The History
Americans have a very short memory. America has a relatively short history. How quickly we as people seem to have forgotten the very roots that make us who we are. The philosophical foundations that define The American Project; the civics which underpin them. Our great Founders had just come out of a brutal battle for freedom and independence - the very right to create this magnificent project, and live in the beautiful manner it envisioned and prescribed. Walk down the Bill of Rights. What do they represent? They each are a pillar of individual freedom. For it is not our federal government who has granted us as Americans the right to, well, be American. We have these rights innately, they are not bestowed onto us as they were in feudal times or always will be under tyranny. The very structure our gray-haired minds created for us was to ensure that we would always possess core rights as individuals, as families, as communities. This steps up a level and becomes states’ rights. Read the Articles of Confederation. We were always a republic, not a true democracy. We are a collection of states - a union, in fact - which came together for a common purpose, a greater common cause, sharing in a common flag. But we were always meant to remain as states, not become a homogenous blob to be under the thumb of some federal organ in the northeast. Imagine the horrors those men would feel at such a thought! They gave their lives to never see it on our soil again.
These concepts, these beautiful gems of American society and thought, are codified within our Constitution. That document is unique in this world, it is unique in human history. There has never been anything quite like it. Again, those men; they knew this when they were drafting it. The core concepts contained are all designed to protect this vision, to protect the American Dream. It is not a coincidence that our youth no longer study the Federalist Papers. That the critical importance of understanding civics has given way to a fetish of the social-sciences, a fixation with controlling the way of man in the name of chasing an unobtainable Utopia. The latter crash of that sentence is directly tied to its beginning. Academia has been almost entirely usurped, and the gospel it teaches (and oh, it is a gospel!) is now antithetical to everything we were built upon. Generation after generation has been brainwashed away from our principles. Is it really a surprise to anyone that our flag and anthem are so stained, the sense of patriotism dimmed, and the spirit of national pride painted as abhorrent? Of course not. If you were to destroy American in three easy steps, we’re touching on them right now. There is a book of that name and of the spirit of this piece so far. You should check it out if you haven’t read it and this topic interests you. This chasm between those who understand these American principles and those who believe the role of our government is to create our rights is the most critical divide in our country. In many ways, it is the single division that defines our “culture war”.
The Capture
Federalism. Is any word more important in our current times? I’ve written consistently since I came to this digital world that the cultural strife we are going through will all eventually crash down on states’ rights. For that is truly the crux of this all. We were never meant to be a homogenous land. Citizens in San Francisco should be allowed to pursue a different form of policy and law, societal customs, norms, and lifestyles. People in Florida are allowed to live how people in Florida think is best. A republic of 50 states. And as American citizens, we enjoy the remarkable and unbridled freedom of residing in whichever bastion most suits you and your family’s likings. This isn’t that complex. If the non-stop energy of The Big Apple is not for you, then you can choose to live in Brevard County, Florida, and focus on fishing more than fashion. Conversely, if small town life can’t satisfy your life needs and desires, a robust land of opportunity awaits where you can even chase theater dreams and mansions on cliffs.
What I’m getting at here largely describes why our society is going through such a period of unrest. This is the cart, however, and not the horse. For we had previously gone through a period of massive institutional capture. This was not only with certain critical industries and cultural pillars being usurped writ large (see academia and media), but also with the creation of an entire new industry in the digital age which was built from design to serve this cause of societal capture and social-engineering. Fast forward a decade or so across the Obama era (events and policy moves I now see in such a different light than when I was living through them) to 2020 when this burst out from taking ground in the shadows to making its public move across our society, and what this ultimately became in simplest form was a coercive federal command that citizens in all 50 states live in a specific manner. And that manner was the mindset and worldview and ideologies of those in San Francisco. This was the same mindset and mentality that had wholly captured academia. Of course it was, horse and cart. Academia functioned like an ideological sausage grinder and produced two waves of damn near uniformly indoctrinated children. Those youth went on to college where this laser-locked ideology was finely tuned and polished, and then they graduated and took over the entire managerial class. We saw this crazy brewing, but we all used to joke that they’d grow up when the real-world hit them. Lol no, they’ve turned the real-world into a liberal-arts campus instead. It wasn’t that difficult to do because in the world of Big Tech and much of the social-sciences, everything was so new they didn’t have to “take over”, they simply built this apparatus as a playground for themselves.
