As a veteran Meditation practitioner, I have this to say on Harris.

Psy Op Taint Agent #1

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The one subject on which I had no tolerance for Hitchens. Total fatuous nonsense to think he could know or prove the existence of God without even trying. His entire thesis is anti-religion which is an argument I am content with but he never saw it that way.

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if I may speculate, your frustration with the faith [Catholicism{ comes not from the faith being wrong or bad but because like many it has been invaded and captured by Satan.

Any and I mean ANY organized religious faith that embraces homosexuality is evil. NOT because this is about gays but because this is about the promotion and normalization of that which is NOT the norm.

To be absolutely clear, all people deserve the same rights regardless of their sexual preference. That however is NOT the same as trying to say that this is just another norm, another choice.

To me knowledge every major denomination of the Christian faith has been captured and is nor embracing homosexuality's. This is a warning from God of bad times to come. Homosexuality is NOT the norm nor just another choice,. Those who are gat are entitled to and deserve every right the rest of us have but that doesn't mean they are entitled to try and force the rest of us to accept their choices as normal.

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I just want to say that based on your post your parents sound lie really good peoples! That's significant as many can't say the same thanks to the increase in father-less homes thanks to women, specifically feminists.

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Fatherhood is what God created to ensure men do the right thing as they age. Man goes from caring about himself to carrying about the greater whole, all of society, as it will now impact is children. This is why the evil elite introduced thing like the gay agenda and feminism, to destroy healthy male/female relationships.

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