You should take the family to see the Huntsville Space & Rocket Center.

Ironic that the Romans considered Christianity a feminist religion.

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He told me the other day he doesn't want to be as astronaut anymore. I said, "Well, maybe I need to take you back to KSC". He said "No, I don't want to". Indoctrination doesn't always hold! Lol

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Only place in the world you can stand next to a space shuttle, a stealth plane, and a Saturn V moon rocket.

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*adds to future RV tour circuit*

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May 17Liked by Theo Jordan

Ha ha, a smart free bird kid, just like his dad.

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I think you’re getting to the heart of the matter. One thought that struck me hard the first time I read “Inclusion” in this piece…I think it’s the Hatecraft substitute for Catholic (Universal). That beautiful faith you so appreciate, that is a part of how you as a father are forming your kids, was meant for everyone from its inception.

What must Hatecraft destroy? Love. Love of family, love of country, love of God, love of our fellows.

If you haven’t already, you might enjoy reading St. Augustine’s Confessions. I think it includes a discussion on the “what is evil?” that might be helpful to chew on as you explore this topic.

So glad your piece hit my inbox just as I was looking for something to read before sleep. I really enjoyed it.

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What wonderful feedback! Ty

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Well said, Theo

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Great post Theo.

One has to ask, if paying attention, why such ardent and overt attacks on all things God or even a God centered faith, is the crux of the all leftists movements?

The answer of course is, this is evil - that declaration always trigger the leftist/secularists - and it's building capture of the masses. It's masked by human rationalizations and mockery, but it can't help but reach a point where it steps boldly and defiantly out of the shadows and onto the stage, to declare it's presence and intents.

I made this comment on another post:

We all (to include seculars and agnostics) have heard the story of Sodom & Gamora. We know about the days leading up to their destruction, as well as the state of morality that necessitated their destruction. However, what we're not told of is the years, decades and possibly centuries of perversion, deviance, moral decay and evil that built over time and ultimately captured those two cities. Just as with our respective societies today, that capture didn't happen overnight. It was incremental, as all evil usually is,

I have little doubt that if we were able to travel back and see the entire history of those two cities, it would look much like our world today.

The equation isn't complicated when you have one side pushing perversion, murder, demonic iconography, anger, persecution and tyranny. Imagine the levels of evil it must take, to not only convince women to kill their own children in the womb for convenience, but to decide to push that psychopathy and then elevate it to international levels -calling it health rights.

Keep bringing the truth Theo!

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May 17Liked by Theo Jordan

Theo, I recently stumbled across your threads on X, and I am impressed by your reasoning and ability to write it in understandable prose. I am a little further along in my life's journey and expecting a first grandchild soon. I too am dismayed at what is happening and I feel that voices like yours are essential to turning things around and waking people up. Thank you, and I will be following along with your journey as I embark on the next stage of my own. Cheers!

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What a wonderful message to receive! Very meaningful. 🙏 Thank you.

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May 17Liked by Theo Jordan

This is one of the most brilliant, provocative, densely and convincingly argued essays ever on a worthy subject.

Beautiful!~but sad because of the church shattering, church demeaning Left's actions in every county, every state, in the entire country. In the entire West. What a counter balance; thank you for sending!~ Wow.

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Wow back to you, my friend! TY, your words here legitimately filled me up with energy. 🔥🚀

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May 17Liked by Theo Jordan

So happy to help!~~ha ha, but true.

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Dude just stop worrying about what other people are doing in their private lives and stop listening to right-wing hate media. Democrats don’t care what you do as long as you look out for your neighbor no matter who they are. As long as you don’t support corrupt liars who should be in prison or at least the dustbin of history — selfish convicted felons, adjudged rapists, fraudsters fined nearly a billion dollars for ripping off the rest of us and who have never done a good thing for anyone but who smile and tell weird stories while charming you out of your last dime. Facists whose daddy arrived in the country as a literal Nazi named Drumpf. Emotionally damaged, diaper-wearing — with all that implies — old men who committed grave crimes against the republic only to be shielded by equally corrupt right-wing courts.

We need to work together to stop the right-wing billionaires who lurk in the shadows spending money that shouldn’t be theirs to buy a political party and transform it into bootlickers who would sooner suck off Putin than tell the truth about the most trivial thing.

Your fellow Americans aren’t doing anything to you. But you want to terrorize them. All because you believe in lies that are meant to manipulate you — and doing a good job of it.

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You are this guy...


While accusing me of being manipulated by lies and propaganda. It's surreal. You should unplug the internet and not be trolling people under Substack articles. You've lost it, mate.

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