This advanced to such a perverse place that parents were told they were raising their own kids wrong if it didn’t meet the fantastical visions of leftists with gender degrees from Amherst. We now have states passing law that seeks to strip parental rights if they don’t oblige to this radical lifestyle and way of raising children; one that literally seeks to turn girls into boys or vice-versa, using drugs and the surgical removal of healthy body parts. We’re told this is “progress” and we are bigots if we don’t agree. But I’m getting ahead myself…
The Trojan Horse
Our design was meant to be impervious to takeover by another monarchy. But in a twist of cruel irony, we’ve now over-governed ourselves into a situation where we ARE under the ruling thumb of a monarchy again, they just call themselves administrative agencies. The agencies presumably are under the electorate, but you’d have to be a blind fool to believe that’s the case anymore. These agencies now work to remove sitting presidents that don’t advance their goals.
“Their” goals?
“[Trump is] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” -Mistress
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it”-FBI
They push lies dressed-up as “science” and then present real science as “disinformation”. They then take it a step further and “fact-check” the lie into truth, rendering reality into a national security threat they are allowed to censor, and do quite frequently. Just last month, a federal court ruled that Team Biden had violated our First Amendment rights through its usurpation of social-media to silence known truth and drive self-serving propaganda. Of course, any functioning brain not huffing tribalism and sanctimony has known this for several years now. Sadly, it took a federal court ruling for millions to even acknowledge it, and many will continue to pretend this dangerous crisis doesn’t even exist - it’s just a MAGA conspiracy theory.
How do you get around states’ rights? You whittle them down while increasing the governing authority of the federal blob. I could write an entire piece about how the Commerce Clause has been used to destroy the guarantees of individual freedom fought for by our Founders. It is plain wrong what ideologues have done with that doctrine. That’s something we’ll likely be wrestling with at the population-level within the next decade. There are two truly grave dangers facing the American people right now, and they are called censorship and the administrative state. Not coincidentally, the former serves the latter. We are living through Orwell Times.
The Flashpoint
June 5, 2020, was the moment that changed me forever. It was my flashpoint. It wasn’t a standalone moment, of course, but rather the crescendo of advancing chaos and complete societal disarray that I had been studying closely but, to be candid, I just didn’t want to accept as true. Could we be under legitimate cultural takeover? Could the entirety of American institutions be succumbing to the same capture? It was so surreal it didn’t seem possible. But the events of 2020 were so severe and unable to be masked (even with the best and “mostly peaceful” efforts of The Truman Show) that for most of the sane, it finally pulled the mask off…
That letter. Oh, man, that letter. The context is so critical to understanding the magnitude of this moment. This was just a couple weeks after there had been a freedom protest at the Michigan Capitol by a bunch of pissed off Americans who were fed up with their most basic and essential freedoms simply being cast aside by executive fiat. They couldn’t keep their businesses open, go outside without a mask, gather for church, visit sick relatives, say goodbye to dying ones. There was no due process here, no means of redress. Zero. You were going to STFU and do what the tiny handful of people in power told you to do. And if you had a problem with it, you could be attacked as a bigot or someone who wanted elderly to die, and then possibly thrown in cuffs by the state.
