I was reading through a conversation this evening from some folks who are clearly plugged into the DNC and passionate about the party. It was a buttoned-up political discussion about what the Democratic Party does after the 2024 loss; specifically, in the vein of leadership and figureheads. The post that initiated the discussion was about Tim Walz. The framing was him as a disastrous VP pick and there needed to be a postmortem on why so many got this so wrong. Interestingly, however, the more dominant theme in the discussion below the post was that Walz wasn’t necessarily that bad of a pick. That he was given a bad hand; forced to run an awful campaign; acted someone he wasn’t rather than the role he could have killed; many seem to still believe Tim was a strong pick. I noticed the theme of masculinity coming up numerous times. That word connotates something bigger now though, doesn’t it? We’re really talking about Queer+, Equity, FrankenFemme, the beloved Progress! Because that initiative (the whole damn thing) became synonymous with this one rigid ideological-set that was built by and for radical feminists. From the pure Equity stripes you see in the secular scriptures that took over academia, to the radical manifestos from the 60s and 70s such as the Combahee River Collective, it’s all been serving The Same Thing. It’s not about women, per se. The feminist movement simply provided a mainstream avenue (launching point) that the other tentacles (racial equity, gay liberation, etc) could not. Again though, it’s all driving The Same Thing.
Anyhow, I jumped in to point out that Walz is not representative of the typical American man. Said differently, the comment was made about Walz being someone “men aspire to”. I said point-blank that men do not aspire to be someone like Tim. Quite the contrary, he lands on me as artificial and very bitched by his wife with maybe some strange elements to his past. He’s quite counter to what most men I know aspire to. I said we don’t aspire to be one like Doug or Barack either. Of course, these blasphemous remarks ruffled some feathers. How dare you say men wouldn’t aspire to be Barack Obama! But it’s true. Objectively now. He may have been back when he was a different man (although I personally think he has always been fake, a ruse), but the modern incarnation no longer fits within the textbook American male. He pushes The Same radical dogma and then goes way beyond that to say the only reason men don’t support everything-Progress is because we’re misogynists. It’s just bare Hatecraft and it doesn’t have value anymore; yet, the whole Progress agenda rides on it. It’s not different than saying we don’t want “<Whatever the hell you’ve commanded>” because we’re racist and white supremacists. It’s just dumb. The idea this is THE selling-point for a major political party is dumbfounding. But see, we just crossed over from Walz to Barack there, didn’t we? Yeah, of course we did, because it’s all become part of the same assembly-line Progress blob. It is uniform in thought and homogenous as could be. It’s just all academic and ideological, mostly fringe-types and those from broken homes, rather than the rigid immutable-based labeling they try and force. The fact it is sold as “Diversity” is as Twilight Zone as “saving Democracy”. Let me get to the title of this piece…
What I was struck by is the entire discussion was once again devoid of policy. It was once again missing the important discussion. It’s not because Tim sucked that the DNC got wiped out. It’s not because Kamala was so singularly bad (although she was). It’s not because they didn’t have this year’s Mayor Pete. Or that Gavin would have fared better. It’s not a freakin WWE match! It doesn’t matter what song you walk your guy out to or what costume they’re donning. Nobody cares about the political cosplay anymore. The sole selling point has been some form of Hatecraft, some version of “We are The Moral and they are The Monsters”, with increasingly no basis whatsoever while dodging so many inconvenient truths showing the world is caving in. Being on Team Progress right now must feel like being in a trash compactor. The thrusts are directed everywhere but where they need to be (internal) even in these postmortem discussions. In fact, that’s where it pops so strikingly. The only people who were using words like “Equity” and “feminism” and “capture” were the not-Progress-types who were there to give Team Blue shit. The complete deafness to what actually caused this all was jaw-dropping within the ranks of those who care about the party. The American people have rejected this agenda, this initiative, this anti-American reformation crusade in the name of Equity. And it’s like no one in the room of the people driving that ship wants to talk about it.
Just today, I read an article from CNN about potential candidates for the upcoming DNC chair. The whole article was a really thorough breakdown of this handful of candidates (I didn’t recognize more than one or two - probably a wise direction for the DNC) and why they are good for winning, their weakness spots for winning, how much support they have, how they present, their financial backing. Me me me! There wasn’t a single word in the entire piece about moving away from the policy pursuits. There isn’t even any mention of them! No actual basis for the wipe-out; no conceptualizing of what the manic pursuit of Equity has become at all. It wasn’t a bad performance from some DNC star that you just might land better next time around. Or maybe another hole you can fill with a celebrity. It’s as if they want their reader to just be brainwashed and laser-locked on the next round of Dungeons & Democracy, political theater. And yes, that’s precisely what this orchestrated moral-panic is designed to do. The whole Brat, Weird, Joy campaign last year was eerie AF. It was that term Mass Formation Psychosis playing out in Final Boss-level fashion. NOTHING mattered to the brainwashed Progress troop by then. But “by then” is really doing some stretching there as Scam Harris was running that same mantra last cycle. Those who get paid to protect truth for us were openly saying it doesn’t matter anymore as long as their Progress ways sail through. Scary. So how does the DNC get out of this nosedive before they go full Thelma & Louise?
