"It says a lot about the modern left that they are annoyed by the ideal that people should not be judged -- legally and societally -- by their immutable qualities, but rather by their deeds."
There is an obvious reason why "anti-racist" ideologues fight against this notion
Judd Legum is the prototypical self-flagellating white leftist. He’s the type that would tell Latinos they are to call themselves “Latinx” and is convinced he is the good guy as he does it. He is a self-prescribed savant of “accountability journalism”, because of course he is.
And so on this day that we as a nation celebrate and remember the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Judd wants to make sure you keep in mind the rabid ideology of modern activists:

David undresses this nonsense with ease, because it’s so flimsy…

But what is Judd really on there? What is the objective of commanding our society to “see color”? This isn’t a sentiment limited to assembly-line journos like Judd Legum, by any means. Here is Cartoon Network commanding the same thing to our children:
Why? Why would we want to tell children to “See color!”? Ideologues like Judd would have you believe that the man famous for this quote below would be a huge supporter of that cartoon being blasted into our living rooms:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Of course, this is complete nonsense. It’s the usual around our media these days: Propaganda 101. MLK would be horrified at the mainstream push of this overtly racist “anti-racist”-ideology. To see children broken out into affinity groups and privilege hierarchies at school based on their skin color, told they are unconsciously biased for life against others due to pigment difference, shamed into possessing guilt by the mere station of their birth, etc, would be the stuff of nightmares to a man like Dr. King. It would be the antithesis of all he worked for, all he gave his life for.
And yet, our journos and media-sphere are absolutely consumed with race essentialism! Look at this from the Washington Post:
That is our media sphere actively working to cement racial division, to cultivate race essentialism. And that article wasn’t a one-off, at all. Consider this web of threads below (link is midpoint) and strip this disgusting dogma bare…

It’s painfully obvious what is really taking place here. I dissect it in this piece below:
And why it’s so deeply embedded in the Democratic Party now…

. . .
When it comes to The Truman Show, some things never change…
Thanks for exposing this crap.