How is that possible? Because it was a “public health emergency”, of course. Because this coronavirus was such a serious threat you weren’t allowed to say some words to a dying relative for the last time. Eventually you’d be forced to take repeated injections if you wanted to access the stores or the city or public transportation or even work and earn a living. Young pregnant mom who does everything right and just got over COVID? Doesn’t matter. You will heel and wear the masks and take the shots or we will render you an unemployed young pregnant mom. They use an administrative agency meant for hardhat law and hazmat spills to force shots on millions, while openly waiving the injury reporting requirement from the same OSHA code to mask vax injuries. Meanwhile, private salons are opened for Pelosi’s hairdo, Newsom and his elite of the elite cronies gather at French Laundry and dine over $15,000 in wine (no typo) to discuss what freedoms the peons are to have - unmasked in restaurants that aren’t even open for us peasants.
Something tells me those men in muskets from two centuries ago wouldn’t have jived with that all very well. So, in my opinion, those are pretty damn good grounds for a protest. And yet, those people in Michigan got absolutely paraihed across media and government and society and all of our medical and scientific institutions. They were going to “Kill grandma!!”. How could you be so selfish as to gather en masse like that at a time we’re all hunkered down indoors with the world shut down? (See the irony there?) They were painted as monsters. The Monsters. Many might say, rightfully so. Ahh, but then we fast-forward just two weeks…
Now, follow me here, because this is critical…
The letter referenced above was written by over 1,200 in the epidemiology field. Many of the signatories are legit epidemiologists; I mean, this was not some online petition. Importantly, they did not just throw their weight behind the BLM protests. For the reason I just set out above and the fact the Michigan protestors were destroyed for publically gathering in the name of freedom, that alone would have been an abhorrent moment. But it wouldn’t have been record-stopping for me. No, this went far beyond that. You see, they didn’t just support BLM activism, they said that gathering in public to protest in the name of BLM served the interest of public-health. Yes, our top “experts” during a pandemic were stating in writing that the risk of viral spread at these mass protests was outweighed by the PUBLIC-HEALTH RISK of “white supremacy”. Staggering. But don’t take me for my word, read their own…
Open letter advocating for an anti-racist public health response to demonstrations against systemic injustice occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic
A public health response to these demonstrations is also warranted, but this message must be wholly different from the response to white protesters resisting stay-home orders.
White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19. COVID-19 among Black patients is yet another lethal manifestation of white supremacy. In addressing demonstrations against white supremacy, our first statement must be one of unwavering support for those who would dismantle, uproot, or reform racist institutions.
As public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States.
We express solidarity and gratitude toward demonstrators who have already taken on enormous personal risk to advocate for their own health, the health of their communities, and the public health of the United States. We pledge our services as allies who share this goal.
Ho-ly shit! That is language of fanaticism, in public-health, during a pandemic, by our experts, when the world was locked down because of the guidance of these same experts, and it’s ultimately just bare-bones political/ideological. To see our health apparatus used in this manner was simply stunning to me. They even had the audacity to address the freedom protestors, and describe their protest as not only unwarranted and unacceptable during this time of such immense public-health threat, but rooted in bad things. Of course. The Monsters.
We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives.
You really should read the letter in full if you haven’t before. Everyone should.
The Corruption
Ahhh, “public-health”, The Holy Grail.
There are so many things you can do once you get there.
And where is there? Closer than you may think…
It really isn’t about “public-health”, that is just the vehicle. It’s actually about “emergency powers”. Now THAT is a valuable term! Much better put, it is a valuable tool. Did you ever hear that Egypt was under emergency powers for thirty straight years after the assassination of its president? Thirty-years! That’s a long damn time for an emergency to span. Of course, no one is that dumb. No emergency actually spanned three decades. What did stretch that far was relishing in the splendors of emergency powers by those who were in charge of Egypt at the time. It took an uprising and an overthrow for the citizens to ever get out from under them. Emergency powers are a genie that does not go back in the bottle easily. I remember chuckling about that (probably to laugh off the underlying horror) as I watched literally billions of dollars (mostly state funds) pour into emergency-based infrastructure around COVID. Over in Europe, some countries like Austria went absolutely draconian and built surveillance and biosecurity technology and societal herding apparatuses that would make some sci-fi writers blush. We watched QR codes and vaxports not just get conceived but implemented, worldwide. No citizens voted for that. Hell, in New York they trained dogs to sniff for COVID. What?!? The point is, do you think they just retire the dogs and tear down the QR scanners when the powers-that-be say “no more pandemic”? Lol of course not. And this was obvious when they were building it all. Maybe that’s why some of us screamed so loud, no?
