Some of the people I respect the most on Twitter were/are part of the feminist movement. Many followers and mutuals are too. So I frequently get into some heated debates with feminists, over what seems like classic feminist issues. But it's not really, and that's the gap. I'm no scholar of feminist doctrine, and perhaps that's the gap too. It's quite possible we aren't even talking about the same meaning of “feminist”.
I wrote a tweet today, for example, commenting on how for many women childrearing has taken on a negative and even oppressive stain. That this mindset is damaging for society. I'm confident standing behind all of those as facts. I was then tangled up in debate that was in the nature I'm referring to here. I don't want to recap it, the point is that we were talking about two different things. Quite possibly society does need to support mothers more; and yes, men as the power center historically have crafted things over time. But that's a completely different conversation from the one I initated. Mine wasn't judgmental or seeking to identify blame. Mine was 30,000ft, analyzing the layout we find ourselves on. From that lens, it really doesn't matter how or why we got here. I'm speaking to the situation at hand. And that is one where a rabid ideology is consuming a lot of our young girls whole. The amount of intense distrust of men (putting it lightly for many) is wild. It's so openly discussed within this new activist energy. And then there is a disturbing anti-natalist movement largely within progressives circles and leftists that is a separate animal but weaves in here. It's all a really bad toxic soup. Again, cause doesn't change that, even though I understand we need cause to help. But I'm focusing in on the psychological here.
I view what has occurred with the feminist movement almost identically to that with DEI and civil rights, Pride and gay marriage, the quest to save the Earth etc. Whatever noble aspects of these movements existed are now well gone. They have all become vehicles for the same revolutionary leftism. The Same Thing. The perpetually angry young woman who thinks being a mom is oppressive is not a product you want the factory tooled for. I so frequently bump into feminists who literally drop a version of “You don't support the movement that brought women's suffrage!”. It's so bizarre; that juvenile emotional catnip. Of course I do. Have you never heard me talk about women? I cherish them. I don't like to see them broken. The activism of today isn't about noble pursuits and human rights. And those that are bound and still driven by the righteous cause of past times don't have much in common with this new activist wave. This is why they're trampling all over women's spaces and taking their trophies.
There is no good left in DEI. There is no good left in Pride. And if the modern incarnation of the feminist movement is producing anger at The Patriarchy until the world changes while soiling the nature of families, child nurturing, and the mother being as much of that as possible, then there's no good there either.
These causes have turned rabid. That isn't an indictment of the past. But tbe past doesn't dictate the present. We need to model and champion healthy things for our kids again, and especially our young girls. These are our future mothers, the feeders of life. Life isn't about teaching rebellion and drilling self. We're failing our children across so many fronts right now. And fixing that requires first speaking to it, blunt as it may sound. I'm not a bad person, I don't want bad things for our girls. I speak because I care.
I think you need to take a look at what radical feminists are actually saying. A good place to get started is
It is true that there is a lot of third wave feminism mucking things up. But the second wave/radical feminists are interested in real class analysis based in material reality. This means accepting that women who are mothers, or conservative, or who are otherwise conforming to patriarchal standards are not the enemy. They are to be supported as fellow women and part of a materially oppressed class.
I don't disagree with you that DEI, Pride, and feminism have been taken over by a group of illiberal ne'er-do-wells and their sycophants. But that doesn't mean the underlying analysis is wrong.
It is true that men oppress women, and they do so even if they don't mean to. The world is set up for this to happen. That is the radical change rad fems are talking about. Human society has to fundamentally change for men to not oppress women. It is true that motherhood is oppressive. It is a very male perspective to look at motherhood and not see a ton of work and burden. I say this as a mother who very much enjoys motherhood! I would choose motherhood every time. But it is a huge HUGE burden, and it does not help women to minimize or ignore this very basic fact that underlies most of our experience in the world, let alone the friction between the sexes.