The Truman Show begins its massage of the Hunter Biden story as they know the truth (which our media and government worked in tandem to hide) is about to come out
First to the plate: The New York Times!
Check out this framing for the headline on Yahoo:
It’s quite bizarre that we’re only getting “a close look” at his story in 2023… after Twitter Files released… which only happened (see: most Americans are only becoming aware) because of Elon’s purchase of Twitter… a purchase The Machine fought tooth-and-nail to prevent, of course.
Getting it yet?
Shouldn’t it have been our reporters (once known as The Fourth Estate) who dug into this story FOR US, instead of Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi? Hell, you still have an army of empty-soul sycophants in legacy media like Ben Collins actively fighting against the story even coming out now, all the while selling himself as a “Disinformation Specialist”. What a joke. What a fraud. What a disgusting state of affairs for our citizenship.
My thoughts from last week, where I dive into the backstories behind this all, including that infamous video clip from Biden in Ukraine that no one wants to talk about…