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I think you need to take a look at what radical feminists are actually saying. A good place to get started is ovarit.com.

It is true that there is a lot of third wave feminism mucking things up. But the second wave/radical feminists are interested in real class analysis based in material reality. This means accepting that women who are mothers, or conservative, or who are otherwise conforming to patriarchal standards are not the enemy. They are to be supported as fellow women and part of a materially oppressed class.

I don't disagree with you that DEI, Pride, and feminism have been taken over by a group of illiberal ne'er-do-wells and their sycophants. But that doesn't mean the underlying analysis is wrong.

It is true that men oppress women, and they do so even if they don't mean to. The world is set up for this to happen. That is the radical change rad fems are talking about. Human society has to fundamentally change for men to not oppress women. It is true that motherhood is oppressive. It is a very male perspective to look at motherhood and not see a ton of work and burden. I say this as a mother who very much enjoys motherhood! I would choose motherhood every time. But it is a huge HUGE burden, and it does not help women to minimize or ignore this very basic fact that underlies most of our experience in the world, let alone the friction between the sexes.

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