Whoa! What's this? Dr. Offit, Time Magazine and Yahoo change course on "boosters for all!"
Are we on the cusp of actually talking about science instead of The Science again?
I won’t lie, I was pretty shocked to see this…
Now, boosting everyone with an Omicron shot is “trying to prevent, in otherwise healthy people, mild illness for a few months,” says Offit, until the next variant comes along to replace it. “That doesn’t make sense.”
It was reasonable to think that a bivalent booster targeting BA.4/5 would produce more robust levels of antibodies against BA.4/5, but it turns out that’s not necessarily the case, and that the protection is only slightly better when compared to the original booster. “[The bivalent booster] was sold as better, and better at preventing mild disease and transmission,” says Offit, “when there was no evidence for that.”
Well, hello, Sanity! Nice to see you again. You have been sorely missed.
Did you pick up on the reference to Original Antigenic Sin in there? How bout that!
Here is the paper from Dr. Offit published in NEJM today…
I’m thinking Dr. Offit needs to speak with some college deans… STAT!

. . .
Good place to drop this one again…
The scenario in the thread is almost exactly my family's situation. We all got Covid pre-vaxx, with teen sons who are fit and we saw the possible myocarditis signal. Why get the vaxx? The only reason is because schools, colleges, sports teams, musical groups, etc were requiring it. So, two smart kids are not going to attend colleges that do not understand science or relative risk. They have beclowned themselves: MIT, Stanford, the entire UC system and most of the Ivies. All for $$$.
I have lost all respect for those "elite" institutions.
And around us are all of the people who aren't even aware of the issue because they dutifully vaxxed their teens and grade school kids and they trust the MSM. I hate to see how this is going to play out.
Many people I care about fell for the full court press of advertising and pressure campaign. The fact that there are still ads running on main stream media for the vaxx is appalling.