Once again, reality can't square with the Fear Porn. Climate-flavored this time.
The Great Barrier Reef is actually doing great! And man, does that throw a wrench in some plans.
How often have you heard about the disappearance of the Great Barrier Reef? The endless articles and doomscripts re humans and their global warming destroying this rich and important natural wonder of the world? The tales of warm oceans, the photos of bleached coral, the predictions of economic disaster and cascading impacts to the acquatic food chain?
Constant is the answer. Constantly throughout your life, likely since you were a young child. In our modern times, The Truman Show-machine absolutely pummels our children with Climate Cult Scripture from before they even fully understand the world.
And what are we told to do about it? Specifically to the GBR, is there a Reef Guy like a Pool Guy that Australia has been putting together to come and treat the water and make it clean again? Is there some new technology they’re working on to help seed new coral or preserve the old? No, of course not. We're merely told the solution for every existential Earth-ending climate crisis no matter the fact-pattern is - wait for it - grant a bunch more authority outside of the electorate to NGOs so they can “Save the Earth!” by way of executive action. Unbridled executive power.
It’s pretext. Always has been. It’s the ultimate “morality binary (“You don’t want to save the Earth?!?”), the greatest amorphous boogeyman of all-time (think “white supremacy” on steroids). It’s a power play, nothing more. And time and time again the reality actually before us cannot stand up to the Fear Porn those in charge of these global apparatuses so desperately want to sell the masses on.
What's the current state of the Great Barrier Reef? The best it’s been in a long time…
But don’t tell that to The Climate Crazed 😵💫, it messes their whole persona up.
Because if they can’t continue their all-consuming activism, if the masses can no longer be emotionally manipulated by their Fear Porn, where do they turn? There is nowhere to turn, they’re left with no sails. It’s like Ben Collins and these frauds who went all-in on branding themselves as “Disinformation Experts”. The ruse is up now, the cheap magic trick has busted, our people now realize THEY are the top purveyors of disinfo themselves, and it’s rendered people like Ben professionally worthless.
There is going to be a shit ton of buyer's remorse and regret from The Climate Hysteria Cult over these next few years.
Explore this web of threads below. Strip this farce bare, for once the climate ruse ends, The Truman Show sinks.
This propaganda is just so painfully transparent…
Remember this sequence?
And yet the very next day after putting billions into the largest climate spending bill in US history which they lied and called Inflation Reduction to get it passed, this article drops on CNN…
Not 24hrs later and the Climate Czars are beginning for more American billions. This time to be sent to foreign countries for “climate finance”, because that is what we must do or the Earth dies. Riiiiight. And I’m a fucking leprechaun!
Yep. 👇🎯
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Directly related:
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“Even though reality doesn’t support the hysteria, you should panic anyhow! 😵💫”
It’s like “Long COVID” but for climate.
Interesting input here. Thanks for sharing.
My fave:
"While there’s no data to prove or disprove it, it’s also probable that extinctions or local declines of coral-affiliated marine life, such as coral-eating fishes, crustaceans and molluscs have also occurred."
One of the great forks in the eye of climate activists is the scale of the planet. We forget because of 24hr news that can bring any place into your living room, but the Earth is BIG. Not just big, or even Big.
It is BIG!! And realizing that ruins every hyper local climate catastrophe disaster the activists try to use to persuade.
Remember the existential rain forest fires a couple years back? Looked awful. But it was less than 1% and less than naturally occurring wildfires in average years.
Same thing w the GBR. There are always areas that are doing well and areas that die off. The reef is HUGE, a scale that doesn’t translate to live video. So they present 100 yards as representative of the whole.
Restoring a sense of scale is an effective counter to all the hysteria.