What is it that is so valuable about emergency powers? Well, that’s answered by the name itself. Under a true emergency, a civilized society is willing to give up some non-war-time rights in return for some very basic and very urgent necessities. For the super maverick-minded, let me show you a couple examples to prove I’m right here. This isn’t for rational debate, it’s just a matter of how severe the fact-pattern has to be…
For example, if a foreign enemy ever landed military on our shores, and you happened to live on that coast, I can promise you you wouldn’t be too worried about bringing trespassing actions if our own troops showed up and moved onto your land to combat a clear threat. Maybe that is too hypothetical and weird to click, so let’s try something more real. I live in Florida and we have big storms. Some of those storms can leave your area inoperable. I’m talking no power for a week, trees down, no access, no sewage and water, inability to get gas or resupply, it’s difficult to do everything. There become dire needs in such an environment very quickly. And I can tell you from more than two decades down here, no one ever complains about the emergency laws that get enacted. It allows us to get crucial shit done. We trust our leaders in these situations to use these powerful tools in our own interest. We elect leaders who do that, and would tar, feather, and remove any who did not. Emergency powers are needed. We need to have a discussion as a society about imposing checks and limits desperately, but this is not a zero-sum analysis.
The legal mechanics underlying emergency powers allow for government to dispose of “due process”. That two-word term is one of the most important in all of US law. It means our Constitutional right to the protections our law provides to us as an individual. It means everything, really. And the nature of emergency powers, their very function, is that they justify the pushing aside of these essential protections in the name of the emergency; in the shared cause and urgent need that has blindsided us all. How could something like racism ever be an “emergency” that would justify such powers? It can’t, obviously. The notion is utterly bizarre. Enter public-health…
That is THE paramount avenue of construing political agenda or even individual or a sect’s ideology into a legal widget that is called “emergency” and therefore able to bypass due process. We all agree that our health/us dying is an emergency right? So that’s what they want every analysis to be: you must agree to this or you are in harm’s way. “Safety”. Part of this machine has been building waves of people obsessed with safetyism. It becomes an emergency, a matter of life or death, and therefore one that cannot wait for inquiry and hearings. Rules? This is no time for rules! Yeah, I’m being a bit hyperbolic, because this is a very VERY dangerous area of law. Remember the Egypt story? And while they do this with everything from viruses to climate, health is the great muddler. “Public-health” is an amorphous and endless cheap magic trick.
The Scope
I now look back and realize I was long bamboozled. I had WAY too much trust in my government and all its technically-not-government-but-oh-so-yes-government organs and tentacles. But 2020 was a game-changer, during COVID is when everything popped! Return to that 1,200 epidemiologist BLM protest story and letter. What in the world happened there? We all know. These were just ideologues (whether political or more than that, it really doesn’t matter now) who had captured an essential apparatus of ours and were using it for a nefarious and selfish purpose. They were trying to drive the left’s agenda using their jaw-dropping institutional capture. If you simply look back up at their own words above, you’ll see they were actually driving something much more than that. These lines have been blurred, the left is advancing an overtly revolutionary energy and agenda. But let me not get too far off-track…
Seeing the decimation of lockdowns and things like Angela Marsden, the nonsensical policies like loose-hanging symbolic mask mandates and children used as pawns, shook the majority of America. Seeing states like mine live on one planet while blue states lived on Mars was eye-opening for many more than who have admitted it all these years later. That is one of the most important unspoken energies in our country right now. I know of several DNC-voting families who harbor great respect for leaders like DeSantis because of the moves they made during COVID - moves which were proven to be right. But we had a few really poignant examples of this Constitutional usurpation rear its head in grotesque fashion that not nearly enough people talk about. And that’s because most people haven’t thought about it the right way, or just aren’t aware at all.
