I wrote this thread below just four days ago. I was sharing some plans/changes in online approach for 2023 I had contemplated over Christmas.

Ironically, I said I was thinking about turning my Substack private and moving more personal/intimate writings here, while using Twitter to highlight and analyze daily events. But then this happened (click pic for write-up about it)…
Needless to say, this changes everything. I don’t plan on deleting that tweet. Not only out of principle (although that too) but I simply don't see the point. If I were to delete that one post (which is a reply under a long thread of mine on the same topic) am I then to be forced to delete the entire thread above it? I can’t see why not as the exact same logic applies. I believe I would absolutely be forced to the moment another one of these petulant brats reports it. And I’m not willing to do that. I will continue discussing the importance of defending and maintaining the reality of gender dysphoria over the academic sophistry and spectre of gender theory. Clearly, the ideologues who govern this system are not willing to allow reality to be talked about there. No no, we all must bend the knee to thier coveted leftist scripture; we all must genuflect to The Human Rights God. Fuck that! Not me. And so it looks like my days on Twitter are done. I wrote more about this last night in the below “Gender rant".
And honestly, I think I’m ok with that. This entire process for me since I entered the social-media fray in November of 2020 has all felt really “meant to be”. Like events were happening on a schedule I was meant to be following. Strange thoughts for an atheist, I know, but I mean them my own way and likely not the same way many other minds process those words. Things have clicked; it’s been inspirational and driving for me, like a gas line fueling the mental engine; I've felt the impact of my efforts; I’ve grown to feel like I'm doing what I’m meant to be doing right now.
But over December, I started to really contemplate change. To put it bluntly, I felt like it was time to shit or get off the pot. I have a mind on constant overdrive paired with a highly-addictive personality. It’s a powerful cocktail that serves me well at times, but it’s not a machine I have much control over. Just like I could never maintain being a moderate drinker and had to forego alcohol entirely, I don’t think there is such thing as Theo Jordan, the moderate tweeter. I’m a balls to the wall kind of guy! And I started really thinking about this all last month. Am I going to do something with this energy I’ve built? If not, then perhaps I need to reevaluate what I’m doing with all this invested time and effort. It felt worth it then and it still does today, but I had begun to feel oversaturated on Twitter. My gut was telling me it was time to change the angle of my approach. This is largely why I took the step of bridging over to voice last month… and the fact I was downright honored to receive an invite from Benjamin Boyce.
I really enjoyed being on Calmversations. Benjamin is a gem! We barely know each other and yet it felt like spending two hours chatting with an old friend. The experience lit me up! Created a new energy inside that is yearning to come out. Over the next few weeks is when I started contemplating changing my virutal ways. It was time… and then the woke Twitter Gods pushed me out of the airplane and made the final decision for me.
So what does this all mean, what are my plans moving forward? Well, I’m going to focus my efforts in two directions now. First, I'm going to really ramp this place up. I plan on not only writing long-form here (the reason I created this account) but also to use it as a quasi-Twitter. I will make short posts here daily highlighting stories I come across that I feel are important to share. They likely won’t have much commentary, more like single tweets. When I do that, I won’t have it blast out by email as to not annoy inboxes. I’ll only email blast my longer writings. Obviously, my posts here won’t have nearly the reach that my words on Twitter did. But that’s ok; that’s inherent to this process of change/evolution. Perhaps in time, enough eyes will be drawn here that I can continue making an impact with my written words.
Secondly, I have some voice projects in my head I plan on playing around with. I’d like to create some short impact-clips on COVID topics where I walk through the analysis with voice while displaying the receipts below. Kind of a narrated form of some of my old and important COVID threads. See if short audio/video clips can reach people my long threads were not. And I’d like to continue having some public conversations on the topics I find so important right now. I’d really like to discuss this gender front with Josh Slocum and hope to do that one day soon.
Perhaps Twitter zapped me when I was meant to be zapped. Perhaps this is my path carving itself in front of me. It truly feels that way right now. And if my new efforts go nowhere? Well, I could always delete that tweet and eventually return to the Bird… or perhaps I wipe my hands, consider it a worthwhile effort and endeavor, and go back to my social-media-free former life. Only time will tell.
The silver lining for me here is I have nothing to lose and don’t have to cross that bridge yet. I’ll see where these next few weeks take me. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Don’t leave Twitter, Theo! I follow your substack yet Twitter gives you visibility for many, many people who haven’t had an opportunity to find you. I found you there after C19 madness when you were discussing The Truman Show. I liked the thesis but was unsure about the extent so I tested it myself and began viewing all the news I took in through that lens and found it a solid thought. Now TwitterFiles have proven your thesis to even the most jaded view of it. I’ll still be here on your substack but I’ll continue to push for your return to Twitter.
Sorry to hear that the Twitter connection will be severed. All of us have our lines in the sand, so I do respect where you are coming from.
Still...Twitter does have its uses. The problem I see is that we are all working within the framework of the Truman show, whether we like it or not. The downside to shutting down the Twitter account is that it will be another avenue cut off that the public can find a way to discover the work you've put in to show concise analysis of the current malaise of the state of affairs.
Good luck on the new endeavors, and I hope that 2023 is the breakout year. I look forward to seeing more of your thoughts and perspectives.