"When innocent people are being killed by a corrupt organisation and system, for pure monetary gain, I can't stand by and be part of this anymore."
A chilling look inside the money-driven mechanics of COVID in UK's health system
We will hear more and more chronicles like this. As the global cult-like fervor intentionally cultivated begins to wane, our world of people wake up to how badly and consistently they've been misled and herded towards goals having nothing to do with public-health, more insiders will speak. These drips will become leaks which will become springs until the whole dam bursts…

And I hope you don’t think this scam was limited to the UK. Below is a clip from May of 2020 when Elon described this exact same “with COVID” fleecing operation in the States. These monetary incentives were built into our COVID relief package, making the perfect self-sustaining showball. They did the same with schools, if you wanted their funding, you would agree to their conditions. “Just trying to save lives! 😵💫”
Ignore this stuff all you want. I really don’t care at this point. It’s time to sift out the informed from those who would prefer to remain lost and comfy in their priors.