The first is one everyone knows about, but I’m not sure many have really thought about. And that was our Center for Disease Control (CDC) being used to levy nationwide eviction moratoriums. For almost two years, landlords could not evict tenants. Period. Didn’t matter if they had stopped paying rent (which many did, even many who could have afforded rent, because of this law) or if they were trashing the place. You couldn’t evict them. This was pissing over so many rights we have as citizens, not to mention interference of contract which is a Constitutional prohibition. How did they possibly get that authority? That’s answered by who they used for the action. The CDC. Public-health. Aha! We simply decide that there is such a grave danger to public health by people being evicted during COVID, that like the most powerful ruler in all of human history, we’re just going to tell every court that they can’t issue evictions. They don’t give a shit what anyone else says. And across The Truman Show-media, it was always presented as if all of these landlords were like Walmart. Juice the sympathy fruit for all you can, what will these unfortunate unable-to-pay-tenants do during a pandemic? I don’t know. What will the many landlords do who pay for their entire lives with rental income? Not only are some landlords not huge corporations, MOST landlords in America are mom-and-pop. I mean, that number isn’t even close. So this “public-health” emergency decision which obliterated due process for every landlord in America didn’t serve the goal of public-health at all. It was flat-out wrong, unconstitutional, and that’s exactly what a federal court later held it to be. But did it matter by then? No, of course not, the damage was done. The objective of those utilizing these powers was complete.
One of the most controversial aspects of COVID was mask mandates; specifically, children being forced in masks daily against the wishes of their parents. As anyone reading this knows all too well, that debate embroiled our nation for quite a long time and burned very hot. We also all know that it largely split down red and blue and lines. The fact a pandemic response split so cleanly down political lines should make you question everything you think you know about the pandemic. But that’s a story for another article. What is relevant here was that in blue states, children were required to be masked and that was simply the moral thing to do. But when leaders in red states like mine went the opposite direction and required a parental opt-out for all mask mandates, Team Biden took public podiums to throw support behind radical rogue school-boards in Broward County which were forcing all children into masks contrary to state law. Suddenly, defying state law is the moral thing to do. This double-standard told us everything and strikes right to the heart of this entire article. But not only did our Commander in Chief urge those schools to continue violating state law, he used federal tax revenue (our money!) to pay the resulting fines. Let me state that again: the federal government commanded citizens in a state to violate its law and then used federal dollars (‘grant’ money) to wipe out the penalties. Not only is that clearly unconstitutional, it’s some civil war stuff! This is exactly what our Founders were protecting us from. And our ‘news’ barely even reported on it. I’d say a majority of DNC voters are not even aware this happened to this day.
Think that’s bad? In May of 2020, the CDC conducted a school ventilation study. It was broad with a huge student population across various schools and studied various methods of reducing COVID spread in them. Guess what it found on masking? “No statistically significant benefit”. Our own CDC ran this study. You’d think that would have ended talk of masking all of our children every day, no? But consider the date, that nightmare had barely begun. I bet some of you reading this have never even heard of that study. How could that be? Easy explanation; one I wrote about dozens of times. They did what’s known as “file drawer” and left that conclusion out of the study’s summary. Yes, THE most important conclusion which they knew was the one all of us as parents wanted to know the most. When it’s not in the summary, very few people read it. And that’s precisely what happened. Once again, our ‘news’ agencies helped bury the story rather than reporting on it, much less being “The Fourth Estate” performing investigative journalism to protect the citizenship from this kind of government corruption. But that’s not even half of the government corruption revealed on this fact-pattern alone…
The CDC decided to reverse course on its “masks on every child!”-policy after this study (apparently, at least someone there still has a heart) and announced it was changing its guidance to no masks for kids (if they were vaccinated. Insane with policies dismissing natural immunity entirely, but that’s its own piece). Now follow this sequence: our teachers unions (who wanted our children in masks more than anyone, and not for the safety of children as they chanted over and over but for their own selfish interests) found out about this and weren’t having. Our teachers unions are one of the most important political organs (and vote harvesting operations) for the DNC. They carry mega weight! And so Randi Weingarten sent a message to the White House with a planned written statement the unions would be releasing torching Team Biden and the CDC for pulling general mask recommendation if they didn’t back down. Yes, just straight-up political blackmail. And what do you think happened next? Well, were mask mandates in schools pulled in mid 2021? Heck no! They ran through 2022. That’s because the White House freaked out over this coercive demand, spoke with the CDC (yes, our Center for Disease Control) and, low and behold, suddenly the public-health analysis for all of our children had dramatically changed and voilà!, the CDC reinstated masks for all. I’m not exaggerating any of that. I’ve written a dozen threads about it. You can find receipts for this all in this web below, including documentation of these communications (threats) between Randi-White House-CDC.
