Well, the hall monitors nabbed me again
Call people nazis and fascists all you want, but don't you dare call someone out for being soft!
I’ve been put in another timeout by The Twitter Gods. It started when I read this performative and pathetic drivel from performative and pathetic Joe Walsh:
On 12/5, Joe spoke the sentiments which were actually on his mind, the values which he believes in. But those on the left are no longer allowed to prioritize their own beliefs and values if they conflict with the commands of The Moral. And so, for expressing his own thought, Joe found himself under attack from this maniac:
Did Joe tell this BLM announcing veteran Texan lesbian writer to piss off? Of course not. Joe bowed down to Charlotte in weeping fealty and immediately began crafting the proper words for his required public flogging. That thread above is the final product. He donned the dunce cap, stood on the stage with the Sign of Shame tied around his neck, and genuflected to the righteous mob atoning for “fucking up” and making sure to express clearly that he had now “been educated” and would be a better “work in progress”, perhaps not requiring as many whips to get back in line next time. In essence, self-imposed Jack Del Rio treatment.
I, of course, found this to be utterly shameful and pathetic. It’s the equivalent of cutting off your own testicles and handing them to BLM Charlotte in a jar of liquid. A jar of formaldehyde would be more apt, and so that’s precisely what I told him:
And I’d be happy to say the same thing to Joe again. I meant those words at 8:26am on 12/6 and I mean them the same today. I am disgusted by these sheepish clowns who can’t even express an opinion without running it through leftist quality control and then modify their own beliefs to placate the demands of petulant sycophants. But alas, this is the society we’ve created for ourselves. Well, some have, while others have had it forced upon them.
The hall monitors at 1355 Market Street did not like the sentiment I expressed to Joe. Perhaps they interpreted a reference to embalming liquid as a veiled threat of Joe’s demise. Of course, that’s not at all what I meant, and that should have been quite obvious (pretty sure it was). I used the exact same term last week to describe the state of Prince Harry after he left his military career and royal family to be Meghan’s bitch and little progressive pet puppet. The term was accurate there and it’s accurate here as well. This is ridiculous pathetic behavior that deserves widespread ridicule. But we’re not allowed to offer that needed ridicule because it hurts the sensitive feelings of shattered psyches like Charlotte’s. It stains the fragile ego of idiots like Joe.
Did my tweet make anyone “unsafe”? Of course not. I just don’t genuflect to these carnival barkers and bow down and blow their pet causes, and I enjoy telling them directly to their face in order to counter the nation of subservient minions who say “Yes, right away!” to every coercive command. It’s important to show society at large that contrary to the carnival funhouse mirror of Twitter, most Americans won’t just lie down and be smacked into submission like that. But what really rubs me is the fact I get called white supremacist, racist, bigot, transphobe, anti-LGBTQ, conspiracy theorist, nazi, science-denier, antivaxxer, climate change-denier, disinformation moron, etc etc etc, on this platform almost every single day. Hell, I was called a fascist by my own President! None of this has ever been an issue. You can make fun of the billions of Christians on this planet, openly mock the most important beliefs in their lives as fairytales, tell them they’re all brainwashed idiots in a cult, and the same hall monitors laugh and slap 5s at how funny those lines are. But god forbid you say Lia Thomas is a man and you get tape over your mouth. Makes sense, right? The reality is, Charlotte is a member of The Untouchables. It’s that simple.
Screw this bullshit! It’s absurd. Unfortunately, we have to play by their rules… for now. I deleted the post and I’ll see you back on the Bird tomorrow. Keep chopping, my friends, keep chopping!
Not so fast…
After quite clearly telling me above that if I agreed to have the post removed and accepted that I had failed to meet the standards of behavior imposed by The Moral I would be able to use the platform but only with my followers for 12 hours, I did exactly that. I then went to DM someone and, low and behold, that wasn’t true at all. I am completely locked out of my account entirely except for read-only access and they say it could be a week, or basically as long as they want it to be. Personally, I think there’s a very real chance it never gets unlocked. But this is all just perfectly normal in our era’s town square, right?
I actually figured out what gets you into Twitter jail (since I've ended up there more than once myself). ;) It's any kind of language that could be construed as a threat of violence. I (an avid pro-lifer) once landed in T. jail by mocking a Yahoo article that said those pesky anti-abortion peeps were responsible for prolonging the nationwide diaper shortage. (Not kidding.) I said something like (in quotation marks): "American mothers, save the diaper market and kill your babies." Of course, I meant it as a parody, but the Twitter admins don't do sarcasm or wit, so I was hauled to T. jail. So as long as you refrain from wording your tweets this way, you'll be safe. :D