The morning after tragedy struck Damar Hamlin on that football field in Cincinnati, I was jaw-dropped by what I saw from our media and prominent people in the public sphere. I saw one call anyone who speculated the vaccine played a role a “ghoul”. Just chew on that for a minute. And I have great sympathy for Damar and his family regardless of how it happened. In his immediate framing, it doesn’t matter. He's out of the hospital now and hopefully on his way to a long and positive life. My best friend suffered a similar heart failure and was on CPR and life-support much longer. He has a defib in his chest at a young age, but he's years away from that now and doing well. You wouldn’t know if you saw him. From both that experience and my lifelong passion for football, the Hamlin incident lands particularly heavy for me. But we must be able to have discussion around emotional topics. We must stop this wicked tool of weaponized empathy. Because it’s being used to silence and suppress, mislead and herd. I came across a piece on Yahoo tonight that is just atrocious! It’s overt fraud in your face. Fraud that plays games with our health, by the very people claiming to protect it. I decided to write about the thoughts I’ve had all week, tying them all together around myocarditis. First, let’s talk about why I mentioned Hamlin…
Ghoul. For merely asking whether the COVID shots could have played a role in Hamlin's heart failing. Yes, this is a tragedy for the Hamlins, one thankfully avoided in the ultimate. But this is also an issue of public-health and great public importance. No one is wrong for asking the logical, and it is disgusting that anyone would be pressured that way. And yet this pressure is par for the course on our airwaves now? The language in those opening days was absolute, black and white. We were ALL to agree in unison that the cause was commotio cordis and if you did not, you should be openly attacked. Have we truly reached the point where a critical-mass of Americans cannot see how dangerous this power is that we are granting away? Do they not care? Let’s talk about why we're not required to automatically agree it was commotio cordis, and how the % chance it was from that alone is likely much lower than the % chance the vaccine played some role.
Commotio cordis is when a severe and pointed impact hits the left chamber at the perfect time it is firing and basically knocks it off rhythm. My buddy had something called a-fib, and I believe that’s what Hamlin had too. It’s a lights-out state and immediately deadly if not resuscitated. This happens in sports. This happens in car crashes. It’s not mysterious and unknown at all, but it is extraordinarily rare in the context of sports. When it happens, it is almost always from a sport with a projectile like hockey, baseball or lacrosse. It also hits young people/children at a significantly higher rate. I mean a vast majority of the cases which happen in sports (and they do) are children. A damaged or weak heart can also increase chances of this happening by sharp impact.
Do you know how many times this has happened in the 100+ history of football? Zero. Not once. And if you watch football and you saw Hamlin's play, you’d know players get hit way harder than that in the exact same spot on a weekly basis. I watched Roscoe Parrish get lit up so hard in Tallahassee he ended up with blood in his spleen.
And the only people who remember that hit are Canes and Noles fans because hits that hard are literally part of almost every game. And never once has a player's heart stopped from commotio cordis. Is that because they've all gotten lucky for over a century? Did Damar simply hit Powerball odds? It’s possible. But that’s the point, it’s merely possible. And if you look at it logically (if you’re allowed to), that doesn’t really make sense. The reason football players' hearts don’t stop from hits is because the force of the hit is displaced. In the case of Hamlin, he wasn’t even being hit like Parrish above. He was doing the hitting and the runner put his helmet into his chest while Hamlin tackled him. Whereas that wicked hit on Roscoe happens weekly, the impact Hamlin took happens dozens and dozens of times in every single football game. It doesn’t cause commotio cordis because of this…
A round spread-out helmet impacting shoulder pads is highly unlikely to cause a heart to be thrown off rhythm. If that were the case, we'd have deaths in the NFL every year. What is much more likely is that some other factor contributed to this incident. Perhaps the impact caused the a-fib, but it's quite possible something had weakened his heart.
And my point with this writing isn’t the Hamlin fact-pattern. I detailed it simply to show that it is not out of the realm of possibility that something other than commotio cordis is at play here. In fact, basic logical analysis tells me it's unlikely to have been commotio cordis alone. Highly unlikely. I’m sure as hell not a ghoul for asking that question. I would be a fool not to. How have we possibly gotten to a point where it's acceptable at a societal level to be told we cannot even speak of reality?!? A more likely reality. It’s right out of a sci-fi novel. The chilling effect being imposed is simply unacceptable. The idea that it’s wrong to ask this obvious question, the notion our own reporters are actively muffling society, is disturbing and dangerous as hell. Let's take a look at a few more examples of the same, because the composite paints a very troubling picture…
I read that the other day and of course I have great sympathy for Celine as well. For the entire family on both sides. Grant was a very special man who left a mark on many, myself included. I read articles from him in the 90s on CNNSI and have great admiration for all he achieved. This is another huge loss. It’s also another huge story. A public story, because of who Grant was, where it took place, how it took place, and what we've all been under and still face.
Was Grant's incident impacted by the vaccine? We don’t know. We certainly cannot rule it out and we know for sure that they were max injected because his wife is quite the COVID vaccine fanatic. It was her Twitter bio picture when this occured. Perhaps it was not, but young healthy people like Grant don’t often die that way, and we surely aren’t wrong for wondering. We can’t be made to feel uncomfortable to acknowledge these truths, to have these discussions. And yet we are. Ruthlessly so, really. Who is that serving? Don’t you dare tell me public-health.

I don’t want to post the video of her. It’s sad. And I wouldn’t even be talking about the story, but read the last line of the statement. “I can, however, confirm that the situation was in no way related to the COVID-19 vaccine”. What?!? No you can’t. Why is this ok? Why are we not allowed to even talk about it? Is it because if we do it may not paint such a rosey picture? There ARE people hurt and yet we are labeled abhorrent for asking questions about it.

In this thread below there are numerous examples of people injured by the vaccine. There are three pro athletes. How small of a subset is that? Tiny. And we know of three? But Stephen A. Smith never talks about them, does he? Nope, just Rodgers and Kyrie. Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert do COVID shot dance routines now instead of comedy. I hate to post stuff like this below, but no one else is except for randos on social-media… who then get called names for it.

You’d think our reporters would be all over these stories for us, right? It’s extremely pressing and important. But no, they aren’t, because their bosses are all bought…

And so we get pummeled with shit like this, across every single channel…
I hope you read that whole thing. It's filty. They drop the lie you see everywhere that the virus is more likely to give you myocarditis than the vax, which simply is not true. Massive study from Israel recently showed exact opposite. In addition, check out what the American Heart Association itself just announced…
To position this as a one-sided discussion is simply vile. This “antivaxxer” lie must end. What's happening in our information environment is a horror show. It has been for two years. And these same people tell us they are protecting us from disinformation. Oldest trick in the book.
I wrote about this neverending chilling-effect back on October. The situation is no better today. In fact, even though more truth is being shared now, it’s getting even worse and more panicked as the underlying basis for so many of our policies is revealed as a sham.
. . .
This is a very troubling read…
And this is another study picking up concerning data on adverse reactions from the COVID shots. Another brush stroke added to this increasingly-hideous portrait. You won’t find the Taiwanese study anywhere on US media, of course. But you’ll find endless articles repeating over and over how “safe and effective” these shots are.
The only positive thing about this is that now these creeps are having to spend time denying that the vaxes are hurting people, instead of blaming these incidents on climate change or fluffing up a duvet. They are no longer ignoring the elephant in the room. They are saying that the elephant had nothing to do with it. This is still insane, but it is progress because they know how many people are seeing the elephant. This won't work on those people for the same reason that continuing to sell the vaccines isn't getting people to take the boosters. People know the truth and they know they are being lied to.