I had another one of those “puzzle coming together”-moments this morning. Or perhaps it’s better put as the sense of stars aligning in my life; a complex and exceedingly-loud puzzle I’ve given so much thought to, becoming something that is actually quite simple and serene. It’s fascinating how this understanding of the greater societal schemata is tracking simultaneously with this new personal fire I have burning inside. It’s not lost on me that I was only there again this morning because of personal decisions I have made. Personal sacrifices as well. The same reason most of my peers could not have been part of this gathering on Monday at 9:30am is the primary factor for why most of them have greater financial security at this stage in their lives. These roads of thought and analysis are all converging, as if one is driving the other. This vibe of doing what I’m meant to be doing continues to soar!
(Between the time I began this and sitting down now to finish it, what popped off? The graduation speech at Benedictine College, and now the furor that has formed around it. My goodness! That is the theme of the ending of this piece. Stars aligning.)
I was at my son’s school for their final ceremony where parents are invited before the year ends. For us, it is the final one before our time at that special little campus ends. For most of the very young kids gathered, it was an exciting time where mommy and daddy are right there and everyone is outside and singing and happy. For the adults gathered, however, the morning had much greater meaning. It was the Crowning of Mary. Sure, the children all sang the songs and recited the prayers; but at their age, I doubt there were many at all who understand the meaning underlying those words. And this lands at the title of this piece.
The whole event was just beautiful and happy. The people were happy; the kids were super happy; the priest was happy; the colors were happy; the weather was happy; good vibes abound! And yet, we weren’t there for just any reason. This wasn’t a pumpkin picking. There was something quite important going on; something that these children were an integral part of. No, they may not have understood the words they sung - and yes, chanted - but I know for certain they all mentally danced in that happy. I watched it. We all did. Photos and smiles galore as well. And are they each ultimately influenced by that which surrounds them on a day like this? You bet! Imagine the cumulative effect when they spend 100+ days like that every year of their childhood. You can pretty much do this in any direction or flavor you want. Children are like a sponge! Most American children legitimately believe in the existence of Santa Claus, don’t they? Eventually, the logical fallacies overwhelm and they realize this one chubby man couldn’t possibly get down that many chimneys in a night… or that most kids no longer have them. But in those initial (life-forming) years, their minds aren’t capable of this logical analysis. No, their minds aren’t interested. Let’s put cookies and milk on the table and go sprinkle reindeer food outside!
I took the same child from this morning on a tour of Kennedy Space Center once. He must have been maybe late 3 or so. We’re talking one trip, one ticket, 4 or 5 hours of total time. This single afternoon changed his life. The kid was blown away by what he saw! The rockets and the boosters and the astronauts and the mysteries and adventures of space. You could see the wonder of it all on his face by day’s end. He bought a rocket and it became his side-kick toy. He drew them and talked about them, themed his next birthday around space, wore NASA tees and became our little rocket-man. One afternoon. I could have imbibed his mind with anything I wanted, really. It’s quite possible those seeds would have grown just as robustly in his mind… and become so influential in his life. What if he one day becomes an astronaut? That will be the origin story. Let’s return to this morning…
Sitting there was once again an almost overwhelming experience for me. It was another of those moments that fueled my own mind with rocket-fuel and told me I’m supposed to be letting it run in these directions. It was the same puzzle I write about all the time, once again being reaffirmed in the blood and flesh right in front of me. The vibe and beauty and serenity within this moment rang a lot like those bells two weeks ago.
Of course it did; that happened on a similar morning right down the block. These moments aren’t anomalies, they are reflections. The note I’m on right now is dead-center to so much I write about. What do we champion, what do we model? What do we preserve and enshrine? What do we seek to disrupt and dismantle and rebuild? Most importantly, why? Who stands to gain and who is clearly losing?
