My fave:

"While there’s no data to prove or disprove it, it’s also probable that extinctions or local declines of coral-affiliated marine life, such as coral-eating fishes, crustaceans and molluscs have also occurred."

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It's like "Long COVID" but for climate. 😵‍💫

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One of the great forks in the eye of climate activists is the scale of the planet. We forget because of 24hr news that can bring any place into your living room, but the Earth is BIG. Not just big, or even Big.

It is BIG!! And realizing that ruins every hyper local climate catastrophe disaster the activists try to use to persuade.

Remember the existential rain forest fires a couple years back? Looked awful. But it was less than 1% and less than naturally occurring wildfires in average years.

Same thing w the GBR. There are always areas that are doing well and areas that die off. The reef is HUGE, a scale that doesn’t translate to live video. So they present 100 yards as representative of the whole.

Restoring a sense of scale is an effective counter to all the hysteria.

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