When I went to law school, I vividly recall the professor hallway covered with angry anti-GOP propaganda. The era of “General Betray-us”. I wasn’t political at the time (though voted for W), but was struck at how overt and aggressive the messaging and remembered thinking how hostile that must have been to one who held contrary positions. That’s the point; it snuffed them out. This was the great liberal enlightenment going awry ... becoming a form of systematic capture, indoctrination, and social-engineering.
I can only imagine what it is like for a student today on a campus like Harvard or Cornell or Columbia or Yale. Picture one who comes from a life-long conservative world. Mind you, this is much of our nation. They walk in and their dorm is led by a flamboyant leftist, their advisor at the registrar’s is a short haired dark-rimmed glasses feminist, their professors more of the same. Their admin and campus royalty all look like they came from the same assembly-line. You quickly realize all of these people did. They even flash signals of tribalism now like ideological gang-signs.
The coercion has taken on a whole new tone, a new form. No longer is it just “Your political candidates are evil!”; no, it’s YOU are evil for not acquiescing. You don’t support racial affinity groups? Because you’re a white supremacist. You don’t support Queer+ revolution? Because you’re a bigot. CALL ME ZIR, BITCH!! Pronouns are one such required genuflection which has become institutionalized and coerced onto all - even though it requires open and active denial of objective reality. Think of what that repetitive and submissive mental process does when forced daily. That’s the point, of course. The Will to Obey.
How demoralized are these kids? We’re talking millions; wave after wave of our youth. Ones with enough inner-strength and self-respect turn where? The angry liberal at the admin’s office or the furious feminist down by the Dean’s? Everywhere you look they’re all The Same. Many now wearing their political identity as their attire; some expressing it in an even more consumed-by sense. There was a point white kids were being openly shamed, packs of Rainbow Guard on pronoun patrol. Legit ideological Commissars, man. We saw how bad things got at some of these schools. It was roaring across our country and yet few said a word until 10/7/23.
I think back to that sense of political suppression two decades ago. Wow, how fast that accelerated. I have to think bare-bones political dissent is all but gone on many campuses. It’s moved on to all-consuming “human rights” commands and “inclusivity” crusades under the DEI umbrella. Mandatory. This is to save humanity and democracy and the Earth, you see. Think back to the many screaming signs and seeds that were right in front of us all - like the horrors at Evergreen College. Horrors not reviled and repelled, but acquiesced to and empowered by administration. Horrors we then ignored as a society. Worse; we were forced to ignore it by a ravenous mob that described it with cult-creeds and invented protest screeds and quashed any and all opposition in its way with endless forms of Hatecraft based off nothing but language control and emotional abuse. Almost like an evolution of these same suppressive forces I saw being cultivated and drilled into brains back in my law school hallways. This is our own domestic Frankenstein we quite excitedly cooked-up all ourselves.
Doesn’t everyone see that this is what it was always designed to do? This is Truman Show capture. How they constructed the “expert-class” apparatus. How they instilled the will to obey. It’s been happening right in front of us. Our universities as indoctrination centers and hubs for anti-American radicalism. Staggering.
My heart breaks for the millions of kids sent under this wicked matriarchal thumb. It explains so much; from the beaten down boys to the demoralized traditional females. It wasn’t that way when I was in school. But we were all naively allowing the creep. Yes, the slopes were, in fact, slippery. I’m not sure what exactly we do about this. The scope is almost impossible to process. It will take a slow unwinding to get out, just like it took a Long March to get in. We should have never allowed them to do this to our youth. We should never have let them call this all “Progress”.
Hang on! I get it but not every Feminist is short haired...and nothing wrong with short hair! Or glasses!
I'm a Feminist. I'm not bought by the gender woo and I object to ppl telling me what to think and say.
I'm older so I don't give a damn anymore. But we all need to speak up for free speech and the right to our own opinions. Disagreeing agreeably.
Acquiescence is not the answer. People have to stand up to bullies. Not easy though for sure.
Hear hear!
I concur, though I have a longer memory -- I attended the University of Connecticut School of Law from 1986-1989 (First Quintile.) At that time, there was still civility and exchange of ideas. Since then, my alma matter has become an embarrassing woke Orwellian conditioning facility -- and its national ranking has plummeted precipitously.
But even before my time before the world went dark, Orwell and Huxley (among others) warned us loudly about this very threat. Huxley offered several observations that seemed fantastical then but are visible in this New Nazism:
"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."
"This Power Elite directly employs several millions of the country´s working force in its factories, offices and stores, controls many millions more by lending them the money to buy its products, and, through its ownership of the media of mass communication, influences the thoughts, the feelings and the actions of virtually everybody. To parody the words of W. Churchill, never have so many been manipulated so much by few."
"Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid."
"... the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled."
"Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left."
"The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human."
And here we all are.... :(