan failed quite a while ago, as it has lost the American people en masse. It’s difficult to get a sense of that, however, as we’re all still forced to sit in that same theater every day across every information front we own. It literally takes pushing out against the grain to find kernels of truth not tainted by their spells. But so many have now, and so many more do by the day. They pushed well beyond bounds even the great power of The Show can hold, crossed lines that should have never been crossed and will prove fatal to this revolutionary push. And this ties us back to the top: the quickly branching new alliances, the rapid changes to our media landscape, the seismic shifts of where the people’s trust now resides. And so on that note, I look ahead…
After the gender panel with The Distance, I was contacted by Tiffany Justice, one of the founders of Moms4Liberty, about doing a second gender ideology panel with her that is focused on the school environment. I had not spoken with Tiffany previously, but am very familiar with her group and most appreciative of how hard they are working to score tangibles on the school front with this. That’s going to be the key here: producing results on the ground once we’ve opened enough eyes (see comments re Jennifer’s protests above), and that’s Moms4Liberty.
It was honor to receive that message and I’ve been in touch with Tiffany to work towards this next public discussion, as nothing is more important to me than our youth, and they will be won or lost almost entirely via the school system. I look forward to learning more about Tiffany and Moms4Liberty over these next few weeks and hopefully soon to announce the date of our next panel discussion to be held and recorded on Twitter’s Spaces. I am not only enjoying this new medium, I really think these discussions can help move this needle if we can continue uniting people from across various fronts and demographics, continue spreading the reality of this issue to those still trapped in the moralizing psuedo-reality of The Truman Show, and get a critical-mass of Americans to see how large this unifying force has become. The discussions will not only bring us together, they will help build the foundation to construct those tangibles to halt this long-term.
I’ve begun discussions with the brilliant Chuck Pezeshki from Pullman, WA, regarding a third panel discussion to be held on Spaces. This one with a different lens, a more macro-level view of this societal moment in hopes that helps us see the greater picture and, in turn, identify the keys to unlocking this malaise and halting the advance of this destructive ideology. Chuck is an extraordinary man with a fascinating mind and a lifetime of work I have only begun to explore. You can dive into this treasure trove at, and I encourage you to explore his work. Talk about “finger on the pulse”! Down the trail that Chuck’s mind leads, is the key to unlocking this code. I greatly look forward to pulling this panel discussion with Chuck together. I think it will prove to be a very important one.
On Tuesday (4/25/23), I will be appearing on James Clary’s weekly radio show, CLARYfication, which is found on Fox affiliate, KSGF, 104.1 in SW MO. James was kind enough to invite me onto his show, saying he’s always looking for interesting guests and stories. I was flattered to receive the invitation and am looking forward to the live forum.
I’ve really been pulled towards the audio work lately. I have a dozen ideas bouncing around in my mind. On the personal side, I’ve begun playing around with those ideas here on the podcast section of my Substack. As I’ve mentioned before and so I won’t get into detail again, I was beyond appreciative to receive some payment subscriptions here before I was even offering any paid content. Those who did that lit some kindling inside me at a time it was needed, and I’ll forever be thankful for that happening when it did. As a result, I’ve been trying to think of ways to reward them, as though their offer came with no conditions attached, it just doesn’t feel right to take money when I offer nothing in return. It’s just not me. So I elected to wall most of my audio work off for paid subscribers. I’ve left one or two of them open, but will largely keep the audio projects there. If my Substack were to grow, perhaps I’ll make changes down the road, but for now this strikes me as a good balance as I’m not interested in walling-off the written articles, that feels counterproductive to why I am here.
On the audio side here, I have four primary projects in mind right now…
“Unscripted” are quick unpolished recordings of rants I want to get off my chest. Like writing a Twitter thread but in audio form. I don’t plan them or go back to re-listen or edit. An attempt at conveying some of the same energy through a new medium. Below is an example of one I left open to all.
