I was engaged with someone on Twitter yesterday who began parroting these lines to me over and over. I was bigotry and hate; he was change and progress. He quickly spoke of me as an immoral monster - the same list of terms you’d think. There is this caricature of a right-winger that embodies everything they’ve been coached to hate. This has slowly been bled out across all of conservatives through propaganda like “MAGA” and wicked words from our media and even president. Of course he remained the entire time a saint (secular, I’m sure) fighting for morality itself. What really struck me was how incredibly canned the language was, and how he kept repeating it even where it didn’t really apply. As if the mind has genuinely been programmed. I’ve noticed a lot more people speaking of the idea of “weaponized empathy”. That notion is clicking on in many minds now, as it truly is the fuel source and bludgeon for this leftist cultural takeover. You can look at it from two angles: how it preys on people’s sympathies or often just need to obey/intimidation on the receiving end, but also the way it has brainwashed minds like the one I described above on the offensive side - all in an eerily similar, assembly-line manner. It’s creepy when someone parrots speech like that. Jonestown. And what made this particularly striking was this person had 3.5k followers with a handful of those I respect among them. I’m not a guilt-by-association guy, but I say that because this wasn’t some loon or bot. That’s the thing, I encounter this exact same brain-lock almost daily. And it’s consumed even educated and moderate and otherwise sane minds. “The Moral vs. The Monsters” really does encapsulate it. I find the scope of it to be deeply unnerving.
I’ve spent a lot of time chewing on the origins of this, tracing back the roots to how we landed on these radical or bizarre places. Teachers thinking it’s ok to push overtly racist CRT praxis on other people’s kids; books on butt plugs and dildos and blowjobs in public-schools being defended as necessary for “safety”; men standing on female podiums while women are called “people who bleed”. I could go on and on because there are so many examples, and that’s because they are all part of the same toxic soup. Yesterday I remarked how this poster broke a generation of brains…
Change is not a noble pursuit in of itself. Change of what? The more noble pursuit is working to preserve that which our great men of times past built for us and handing it off to our young in return. Of course this isn’t a blanket statement either way, but therein lies my point. And there lie those roots as well. Our youth were systematically indoctrinated throughout all of their education to believe progress was righteous and eventually it became everything the conservatives want to conserve is wrong and abhorrent. From our land to our flag to our Founders to our law and even Constitution. When you pair those two together it’s quite easy to see the revolutionary engine. Think of the imagery of 2020. It’s not a coincidence that Obama and Hillary were both so fond of Saul Alinksy, and that’s why I go back to that poster and that era that launched around 2012. Elevate and artificially empower the fringe of bell-curves while simultaneously villainizing the middle. You see this being deployed everywhere. From climate to “end racism” to gay rights which then became celebration of downright hedonism and the championing of bizarre dogma like gender spirits. These demos aged out of campus and became our managerial class. That’s how we’ve found ourselves forced to use pronouns when no one believes in this shit. Watching the NCAA and Olympics succumb and our medial and scientific institutions genuflect when this is the least popular religion in America. It’s been a surreal process to witness, but it all goes back to that engine.
The “morality binary”. It’s not a policy discussion anymore, it is moral righteousness and therefore those opposed become immoral and eventually evil. Some terrible horrors have been inflicted on this rock with such an engine. The level of dehumanizing we’re seeing in mainstream media now and from our upper-level government officials is deeply deeply concerning. This is what “fascism” and “end of democracy” and “MAGA” and “dark MAGA”, “extreme MAGA”, etc, is all about. It’s complete silliness, but it is simply signals or stimulus to those programmed minds. “These are the bad guys” is all that means, and then nothing else matters. “I could never vote for an election-denier”, like zombies. Back to those parroted canned statements I started this piece talking about. They are genuflections, really.
I do believe it is all beginning to crash down. It was never going to hold because it never truly represented the masses. So much has been artificially propped-up, empowered, advanced through media help (The Truman Show) as they managed to obtain almost complete control. Millions of Americans live entirely within that information bubble, and it is fraudulent. But our new Animal Farm-left go so carried away they overreached across many fronts. Too many, and grossly overreached exposing the whole ruse. No, penises in female locker rooms are not righteous. This pretextual climate agenda is not righteous. Media as state servant and overt government censorship is not righteous. And yet it can’t even exist without that last one, because it’s such artificial bounce-house bullshit. Every single topic is packaged and presented that same way. Good vs evil, moral vs monster. It’s wild that it advanced so far. It rings so empty these days; makes me pain for those so trapped in that silo.
