After deceiving us for two straight years, now The Machine tells us it's dangerous to discuss the truth
We're about to find out just how far the hypnotic effect of The Truman Show can stretch
It’s surreal but not at all surprising to see this rhetoric pouring out of broken and compromised souls like Will Stancil's. That dude has been a tribal trainwreck throughout this. He degenerated into a petulant adult-child, like so many others in his sphere. He soiled his own bed and still has no clue.
“It’s dangerous”. Of course it is, you clown. 😵💫
Ahhhh, the one and only Teddy Lieu. Another struggling to sleep on the soft ground below him. “Listen to those medical associations instead!”, he says. Right, because they’ve been so transparent and honest thus far.
My piece from last night…
. . .

I’m old enough to remember when @tedlieu wanted Americans to be Covid jabbed to fly. Even the Biden Administration said no.
And the time he had to delete a false tweet on Covid’s risks to kids.
It’s over, Ted. After three years of hysteria, no one’s buying what you’re selling.

Ted Lieu @tedlieu
I remember Teddy's false tweet on the risk of covid to kids as well. It was SO horrendously wrong that I think he should've gotten in some sort of trouble for it! Think of all the covid-ignorant, fearful, folks out there who ran out to get their kiddos vaccinated because of what he said! He probably killed people.
Man I miss you on Twitter!