At present time, bc it hits close to home for me, is the continuation of vaccine mandates for college students. Some schools are still requiring primary series…from 2019! And, yes, I believe the jab was out before the virus. Call me what you will. End it all!

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Yes! Few things infuriate me more than this right now. We are talking LOTS of colleges nationwide. It would be bad enough to make them take boosters, to do so when it requires two first injections of a basically dead vaccine is simply abhorrent! And college kids have never been at major risk, and are now almost all post-infection! This is truly The Scandal of The Century.

I wrote a thread recently about this aspect of our mandates...


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I’m in NJ and have a HS Senior. I have another in a CT university (which has dropped its mandates, but don’t get me started on the hell we all went through). This is supposed to be an exciting time, waiting for acceptances and such. Instead, it’s filled with disappointment. If I could, I’d pack us all up and move to the free world. These government institutions need to be hit in the pocket! I will read your thread and pass it on!

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:( Makes me sad... then pissed!

Thanks for your support, my friend. Keep grinding! We'll get there.

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One of the things I am most curious right now is effectiveness of the bivalent against these new XBB variants. Even Eric Topol admitted the BA.5 stems were piercing the new boosters. I think they re-tooled them after that, but the point is that we had documented concern/knowledge of the lack of efficacy on new variants before these shots hit the shelves. Mind you, these boosters require you to have taken shots #1 and #2 of the OG vax, a serum every scientist agrees is basically worthless now (on transmission and severity)... you could argue it has been since Delta.

This makes sense to people still. It's chilling. If there is competent data showing the XBB (now 75%+ of infections in some places like the NE) has pierced the booster, we'd need be talking two worthless jabs to take a third worthless jab. Would be downright criminal to make this demand on anyone. Arguable whether it would be ethical to even market and sell.

I'll report back on what I find.

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At the beginning of Covid circa. Feb-Mar 2020, it could be rationalized that many people (including myself) did not have the amount of information available to formulate a stance on the situation the country was experiencing. Going by the media and government officials, this was presented as possibly being a worse pandemic than the Spanish Flu of 1918.

When a Covid outbreak on a cruise ship led to a quarantine of nearly 4K passengers, the media covered it like a natural disaster, with breaking news alerts and "expert" analysis. What we found out later was(surprised?) that around 700 of the 3700 caught Covid, not the entire ship. No deaths, no hospitalizations. Rationale people with critical thinking skills began to ponder the information.

The cruise ship example was one of the first indicators that this was probably not the extinction event it was hyped up to be. Further proof was provided when small businesses were forced to shutter their doors "To slow the spread," while major corporations of the donor class stayed open the entire time. Logic would tell a thinking person that that should have caused a statistical difference for infection rates for the employees of places like Wal-Mart, Costco, or Lowe's. It didn't. When there wasn't a mass die-off of the country's homeless population, this was another indication of something not adding up.

Of course, the greatest level of proof came during the 2020 Summer of Floyd. To see thousands on the street, no masks, all congregated together for riots and destruction made the point that this was all Kabuki Theater. With a straight face, officials on news media being interviewed created logic pretzels to excuse the crowds freely roaming about, but still chastise those who believed they should be allowed to hold a dying loved one's hand, or worship their God in-person.

The examples are endless showing signs that Covid was a manufactured crisis. The level of manipulation and authoritarian tactics were obscene.

Many of us are mad, especially those who had to get vaccinated to keep our livelihoods to provide for families.

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Wow, powerfully said. That's a similar mental journey I went down. This farce revealed itself... for those who were willing to see.

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Is anyone else utterly sick at how some of their friends and family just keep getting boosted? After everything coming out? Despite multiple bouts of covid, they just go for it? Here's the kicker... The ones in my family are the highly educated masters/doctorate holders and my FBI sister!! Surely she knows the truth right? She already had severe reactions to vaccinations and allergy shots and she drove right into the covid shots and guess what?? She periodically loses the use of her right arm, her feet are going numb, and she's had heart problems, and still, she will not concede that it could be the shots. Instead, because she got covid, (after the shots), she's convinced herself everything is "long covid". I love her to death, she's my only sibling, but I kind of want to knock her in the head with an epidemiology book! What's everyone else's experience here? Has your college educated family members brains fallen out as well??

