Matt, I'm glad you enjoyed Stephanie's show. We didn't know what direction it would go in, but I'm glad it went where it did.

You're more right than you probably know about the ways reporters tried to maneuver me into confirming the Worst Pandemic stories. It was constant, and I saw clearly how fake all of it was. I could actually hear discomfort and disappointment in some reporter's voices when I wouldn't help confirm that hysteria was the right response.

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Those poor unfortunate souls.

Hello again, Josh. The timing of your interview on death being released was impeccable. I had just got back from the biggest family reunion anyone remembers. We buried an uncle who died in 1943 bombing Hitler's gas station and went unidentified for 79 years. The entire town of North Rose, NY turned out along the route to the cemetery with flags and hands on hearts. Never has a funeral been more immediately on my mind.

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Heavy. Significant. My respect to your family.

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I wrote an account of the funeral if you are interested. https://www.polemology.net/p/bringing-an-american-hero-home

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