The level of corruption revealed in those episodes is just staggering. Systematic; institutional. And everything I’ve written about here was done under the guise of “public-health”. They move their agenda into that arena to make it impenetrable. Once it’s about “safety”, “national security”, “harm” and “danger”, our very lives, then how can anyone object? And object to what? See, the nexus between the policy and actions and surveillance and capture underlying these pleas and moves and the “public-health” crises it claims to solve is always thin if not entirely absent. The more you look for this dynamic, the more you see it everywhere! This entity I broadly call “The Truman Show” has mastered this tactic of capture, coercion and herding and is deploying it almost across the board. As just another random example to sit on the table, check this out…
I just randomly came across that executive order one day. It wasn’t being talked about on the news or even on Twitter, really. But it’s not just an E.O., Biden declared a state of national emergency that day. What emergency? Something about foreign threats wanting to use technology to surveil and hack us. But what does the executive order authorize? The state to amplify surveillance/control of information, of course. What struck me about it was the lack of definition or clear goals, the complete lack of an end-date or explaining mission success, and how half the code itself talked about its ability to expand in the future. But what should trouble us all is this was done as an emergency action? Why? Is our nation under attack? If it was it would be all over the news, right? Of course it’s not. There is a reason they want this law (the upcoming actions) to fall under emergency authority and therefore be able to violate due process. That’s what every one of these is about. We would never allow a medical agency to tell an owner of property they can’t throw out a non-paying destructive tenant. But suddenly it’s in the service of public-health by pen-stroke and we don’t have a say. THIS is the actual threat to democracy and our freedom. Ironic we hear that the other way 24/7/365, isn’t it? Yes, but it’s not the least bit surprising.
The Event Horizon
We better stop this encroachment before it’s too late, and I’m not sure where that event horizon is exactly. There will be a moment or rapid series of them where a threshold is crossed and it is too late. Where the capture is too complete, the standards too amorphous, the people too in fear and compliant, and the mechanisms for pushing back too usurped and eroded away. Are we close? Some would say no, but some events around us scream otherwise. THE bulwark to government overreach in America is the Second Amendment, an armed populace. People who don’t understand that just simply don’t understand what makes us US (or more likely, they’re being intellectually dishonest). What prompted me to sit down and write this piece was watching executive action strip away Second Amendment rights in New Mexico. The Governor declared a public-health crisis on gun violence and just like that she took away their citizens’ right to carry firearms in public. With a signature, not a public vote. How could she ever do that? In the service of public-health, silly. She was just trying to save lives! Well, why not just ban guns entirely then? That would sure save lives. That is hyperbolic, but those are the doors we’re allowing to be created right now. Backdoors meant to allow our founding document to be subverted. We’re seeing moves from this exact toolkit openly in major cities like Chicago, New York, Baltimore and Los Angeles.
The American project is a unique and inspiring marvel. It is one built on the notion of individual liberty. Everything created Red, White, and Blue was put in place to protect our basic freedoms. Those simple yet profound Bill of Rights. It’s a magnificent place we live, a unique and truly fortunate land to be born, a republic unlike any other the world has seen… if we can keep it.
