As posited by James Lindsay, we’re witnessing the strange death of the university.

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DEI is the American version of Thought Reform. Just like Mao learned, the demo most susceptible to thought reform is college students.

I’m listening to the audiobook of James Lifton’s study of brainwashing in China in the 50s. The parallels to today are frightening, BUT it’s helping with detection too. I’m still in the chapters where he’s documenting people’s experiences, but I’m hoping he directly addresses resistance and recovery.


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Unquestionably! Shares so much in common with Maoism. Shares much in common with the Bolsheviks too.

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It incredible how blind I was to this; for years!

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I think a lot of our people are going through that mental process right now. Myself included. But these are the silver linings. We'll be a much wiser, much grittier and, in turn, much stronger people on the back-end of this all.

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