When it comes to the border crisis, the DNC spends more energy on photo ops than actually addressing the problem
And that problem is over TWO MILLION illegals pouring across our southern border every year
But it only becomes a news story when 50 migrants end up in Martha's Vineyard.
. . .
Excellent point by Arthur below. When DeSantis bused migrants from Florida to MV, our media lost their minds and called him an abhorrent fascist who would use human beings as political props. And yet, when Team Biden does the exact same thing for political optics before his visit, the same people suddenly have nothing to say. Because they are frauds and carnival barkers… sadly, they’re also our journalists and ‘reporters’.
If the “bleeding hearts” truly are our Moral Saints as they so constantly claim to be, wouldn’t they want this miserable and inhumane situation in Texas to be visible when Biden arrived? Wouldn’t they want the cameras pointed that way, the magnitude of the crisis to be revealed and exposed? Nope, not if it makes their blue tribe look bad. It’s that simple. I’m so tired of fake people.
I wonder how much it cost Team Biden to move all of those illegals yesterday to make his photo-shoot backdrop look more presentable to the washed masses up north? Think we'll have some articles about that too? Lol
Going down the historical rabbit hole and researching the pieces of legislation passed (and struck down) on immigration paints a clear picture of the situation we see today. The issue is a political football for Ds and Rs.
"Solving" the problem is not in either parties interest.
Many noticed that bussing the illegals out of El Paso was no problem to Democrats for Biden’s photo op.