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This detached thinking seems to have largely hit that sect of our society. Same with those stuck on leftist thinking - these two share strong crossover but are not the same. If you think about it, the reason for that is it was merely the porting over of rabid opposition. Was your sister charged up on TDS-vein stuff before the pandemic hit? I'd bet good money she was.

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She absolutely was! But I expected nothing less. She's always been far more liberal and progressive than me. And working for the FBI has definitely skewed some of her morals and ethics, but thankfully we love each other dearly and just never made it an issue between us.

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:) Respect

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I have a good friend, who is also a die hard Trump supporter, and she has heart problems after being vaxxed and boosted. She also knows two people that have dies of heart attacks but she refuses to consider that it’s the vaxx.

I know many Trump supporters that are COVID and vaxx obsessed. It all doesn’t make sense

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Systemwide brainwashing. That's literally what it is. And it's hard to blame people. Are they to trust randos on Twitter over their own government, its health agencies, all of our supposed "experts", each being bullhorned off every mountaintop by every media outlet? This deception is by design: The Temple of Sanctimony.

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So what do we do going forward? I hate this feeling of helplessness. Whether it's climate change nonsense or another virus, I don't want to just sit back and watch as people fall for the latest scam.

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I think we're still in "Hammer the truth like hell and try and shake people out of it!"-stage, unfortunately.

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I’m growing very worried for my friends who continue taking the jabs and refuse to acknowledge the risks or the damage it’s already caused. One in particular refuses to accept that the vaccine sent her straight into menopause. Like no lead up whatsoever. Just menopause city overnight. And now her husband has been seriously ill since September.

Initially, she lied to me and told me that he had caught Covid and got so sick that he had to be hospitalized. I knew that he’d already had the two shots and one booster. What I didn’t know was that he’d gotten his second booster the day before he fell ill. He only tested positive for Covid after he’d been hospitalized for a few days. But all the doctors and specialists are telling her that the full body inflammation he’s experiencing now has nothing to do with the shots. And instead that it’s long Covid. He’s been rushed to the ER 5 times because he keeps feeling like he’s having a heart attack.

I asked her why she won’t consider the possibility that it was from the shot? I mean, if they’re treating the wrong cause, doesn’t that worry her? And all she ever says is, “I’m not a doctor. I let them tell us what to do next.”

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Brutal to read. Heartbreaking.

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1. How many record-keepers / jurisdictions (city/state/fed/other countries) are auditing their covid death numbers to differentiate between "from covid" and "with covid" and what have been the results so-far?

2. Is anyone "in charge" taking covid shot injury/side effects seriously? It seems like there remains strong institutional push-back that, basically, any injury/side effects are miniscule/irrelevant.

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Many hospitals openly admitted to #1 ("with COVID") back in mid-2021. It even made some legacy media rounds. The masses largely are blind to it, I think.

#2 is a downright crisis. I'm in the middle of a piece on it here right now. Titled burying myocarditis. I'll post link here. Not only is no one on the surface taking injuries seriously, the entire machine is working systemwide to bury them while still pushing more shots in all with zero categorization.

The Scandal of The Century

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Have you seen the new ads that Pfizer is running to recruit people for their mRNA flu vaccine trial? One of them popped up when I was watching tv the other night and it made me sick to my stomach.


How in the hell is this allowed to happen? It’s not like we don’t have evidence of the evil and unethical way they manipulated the measly Covid trial data. Or of how they were able to get emergency approval and legal immunity so long as valid treatments were suppressed. Or the files upon files that proved they knew how dangerous their shots were.

I pray to god this trial gets shut down. We don’t need even more death and disease being spread around our society because of Pfizer. Nor do we need to give people more viruses to fear and beg big daddy government and big pharma to protect them from.

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Thank you Theo!!

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Watched the newest Bret Weinstein interview on Rogan. The recent Wapo article discusses how exercise has beneficial effects for health and Covid but Rogan was mocked for being, in retrospect, completely right.

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I need to watch that.

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I'm really pumped about Berenson joining Twitter files...


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Ok, obviously I don't know how to use these features as I thought this WAS the chat. Lol it opened a chat under the same title. I'll keep my eyes there too.