We’re always hearing the term “Christian Nationalism” in our current societal discourse. I personally believe it is yet another cog of Truman Show Hatecraft, but that’s not my point right now. If you view (as I do) the creation of this new D-Equity-I energy in our country as a dismantling engine/attack against American pillars and institutions which are largely represented by (because they were built on) traditional Christian values, it’s quite logical to see why a pulling back of this disruptive attack would be labeled as Christian abhorrence (Hatecraft). Defending the very values which Christian doctrine is built on becomes negative: “reactionary”. It’s the classic Alinsky-style attack; same way “fascist” is used by those who merged the private sphere with the public sector to serve one political party, or how “Our Democracy” now means supporting agenda designed to subvert the protections of our Constitution. By claiming the ground sought to defend, they make defending it almost impossible - it becomes difficult to even discuss or scrutinize. Of course, that’s the point. “Repressive Tolerance”
The central theme to this “Christian Nationalism” painting is that its doctrine is submissive (oppressive) to women. Now, the term “nationalism” inherently requires an intent to govern/mandate onto others. That’s where most of this fails, but it’s not the note I’m on now. The manner of Hatecraft here is that the arena of the church is one of male dominance, therefore female submission. It then feeds further into disliking, eventually Moral Hating, the very tenets of this structure. That of course being mother as nurturer, pregnancy, eventually stay at home moms as oppression and the “bindings of child raising”. It’s a direct radicalization against all of this fundamentally by those who either don’t feel part of it, don’t want to be part of it, or somehow have been rejected by it. This is what led to the creation of the Queer+ Church and Pastors With Pronouns. Why those “Inclusive” churches won’t even say “He is risen” or “His spirit”, but instead use “Their spirit” or in some cases even “She”. It presents straight out of The Twilight Zone; but again, it’s really quite an obvious setup and attack when you get what it’s ultimately rebelling against and trying to dismantle (and usurp). It’s the textbook attack of “Smash The Patriarchy”. Let’s return back to that beautiful prayer garden…
As the sun shone and this gorgeous scene was winding down, the priest spoke and then the most adorable little girl picked up a crown of flowers, this precious boy took her arm, and they walked over to a shrine of Mother Mary and placed it on her head. As she came back down from the statue, he held her arm once more like a gentleman. A little knight in training. Everyone was dolled by the scene and the children gathered for one last song. These were the words which filled the courtyard, the garden of Mary…
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you,
Blessed are you among women, and
Blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now,
And at the hour of our death, Amen.
Gentle woman, quiet light, morning star
so strong and bright,
gentle mother, peaceful dove,
teach us wisdom; teach us love.
You were chosen by the Father,
You were chosen for the Son,
You were chosen from all women,
and for woman shining one.
Blessed are you among women
Blessed in turn all women too
Blessed they with peaceful spirits
Blessed they with gentle hearts.
What are those children being indoctrinated with? And I have no qualms using that word here. It applies. Return to the context at hand re male/female and see how those phrases above fit into it. As those verses poured over me, I was looking back and forth between the beautiful face of my angel of a boy singing to my right and this face to my left…
What was he bathing in? What was being poured over him at that moment? Was it hateful and cruel language intended to demean women and make them lesser? Is my son being indoctrinated right there in front of his classroom to want to keep women down and Smash them up with some Patriarchy? You tell me…
“Holy Mary, Mother of God. Gentle woman, quiet light, morning star so strong and bright. Gentle mother, peaceful dove, teach us wisdom; teach us love. Blessed are you among women. Blessed in turn all women too.”
Blessed in turn all women too. It sounds like they are worshipping women. And yes, that’s exactly what my son was doing on Monday morning. Literally. This was the Crowning of Mary. We had gathered to celebrate the magnificence of women. That was the theme of this gathering: let’s surround and pray to a statue of the Holy Mother, crown her with flowers, adore her, and share words of love about how special women are and how much we adore them like we do Mary. In what bizarre 2 + 2 = 5 “My Truth!” world exactly does that all slap together into “OMG, Christians hate women!”? How insane has a people been driven with propaganda for that to even make enough sense to speak? But not all people.
I wanted to take this in a few more directions, but it’s gotten long. I set up that Kennedy Space Center story to contrast it with what pronoun charts with ze/zir/zim can do to an elementary-age child and why parents like me are so passionately against what is going on within education in the names of dogmatic nonsense I don’t support like D-Equity-I, “Pride”, Queer+, gender spirits, etc. The same way he was influenced by rockets, children can be influenced by pansexual or being told they can throw on an entirely new identity everyone around them will celebrate them for. It’s a direct analogy. It’s The Chessboard again. Who is it who worships in the Inclusive Church with they/them pastors? The same people I just described who rebel against our majority ways. Winner-winner! “Critical Christ Theory”. Exact same attack, just in a different flavor.
Once we frame this as it should have always been framed, the madness will largely subside. And that’s because this tyranny of the minority in the name of “Equity” and “Inclusion” is fundamentally wrong. And when you closely examine its roots and its objectives, you realize it was always built to land on the Queer+ Church. It was meant to function as a contrast to the fundamental principles of a majority of our people much like “cisgender” was to permanently disrupt the gender binary. “Dismantle”. Why do you think we now have devil nuns celebrated as “Pride Night” in Dodgers Stadium even after a public outcry? No, most Americans aren’t interested in the Queer+ Church. Most have their own already.
All of our children are being indoctrinated one way or another. That’s pretty much what raising kids is when you boil it down. You’re simply choosing what to instill in them and what to keep away. Whose job is this? Their mom and dad’s. Period; always; end of discussion. But I’ve landed right on the crux of our societal eruption, haven’t I? “Republicans pounce on parental rights, putting children in danger!”
