I am profoundly grateful that I had children when I did, and they were exposed to none of this.

The fact that there isn't blood in the streets is testimony that today's parents are to be commended. The tide is beginning to turn, and we have their restraint to thank for that. They've handled this with voices and votes, as they should. The danger is still there, and it may yet prevail, but it knows it's in a fight.

I've often thought that all of this is a designed provocation. I'm not sure I could have dealt with it peacefully in my day, tbh.

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Mine are 4 and 9.


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My sympathies, my sincere admiration, but also my encouragement. You're on the front line, fight with everything you have, but in all things peacefully. Always remember that you may be deliberately provoked.

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Hear hear! This is why I care so much.

I appreciate you, Tim.

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I have a 19 year old daughter. Over the course of 5 years 3 of her girlfriends identified as lesbians and dated other girls. At the time I told her that they would all end up straight. A couple even went with the pink and purple hair.

One of the girls has very progressive parents and now she dates a guy that wears boots and a cowboy hat. She’s also heavily involved in FFA.

The other two girls also are dating men now.

These girls are being fed propaganda at school.

The good news for my daughters friends was that they were able (for now) to turn away from it.

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To deny social contagion (indoctrination) in our school system at this point is simply to confess to having your head buried fully in the sand in the name of tribal fealty.

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