Moderna hid bad (negative) data on transmission from the FDA in their bivalent booster approval
And my surprise level at learning that is exactly 0.00%
“might not be any more effective” is one way to describe it, I guess. The more accurate would be “LESS effective”. More people with the bivalent booster came down with COVID than those without.
Negative efficacy. And not the first time we've seen that, at all…

But if they’ve known this all along, how can anyone defend these commands for vaccine segregation made by Biden and Walensky in 2022? 🚨

Those are the questions no one will ask because truthful answers would dig political graves. But I thought this was supposed to all be about public-health? Who are our reporters serving here?
Spend billions of our dollars on prepurchases first; next push recommendations and mandates with no categorization; and then try and prove it actually works last. Par for the course for Joe “Beat Pharma” Biden. Did the exact same thing with Paxlovid…

So, if they were intentionally concealing bad data, what good data supported this emergency use-only approval? Well, we have those receipts too, and they may be even worse…

The receipts on this stuff are endless, and they will bury many people. This is why our media and many DNC officials are in a systemwide spazz-state claiming questions are wrong and logical scrutiny dangerous.
It's no surprise who is parroting that nonsense now. The same people who know the ground below them is collapsing.