Interesting concept Theo, but one I expect will be difficult to implement. It will take some careful forethought and effort, so you’re just the guy to take it on!

Some suggested questions to think through that could help the project:

1. Do you intend to record an hour conversation, and then edit it into 4 15 minute episodes, or record 4 15 minute episodes on the same topic? I notice that when listening to some podcasts, all the good stuff is at the very beginning, because folks get tired of talking, and the quality falls off toward the end. For this reason, I would pursue the latter option, but that may not work for you. Upside is that it would give you and your guests a chance to talk about the topic for a while, and then take a break and think about what to say in the next conversation on the topic. Might be helpful.

2. How will you interest the audience into listening to part two of the conversation after they’ve heard part one? I would suggest both an intro and an epilogue to each episode. The intro would set the expectation for the current episode, and the epilogue set the expectation for the next episode, or at the end sum it up.

3. How will you keep the audience coming back for more between conversations? I would suggest a brief trailer on the coming episode, announcing the guest and the topic. That way, the audience can plan their time around the conversation so they can listen to the ones that interest them. You see this technique used in a couple of successful productions. The audience appreciates you being respectful of their time, and letting them know what’s coming so they can make decisions.

Good luck! Looking forward to what you produce!

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Awesome input! Thanks for taking the time to share that. I may not have explained it very well...

I intend to just record raw snippets of conversation. Like tonight, I am going to reach out to someone (who doesn't even know yet) and see if they'll log onto Cleanfeed with me and chat. No real plans for the chat, other than I know what fascinates me about that person. And then no matter how "good" the talk comes out, I'll plan on posting it. If it is interesting content, it will become one people like, that gets talked about, that others come back to hear. If it's not, it won't be. But I won't really be concerning myself with the quality of the recording. The product is the organic conversation itself. THAT'S what I want to capture. A sense of who the people are. A sense of natural discourse instead of something presented. Think of it almost like people coming over for a drink, and there's a bug in the air vent. Maybe some of those convos are really fascinating, maybe they're not. But what I want "Conversations" to be is a presentation of that dialogue. So the 'episodes' will just be...

Conversations with SoAndSo 7-30-23

Conversations with SoAndSo 8-2-23

Sometimes the same person more than once, but the recordings won't really be linked to each other in any way. I just meant that running dialogue format will provide the ability to continue discussion if there is value to developing something more. Because I'm not bound by an "episode" I figure it can kind of flow where it needs to. And my vision is to just post what I record regardless, and do it frequently. I'll let the listener decide which recordings are interesting and worth the time. But because of this model, I envision all of the recordings being short. 30mins or so. Can always come back and do another. I am going to take little shorthand notes of what the subjects are as we record so at least I can give some info of what we talked about (when this is possible).

This first one went weird because we lost connection mid-thought. I'm going to do it with him again and stitch it together to make one. A rare edit for this project. But since this is about the organic conversation and not presenting some killer episode, I'm going to wait to post them until I have a handful this initial time. That way there is no "first one". After that, I'll just be dropping them as I rip them.

I appreciate your enthusiasm about it, Tim! Very much. I'm super excited about this project. I'm super excited to speak with all the fascinating people I've met. THAT is the magic of this! I really can't wait. :)

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Thank you, Theo, for all your eloquent good work, kindness and fiery truth-telling in this time of ever-spinning global madness, confusion, fear and sadness. You are for many a source of sanity and solace.

I look forward to hearing and reading your upcoming endeavors and wish you and your family all the best.

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Thank you, Leah!

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