You call it a "conspiracy theory" and command we all look away, yet it's right there in front of us
"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world it didn't exist."
A lot of talk about the University of Pennslyvania this week. That’s because it was at Joe Biden's office at UPenn that they found the first of two stashes of top-secret documents he unlawfully had in his possession. But why did he even have an office at UPenn? Well, that’s quite an interesting story…
After ending his term as Vice President under Obama, Joe's buddies in the upper-ranks of UPenn offered him a ceremonial professor position. He's no professor, but that isn't uncommon. What was much more interesting was the office they granted him… an office that would have many interesting visitors pass through it over the coming years. Not only was Joe paid over $300k/year by the school even though he was seen so rarely on campus that it made news when he was there, he began building his own foundation out of that center, damn near identical to the Clinton Foundation. Same goals, same machine behind them, largely the same people. But why UPenn? What’s the connection? Well, there may be more connections there than you realize…
Start by reading this article:
Did you note its authors?
So some heavy-hitters at UPenn are big into the globalism ring, so what? But it gets a lot more interesting than that…

Dive into this thread below, what do you see inside? 💡

They hated Trump so much. So so much! But why? Was it because of his inherent evil that they dedicated every resource they had to removing him from power the morning after he won election from our people? Or was this a disruptive figure that The Machine had to destroy for self-preservation? You reach your own conclusions, I just drop breadcrumbs…