Our universities are THE engine of The Same Thing-ideology. They are leftist indoctrination centers now. It’s critical to grasp that this was by design. This dangerous and disgusting state of affairs in academia was always the objective. The Long March.

Next to The Truman Show's ability to cast a faux-reality and brainwash the masses through info curation and suppression, the assembly-line ideology of our universities is the most important cog of this revolutionary machine. The goal was to create generations of leftist activists out of our children.

And it's working! The thread linked below from Josh Daws is simply extraordinary. It is the blueprint described in detail (with focus on gradeschool instead of college - but it’s the exact same dynamic). You need to read his breakdown in full if you never have before (mid-point):

Look at this reply from Derek. He thinks he is speaking to a cause, but is completely ignorant to the fact he is speaking to an effect. Just consider the level of successful brainwashing in this mind. It’s a vile and wretched form of brainwashing designed to “other” and fracture our populace. Their revolution (dismantling) requires it.
I talk about the underlying reasons and objectives of this fracturing here…

This crisis is nationwide, folks. Our universities are in a truly dire state.

These are current DEI agents at a single one of our universities, Ohio State:
Now do Michigan…
And now do the rest of them. Getting it yet?
This crisis runs so deep. Our future hangs in the balance. No hyperbole.

Excellent thread in this vein…
As posited by James Lindsay, we’re witnessing the strange death of the university.
DEI is the American version of Thought Reform. Just like Mao learned, the demo most susceptible to thought reform is college students.
I’m listening to the audiobook of James Lifton’s study of brainwashing in China in the 50s. The parallels to today are frightening, BUT it’s helping with detection too. I’m still in the chapters where he’s documenting people’s experiences, but I’m hoping he directly addresses resistance and recovery.