We are nearing a full implosion on the COVID front
When you keep doubling-down on a bad hand, eventually you bust
It has been truly surreal to watch not only our government and it’s health agencies, but our entire legacy media apparatus, all of Big Tech, and most politicians and known-names who wear blue proudly all continue doubling-down on what we all now know are deceptions and downright fallacies. Well, “all now know” only applies to those who want to know. There is a troubling amount of Americans who simply don’t want to accept the reality before them because they’ve built so heavily on the artificial ground below. To accept error at this stage is world upending. How can someone completely buried inside “The Moral vs. The Monsters”-silo possibly accept that they were wrong on this? “This” being coercive demands that cost people jobs, access, careers, reputations, family, friends, it straight-up ruined lives. Lives ruined not in service of public-health, but in blind fealty to a political party and its mandated-on-all ideologies.
Shoes of teachers fired for refusing to take the COVID jab. Many of the owners of these shoes had superior native protection than the vaccine could ever provide. We were told this purge was necessary for “public-health” and our safety. Of course, that was never true.
You weren’t right; you were wrong. And then you forced that wrong on others and bludgeoned them if they dared to even ask questions in return. We’re talking about forced injections here! No, we were not “all the same”, and hell yeah there were “principal baddies”. This repeated mantra that they were “just working with the information they had available at the time” is complete horseshit. The amount of receipts you have to intentionally dodge to believe that is staggering. I’m not sure “willful ignorance” can even do that justice at this point. It’s something beyond that; it’s the behavior of cult-members.
Science didn’t change; only “The Science” did. Because real science is not something often settled. It’s surely not settled at origin, WTF are we even talking about here?!? Yet that was the US mandate, one gleefully signed on by the vast majority of the DNC base. That this ever cut down political red/blue lines is deeply troubling, but that too did not happen by chance. “The Unvaccinated” was turned into nothing more than another identity category for the left to “other”, alienate, moralize and attack. It sucked the TDS-crazed in with eerie perfection. It was designed to! The Temple of Sanctimony was tailor-made for the “bleeding hearts”, a match made in hell.
They KNEW our policies were targeting people with greater protection while deceiving many into believing they had protection they no longer did. This was knowledge to anyone who cared by July of 2021, and knowledge to the US government well before that. And this propaganda and deception campaign flowed all the way to the top. Team Biden’s hands are as dirty as they come. He who commanded vaccine segregation using children as props in January of 2022, months after knowing our mandates rested on lies and the vax was not stopping transmission. Walensky echoed the same one month later in February of 2022. They knew the vax wasn’t ending the pandemic, they knew The Unvaxxed weren’t “killing grandma”, they knew healthy kids were not at severe risk, and yet they used OUR children as political pawns to terrify parents and coerce shots into people that were never necessary. Nothing I just stated is exaggerated. I have receipts substantiating every point I made above.
And hell, they are STILL doubling-down on this unscientific bullshit as we’re now into 2023. There has been no backtracking and returning to science and Earth, no self-reflection about the error of their ways. Just more coercion, more sanctimony moralizing, more “othering”, more turning our citizens blind and rabid at each other. If you go back and actually conduct a postmortem, you’ll see this was the modus operandi all along. This agenda always required a nation of blind and rabid citizen soldiers to coerce and suppress. It was almost entirely the same people they turned rabid over race in 2020, over Trump before that. It shouldn’t require tribes to have a major issue with what occured here. The intentional cultivating and porting of mass-mania into public-health to force shots. This should be DEFCON5 to those in every tribe. The fact it is not is perhaps the most unnerving dynamic of this all.
But you can’t keep doubling-down on a bad hand. Eventually you get called, and then you lose everything. It’s hard to pick up on this through our airwaves because they are so compromised now, but a critical-mass of Americans now grasp that they were not only deceived, but continue to be subjected to propaganda and deception unmoored from data, science, and objectives tailored to public-health. What you see in this clip is the beginning of the end…

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By the way, you should take a moment to scroll the comments under Bill’s tweet above. They read like remarks from Jonestown. I touched on this in the piece on Twitter Files I wrote last night (click pic below for link). The level of cult-like fervor we are seeing is troubling as hell. But it’s par for this new grotesque course, unfortunately. Look at this below. Does it strike you as familiar? It should. It’s the same attack the huffing-sanctimony left deployed against Rogan, Elon, truckers, parents, cops, Christians, gun-owners, anyone standing in the way of their coveted agenda. They can no longer have a policy debate. That’s not possible when everything is required to be in “The Moral vs. The Monsters”-framing. They are destroying their own people is what they’re ultimately doing. The Truman Show ruse has now busted, the hand is lost. They are going to leave many in their wake in mental ashes. America’s own “Lost Generation”.
I can hardly read those comments Theo. Remember, they did what they did and did it with glee. The basest characteristics of humanity were laid bare. They are who they are. Now we know and we can't unsee it.