Welcome to Queer+ revolution. There is no chance in hell I’m allowing my children to be indoctrinated by the state with this dogmatic FrankenFemme-inspired nonsense. At their core, all these “Equity” initiatives boil down to redistribution for The Collective; yet, for dogmatic principles of “Moral Discrimination”. It’s wild! And it’s overly anti-American. It’s overtly communist in design and function. I don’t know how exactly we allowed this capture to progress so far. I’ve been sharing a lot of thoughts about that, both from the academic and cultural channels of attack. Somehow the communist fist is trendy, we can put demons on courthouses and newly-created Equity spirits in classrooms, but anything and everything Jesus and God is verboten… in a majority Christian nation. It couldn’t be more obvious what the grand design of this all is. It’s the same reason Team Equity hasn’t yet addressed the Cass Review or the horrors revealed from inside WPATH. They know what that will do to the indoctrination they so desperately need…
To button this up, I want to end with one last thought about the events that unfolded these past few days. The speaker at Benedictine College, while granted he intentionally deployed some firebrand language, was ultimately a Catholic speaking to a Catholic student-body at a devoutly Catholic institution (go read its mission statement). I fully understand that many Americans don’t like the principles and values he is espousing and thinks people are better off living other ways. Ok, cool. YOU are most welcome to live that other way. In fact, muster up enough numbers, and you can even make a whole school built to model and champion that way of living and - wait for it - indoctrinate future generations with the same via the school’s teachings. But that’s not what Benedictine is. In fact, they are the polar-opposite, the beautiful scene I just described above. They specifically want to instill the Catholic fundamentals into their student body. That is a central mission of this school. Your thrust here is that this speech defiles (and I assume harms) women? No, it’s the same scripture that worships the magnificence of women and teaches our men to take care of them and raise them on a pedestal and protect them. YOU just don’t like how we operate and what we prioritize… which is really weird, because I can’t figure out what there ISN’T to like in that beautiful prayer garden I witnessed. Truman Show superstar Alyssa Milano would have no trouble problematizing it, however. ✊️🌊
You’ll have a real tough time convincing anyone who was in attendance Monday that the Crowning of Mary was all about defiling and subjugating our women. I’m certain you’d be all 2+2=5 upside down there, as that ceremony was one elevating and enshrining women. It’s hoisting them up onto a pedestal not even men can attain. I don't have nearly the natural compunction to protect a fellow man that I do when I see a struggling woman. That feels like a duty to me. Always has; it was instilled into me during my upbringing/my indoctrination. You see, there are just some on the fringe who can’t stand the view from up on that common pedestal. Alyssa hates it! She pays for servants to take care of her instead and posts about how that's Girl Power. Of course, very few women dine on caviar at will and struggle to choose between Fendi and Gucci while being photographed all the time. How did we get to a point we thought a narcissist like Alyssa speaks for Jane America? She speaks for Hollywood, a world of empty plastic that is crumbling all over its fancy facades.
At a time when this scene of intentional debauchery below can unfold in one of the most holy buildings in America (St. Patrick’s cathedral in NYC), the notion the man at Benedictine would be called for silencing and firing is insane! It reveals the level of capture we are under and crisis we face. This is a video clip of the Queer+ brigade slandering Mother Mary and using words like “whore” and “Queen of Whores” up at the altar. You would think something like this would snap everyone out of it. Instead, it appears people want Christian-speak banished entirely. I bet I know who those people are.
It’s not hard to see what we’re grappling with in society right now. I need to spend some time drilling into its two-prong attack. How on one hand, we’re in a period of over-correction to Christian dominance. Go from the 50’s to now, it’s easy to see. NYC used to put crosses in its skyscraper lights on Easter. Now Google runs a rare blank day for Easter with no Doodle at all. But on the other hand, there is a greater beast of capture under this all. It is the true heart of D-Equity-I, the dismantling engine. That’s communism, baby! Global communism, from our world’s most elite. The very same people driving all this depopulation and Climate Quixote agenda. They wrap it all up in fancy terms, but it’s riding this perpetual activism to greater and greater control and capture by the day. Everything I’ve written about here is central to that. We see this same struggle across the west. “Disrupt the nuclear family”. “Spark large-scale social change via sexual education”. The words are ringing the same, because the end-game goal is clear to so many.
Indoctrination. State-commanded.
I think you’re getting to the heart of the matter. One thought that struck me hard the first time I read “Inclusion” in this piece…I think it’s the Hatecraft substitute for Catholic (Universal). That beautiful faith you so appreciate, that is a part of how you as a father are forming your kids, was meant for everyone from its inception.
What must Hatecraft destroy? Love. Love of family, love of country, love of God, love of our fellows.
If you haven’t already, you might enjoy reading St. Augustine’s Confessions. I think it includes a discussion on the “what is evil?” that might be helpful to chew on as you explore this topic.
So glad your piece hit my inbox just as I was looking for something to read before sleep. I really enjoyed it.
Well said, Theo