“Storytelling” is just a fun side dish I’m doing. I’m enjoying this mic work so much that when I think of a random story I feel like sharing, I’m recording some of them in audio form and posting them here raw and uncut similar to “Unscripted”. But whereas those are related to current topics or hot items I’ve been prompted on (basically my Twitter activity but in spoken form), “Storytelling” is just random events or experiences from life I felt prompted for whatever reason to share. You’ll get a feel for those quickly; they may be your vibe, or they may not.
“Conversations” is my next project, which will be similar to a podcast. I want to record some conversations with people I find interesting. But unlike your typical podcast, I want these to feel more like being a fly on the wall listening to two friends chat. No intro, no questions prepared in advance or specific topics to cover, and much shorter in format (maybe 20-30mins). I don’t plan on editing these or polishing them after-the-fact. I’ll just hit record, shoot the shit for a bit, and then post it as soon as we end. Raw convo for others to listen to if they find the voices intriguing. I plan on recording my first episode of “Conversations” this week.
And lastly, “COVID Files”. Ironically, this is the project I first decided I wanted to do with this medium. It’s the most challenging for my newbie self and so the last to really get in the fryer. I want to make short impact-clips on some critical topics surrounding COVID and the jabs. Maybe 1-3min recordings where I walk through some of my receipt collection. Almost like one of my threads on the Bird, but in spoken form with reference to the underlying visuals or data. There are so many people who still don’t realize we were deceived at all, and even of those who do, way too many don’t understand the magnitude of the deception, or grasp the nuts-and-bolts of it enough to dissect the new rounds of lies being used to cover-up the first waves of propaganda. What we were subjected to is horrific, historic, continues today, and yet The Truman Show is trying to herd society away from it and pretend it never happened at all. I feel these impact-clips if done right and if they spread far enough could really make a difference. I plan on beginning these soon: transmission, duration, threat-level to kids, the disappearing flu, PCR, “with COVID”/hospitalization lies, lab-leak propaganda, myocarditis burying, AE/injury lies, commotio cordis nonsense, etc etc. There are so many! I’m really looking forward to this project and hope it comes out like I have in mind. I'll use platforms outside of this one to try and spread those. I envision them as tools for others.
All in all, there is a lot coming together at once now. It feels electric! I’m excited to be contributing to this energy, excited to be a part of it all, excited to see my years of efforts begin to solidify into something tangible, something that has value beyond likes and follows on the Bird. I’ll still be firing away there, as that is needed too, but I wanted to share this all with those of you here, as this is where I want the focus of my efforts to be. Thank you again to all of you who have supported me, and for all each of you are doing to help in this common cause. Better times draw near! I'm certain of it. The collapse is going to be rocky, but the collapse is inbound indeed. And from that collapse, we’ll build our new palace. One stronger than America has been in our lifetime. “Hard times create strong men”.
Telling the truth is beginning to pay off, both financially and with credibility and audience. Greenwald, Taibbi and Weiss are leading the way, but there's plenty of room in the space.
Lies have created a vast, hollowed-out void in the collective soul, and there is room for all those willing to pledge to live not by lies. Very uplifting to see you step up and make such an effort to fill as much as you can in so many different ways, Theo. Good to see.
Remember as you go forward that you are in a race, with an opponent as committed and resourceful as any. If the lies win the race, and convince enough people that group-chanting these falsehoods leads to a bright future, the dark ages loom. Do all you can to win.
Theo, I wanted you to know that I have archived so many of your Twitter threads on Given the censorship, I wanted there to be a record of people trying to speak out and challenge the lies we were being told. I never engage on Twitter-I simply bookmark, archive, download etc. When my nephew began chewing the mask off his face during the days in his Kindergarten classroom, I had planned to use portions of those threads to confront the board members at an upcoming meeting. Thankfully, the mask requirement was dropped before the next open meeting, but the whole experience left me with a treasure trove of sources, facts and irrefutable logic to use in the future-should I need it. Thanks to you, I was informed and ready to push back. That sense of empowerment is a precious and invaluable gift. You truly helped me maintain my sanity during the pandemic and I will be forever grateful for all that you have done and are doing. Congratulations on all of these amazing opportunities- they are well deserved!