Well, I don’t think they will. I think the entire Progress framework IS going to go full Thelma & Louise off the cliff (and that image is hilariously ironic now). If you look at any and every Progress activism tentacle, it is all rabid with The Same ideology. The best term for it is probably “decolonizing” (which was celebrated openly across our campuses and especially our Ivies until just a couple years ago and in many places still very much is), but I’ll stick with my own labels above. We all know what we’re talking about and I’m now rather certain it is legitimate communism, just in a form that matches our global Techtopia environment. This has nothing to do with the proletariat. The working-class in America is being smothered while Queer+ zealots march in parades for Lockheed-Martin. The reason I don’t see the party getting away even if the base finally has the wherewithal and the intention is how deeply set in it is within the non-profit and NGO framework now. Of course, to me that is part of the capture (The Long March). They built the framing! That governing machina outside of the electorate was to merge with the “expert-class” and control everything. We saw how this encroached on the private sphere with ESG. But now those organizations and tentacles are radioactive. The generations of D-Equity-I degrees and created credentials aren't going to have value in America 2.0. The other way; sane employers and community leaders will run from and isolate then. Where does that leave Team Progress? It truly seems like an all eggs in the basket situation. Shoved every chip in on this moralizing coercive approach and lost.
I don’t see the populist energy waning. I think we’re just getting started. The DNC will have to move away from this agenda or never be relevant again. I’m serious. To see it clearly, focus back on men and Obama. They rolled Barack around to call us names because the consulting-class is still convinced they can just scream identity categories and people are required to vote for them. The way the DNC is using the black community specifically is just vile! This FrankenFemme ideology and Equity crusade has devastated fatherhood in that demographic, and the notion people are required to continue advancing it because of the color of their skin is the epitome of racism. This is why the illustrious leaders of this movement are all Queer+ zealots. The founders of BLM were Marxist lesbians, for heaven’s sake. We saw this energy roaring back now that communication nodes aren’t muffled. Black men posting videos absolutely trashing Barack and his FrankenFemme bullshit. Men bolted on Progress in epic fashion last cycle, largely as a result of this still-forming tidal wave. That will continue as long as the party’s only energy is female and gay. The Patriarchy has been smashed until brains fell out over there. I understand it is like gospel to those bought in, but this is the whole point. People like me never bought in to begin with and we’re surely not clinging onto a dying ship in 2025. I mock the entire mentality, if we’re being candid here. But this isn’t about me. The DNC and entire Progress world got (self-)consumed in a zeal fueled by a sense of moral-superiority, Hatecraft, and then the ability to weaponize empathy using institutional capture. Whether your flavor was racism and white supremacy, feminism and Smash The Patriarchy, transphobia and gender insanity, science-denying and climate zealotry, The Science and needle-mask mania, or MAGA and saving democracy, every single person involved in this became lost to some level in some flavor of that mania. And it was blinding; it was built to be. Enter: Donald Trump (TDS). Nothing mattered but eliminating The Great Threat. Only then could we talk about… anything else. Which means everything important to me and tens of millions like me. This was Orwell playing out in front of us all. Playing out globally, really. I’ve written this line dozens of times on X: We are living through something historic. The decades of capture all came together and was supposed to crest all for good. But it didn’t; it failed because America is made of and defended by lions. Now the institutional capture and obsession with credentials and gatekeeping, which was once the core of DNC and Progress strength, has become the movement’s own sarcophagus.
I say that because I just don’t see how you get away from this trajectory. I’ve tried to write about this notion before. If you genuinely believed in the doctrine of “anti-racism”, then can you just let our nation be taken by white supremacists? If you’re one of the many who were tragically raised on radical feminist gospel, can you accept that life itself is returning to the ways of Patriarchy? How can one accept that disinformation is ok and democracy is over? We’re supposed to relent to fascism?!?
Everyone sees the problem here, right? I sure hope so. I could have done that same run in 4 or 5 more directions. It’s every direction. The question is, what’s the off-ramp? I again go back to how this assembly-line ideology went after men (“decolonizing masculinity”) and how that ideological assault is over now in effectiveness. Men like me stood up to it and said enough is enough! The same now applies to Queer+ insanity and gender spirits, or “anti-racism” and shaming or history, or anti-law enforcement and radicalizing youth while villainizing critical institutions, transforming all of society to save the Earth but it's always connected to a FrankenFemme dream in execution, NASA and FEMA are Queer! Our people aren’t cowering in the face of Hatecraft anymore, and that is necessary for the Progress agenda to run. It’s over, we crested, I promise. In addition, the devastation of this fire in California and the specific region it hit might really shake up our country; shake people out of an all-consuming zone they’ve been lost in. Things in Progressland are broken. Objectively. I just don’t have a clue what this means for the tens of millions who have built around this all so intensely. For the many “refusing to allow the first crack” mentally for so long who now won’t have a choice. The DNC captured institutions so completely (including media which mucked everything up) that the death rattles are going to be brutal. Sadly, they’ll be brutal for us all.
Somebody’s achievements may be laudable, but that doesn’t mean they are worthy of emulation.