It’s a failed movement BECAUSE OF abuse of this engine, however. By deploying this propaganda of good/bad contrast, you cut off a portion of the populace each time. When all is said and done, all you’re left with are angry Gen Z and David Hoggs who have become like ever-revved and incessantly-enraged robots (“Yuri robots”) and then the system-feeders who are riding the faux-moral wave. It’s the state calling itself “The Resistance”, our government wearing a journalist’s skin and telling us they’re keeping us safe. It’s how Rogan became racist, Elon a fascist, and Maher a right-winger. Gun-owners and oil workers and cops as monsters, while men in womanface are to be celebrated. Surreal. And as they’ve grown more desperate, the propaganda has grown more desperate and vile. They now overtly shoot at Christians. Paint them as an evil force, plain and simply. That abhorrent conserving-energy again, right? Must be wrong, we must oppose and change! In a 60%+ Christian nation, how is that going to work? This has become just an increasing powder keg.
I’m ready for much LESS change myself. It’s time to re-focus on the values and societal moorings we deem important. These revolutionary mantras of “inclusivity” and “affirmation” and “DEI” and “transcendence” aren’t all they’re stacked-up to be. I’d say we’ve all seen that rather clearly now. And they have way too many people still locked into this Cult of Solidarity, this incessant engine of blind and rabid change and “progress” leading to a detachment of reality. It’s time we center the sides and stabilize our nation. And that begins with rejecting this notion that change is inherently good. No, it is not, unless it’s wise.
. . .
This all ultimately led to what I call “The Jill Filipovic Effect”. Where all of our cultural channels are blasting a flavor that is in conflict with the values of the bulk of our people. This is the underlying tension Wokal was touching on and why I found his words so heavy. When you deploy the morality binary across every front to win, painting your side as righteous and the other as evil, you perform a series of slicing off from the greater populace. If you don’t support critical race theory praxis in schools, you're a white supremacist. If you don’t support Lia Thomas in that pool, you’re a transphobe. If you won’t take needles without necessity established, you’re an antivaxxer. If you don’t genuflect to the climate cult, you’re a science-denier. The religious are stuck in the past, ignorant, and suppressive. Gun owners are abhorrent and dangerous. Pregnacy is oppressive, stay at home moms are looked down upon. Being against seeding gender dysphoria to kindergarteners means you don’t “want people to exist” After all of these excisions, who exactly is left? When you've turned parents, truckers, and Floridians into fascists, Joe Rogan into a racist and Bill Maher a right-winger, who is left on your team? A bunch of Jill Filipovics, that's who. And that’s where we are, as this assembly-line ideology usurps levels way beyond its means to hold.
Of course. Its the fundamental axiom that allows the left to feel moral high ground:
This is the programmatic propaganda. Progress for the sake of itself, and the faster the better! Nothing from the past can be seen as good, not 50 years ago, not 10 years ago, not 1 year ago. This is where all arguments for deconstruction of civilization find their legs. “The manufacturing economy in the 1950s was pretty good.” “The 1950s was misogynist and homophobic you bigot, thats what you fantasize about!?!?”
There is nothing that can be learned from the past, not a single insight to be gained, because Past=Conservative=Bad
Likewise there is no new cultural trend that possibly be undesirable, nothing new that can be criticized, because Future=Progress=Good. Gay marriage was good, but really its not good enough and it just upholds outdated ideas of cisnormativity and suffocating monogamy, so actually non-binary polygamy is better. Why? Bc its newer! We can come up with other rational but thats all we need. Everything new is progress. New words, new norms, new laws, new products. Its good progress bc Future=Progress and Progress=Good. New norms about piercing every inch of skin, good. Old norms? Bad. This way progress never ends, and there is no destination.
The revolution has no finish line. Change is the highest goal. All memory of simpler times is evil bc thats conservative and nostalgia is in the past, which is evil. Only the present moment, current thing, and future thin tmro is good.
From a cognitive politics standpoint, and I used to work in that space, the poster is gold. A one word slogan that sounds good, but says nothing in particular, with a very striking graphic of the candidate in red, white, and blue. If Obama broke America, it's because someone did an outstanding poster.