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I am shocked but not surprised by the fact that not a single one of my passively compliant friends, much less any of my rabidly COVIDian ones, has even acknowledged that everything they were being fed on COVID severity, vaccines, masks, and lockdowns was untrue, and in fact all lies. Not all of them have turned to the new Long COVID narrative, or doubled down Feigl-Ding-like; the dominant characteristic is silence. I'm particularly struck by my limousine liberal friends not seeing any conflict between taking on pro bono cases on prisoner liberty interests while at the same time either advocating or acquiescing to compelled conduct and deprivations of liberty on a country-wide scale, including threatening livelihoods of critical thinking dissenters like me who tried to lead to a better place. I knew in my gut apologies were too much to expect, but the absolute void is nonetheless disturbing.

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Man, that hits hard with me, Chris. Exact same page. I find it horrifying. Especially when you realize that uniformly it is the same people rabid from TDS, blinded from BLM/white supremacy, consumed by Russia and MAGA and fall if democracy, etc etc.

The Same Thing. Cultivated mass-mania, blind and rabid. Citizen soldiers on the COVID front, as I've called them for two years now.

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"Citizen soldiers" is a nice way of putting it. I came "this" close to calling a family member a "train-loader" the other day. But that is in such poor taste, I didn't do it. But it's how I felt about what they were spouting - basically still propping up the whole 'it's was ok to advocate for denying healthcare to the unvaxxed'...

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There are a lot of people who will still take up defense of mandates using transmission. Just chew on that. Hell, there are some who still think natural immunity is a "right-wing conspiracy theory" :-/

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Do you think your friends have seen any of the counter-information? It is a tough nut to crack when people still uncritically watch MSNBC and read the NYT and believe they are being informed. Finding that you have to start at square one on foundational concepts / basic flawed assumptions - you can't just skip to the obvious (to us) conclusions -

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I say no, most haven't. Not only because of the air-tight synergy across legacy media, but tragically, many in this camp truly don't want to know the truth (and won't accept it even when shown) because it messes up priors so massively it is upending. Chilling concept.

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I think my friends were, by and large, fearful. Different people have different levels of courage, i.e. overcoming fear to continue to function at a high level, and I don't expect everybody to be John Basilone or Ronald Speirs. But fact is my friends exhibited the opposite of courage, and it feels even worse that I misjudged cowards to be solid people. Combine cowardice with an unwillingness to dive deeper than what they were being fed by the usual suspects and you end up with "train loaders" (stealing that, thanks). I'm really the only conservative Republican among my friends, so I started out being viewed as kind of the loony but lovable uncle, which also contributes to an unwillingness to accept my counsel. Of course, when they need financial advice I'm the guy they come to ... because they have the same superficial knowledge of that but value money so highly they'll debase themselves somewhat to make more of it, keep it, and grow it.

But I'm not bitter or anything ...

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You certainly are not alone!

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The Bitterman River runs deep and wide. We deal with several categories. The insane political tribalists who won't back down on anything - the types that think Joe Rogan and Bill Maher are conservative shills the minute they stray off-narrative. The type that lost hearing in one ear right after the shot but steadfastly refuse to think there could be any connection whatsoever. A few of them cut us off completely from friendship as we were "dangerous". We didn't object. Several others are at arms-length or more at this point. Then there's the go-along crowd who just assume that the headlines are accurate and the government has our individual rights at heart and don't want to 'get involved in politics" which is just code for "I agree with what is going on and don't want to talk with YOU about any of this". Then there is the confounding type that, for lack of better word, are semi-red pilled. That is, they see the narrative blanket that chokes out truth in many areas - but cling to the Covid narrative. I think it is because they got their children vaccinated and can't allow the possibility that there might be ramifications to that.

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Your last is a huge point. People might rebel and lash back if the only result of their falling for it was self-harm. However, where the harm of their weakness and credulousness also falls on other they had power over or responsibility or love for -- people they fired for being unvaxed, friends they cut off, their own kids being harmed physically or educationally -- it becomes intolerable to accept that blame. Again, I think their feet of clay, fundamental weakness and cowardice, causes them to basically lock up and become incapable of setting things right.

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I know my friends have not. They still obliviously will text on our group texts about what they saw on GMA, or the latest woke Netflix series they are watching. I’d like to take them all in a snow globe and shake them up! I’m past the point of waking up the sheep; I focus now on gathering fellow lions.

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Welcome, Brother Lion.

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