The Federals System was meant to be an arbitrator for disputes between teh states, a manager of National level like management of the nations currency and maybe a few other lesser things but that was basically it. The Federal System has grown through care incremental steps in which some new power is acquired thru the marketing of an actual good thing that is later on expanded to do more because the expansion can be done by the bureaucrats, who are also owned by wealthy interests just as many politicians are, once the legislation is passed. This wasn't something done quickly but a multi-generational plan to re-capture control of the masses.
When the wealthy elite of the time lost their power they realized that they needed a new solution to recapturing power. In the past this was done via war & conflict but the elite realized this was always a short term solution for eventually the people would rebel. They knew that the people had to be made peasants and land serfs willingly in order to create long term control. The elite vowed to do anything to regain control and in the 1800 they came up with a multi-generational plan to do just that. Before then their focus was on getting control of as many elected officials and bureaucrats in the system so it could be expanded. Next was taking control of the currency which they ran into resistance from Andrew Jackson who called them a pit of vipers; these wealthy elites. These elites at that time were often of royalty but later on their group was expanded to include industrialists and other wealth achievers who also believed that the masses should not be allowed to self-govern. The blue bloods, those whose money was old money, weren't happy about bringing in outsiders but they needed the influence and money these people had; to serve as their economic foot soldiers. Once they were able to establish the Federal Reserve it was all downhill from there for he who controls a nations currency controls the nation.
Next was to capture education; every child in America need to be educated but only so far as to be proper factory workers for the wealthy elite. They did not want these peasant acquiring too much knowledge and possibly starting another revolution. The "deliberate dumbing down of America" as detailed in a book of teh same name by Charlotte Iserbyt, was their plan for making sure all Americans were just smart enough to function as slaves and to not question authority. This worked some but Americans were just too stubborn so the public education system started indoctrinating kids instead of education them. Initially it was done lightly so as to not raise any alarms. The key to this and everything else was to do it such that it wasn't noticed by the masses. Their control of the media insured that any warnings or concerns raised abut this were minimized by attributing them to teh ravings of some mad man and sadly that worked at least for a while.
Starting with the Millennials it was decided to amp up the indoctrination process because they were behind schedule. Trump was a major road block to the plan and he even set them back by as much as 10 years with much of what he did primarily with various agreements made by prior administrations. Once Trump got in and Brexiters won their fight the elite dropped all p0retense of being stealthy, operating in teh dark , and turned everything up to max. You could see this with teh news media that seemed to loose its mind over night, dropping any pretense of being an institution that reported the news to one that was a propaganda machine for the political Left in America. Within public education the same changes were made and now that Millennials have entered the workforce we can see just how well that indoctrination worked. The clown world non-sense so many go along with and or even help promote today is proof of that.
Sadly the GenXer's and perhaps the first few years of Millennials were the last group of kids to make it thru the public education system with only minimal indoctrination. They made us fearful of the ozone layer being destroyed and they started ion Climate change as I was in my last years at highschool but it wasn't until the Millennials that they stopped trying to convince students of these things and focused on programming it into the kids so they were incapable of independent thought, creating teh perfect activists for collectivist governance.
Anyway I'll get off my soapbox now.
"Americans have a very short memory. America has a relatively short history."
This is very easy to achieve when you've caotured the publicly funded eductaion system and have implimented a dumbing-down policy.
These 2 very alarming trends today;
1) College stuents who graduate better trained to be actvist for collectvist governancne then whatever their degree is in
2) A lot of very stupid people are gong to college today and that includes a lot of women who are there solely b/c women and other groups recieve preferntial treatment. Watched several onteh street interviews of collge kids and it's always the same, the women are asked basic questons that my 13 year old knows (she's homeschooled) but that bewilders these female college students but which also are more often correctly answered by the malestudents especially ifthey are normal looking males. Questions like what is the capital of America or what's the name of teh ocean on teh east coast; realbrain teasers.
Iwe normal men don't come together to put an end to this society will collpase under the weight of incompetence